Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Linda, OH's treatment is being treated as urgent. The consultant surgeon was introduced to OH as a surgeon, who can perform this new operation, but it will be a first for EG hospital.  He didn't let OH's papers return to the appointments desk, as he wanted to deal with OH's appointment himself. It won't be in the next couple of weeks though. OH has to put four drops in his eyes, twice a day, at the moment and the surgeon says that if that continues, they will, in time, damage his corneas. The plan is to have laser surgery on the trabecular mesh , which should make up for the drop in efficiency of the old trabeculectomy operation.  (2011)  The surgeon sounded very confident. 

    Heather, Thank you.

  • A massive heap of stuff ready for the Highland Hospice Shop. Step daughter in law is trying to persuade me to take some of the 'better' stuff to a shop that will try and sell it, take 50% and if not, gives it back. I really do not want to go to all the bother, they may reject it and even if they take it, that money was spent many years ago.

  • Hello – Tuesday, with cloud and raindrops and worse to follow!  Yesterday was really spring-like – a chilly base temperature but warm in the sunshine and we were both able to do hoeing and tidying outside as well as some planting jobs in the greenhouse.  OH had fetched my new printer and mouse in the morning, so we were installing them in the evening – all up and running.  A slow, pottering morning, including man to fit new blind in shower room – and another in the wetroom as I ever liked the colour of the one in there.  OH now outside to wash empty plantpots from some casualties as well from as transplanted fuchsias etc, so I am having a catch-up before making cauliflower cheese to go with our fish tonight.

    Heather – we have eaten so many Raspberries this winter – and they have been very good (although I do prefer them from Angus!).  We just had some at lunch, mixed with some leftover tinned mango and a few grapes – OH had yoghourt with his, I just ate the fruit.  Shower that wouldn’t turn off?  Sounds expensive!  I am like you with recycling stuff – get it out of the way in one fell swoop rather than cart it around to try to make a few pounds!

    AQ – pleased you are feeling better, and the weather cooler.  You haven’t mentioned Miss 4 so much – I hope that means she has settled well at kindergarten.

    Linda – I think Amelia is such a pretty name – as well as the long-deceased aunt, we have a young missionary contact called Amelia.  Sorry to see Bonnie is still trespassing – you’ll need your holiday to get away from her and sit back and take stock!

    Annette – hadn’t realised AZ trip is so soon!  Have a good one!  How long are you staying?  I hope you got the plumbing sorted and the laundry done.  Pleased Lightning is appearing better!

    Lynette – no need to apologise for Ospreys on this thread – it was they who started it all!

    Brenda – pleased the surgeon came up with a plan for your OH’s sight; sounds amazingly technological, so much they can do these days.

    Now time for a drink, and I expect OH will come in with cold hands and need his mug of hot chocolate!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  What with all the planning for trip and plumbing issues (the latter now fixed) I completely forgot to mention that today is my first Whale Count day of the season. I'm doing up some food for OH while I'm away, then off to the Count!  Probably won't see anything today, but it's so nice to be back in that routine. :-))

    Margo: Sending lots of good thoughts your way today.

    Brenda: Sorry to hear that your OH's problem requires more surgery; still, they're refining this kind of op all the time it seems.  Not something we want on our list of things to do though...

    Heather:  I also have a pile (actually several small piles in various locations) destined for the thrift shops.  I sold a couple of things through a consignment store once; the few dollars I received were a nice treat, but really just enough to buy lunch somewhere.

    OG: Your house sounds like a veritable hive of activity!  I'll be staying in AZ through the weekend; back next Monday or Tuesday depending (on what I'm not sure).  The hotel folks (I switched to one with fewer reviews complaining about thin walls) have assured me they keep a tight lid on sports teams and anyway, they'll all be gone Friday. Phew!  Started the laundry while cooking dinner last night (all late thanks to plumber, who says he could work until past nine he's so busy) and ironing is on the list today.

    Must have a chat with the crows.  I've seen them pecking at the oranges that have fallen off the tree (most of which are split open due to the drought), but OH informed that three crows were in the small tangerine tree yesterday pecking at a perfectly good tangerine.  That prompted an immediate harvest, except for the one they'd already sampled. I told him one day we're liable to walk in and find them with their noses in the refrigerator.

    Off to get sorted.

  • Margo spent from 9.30am to about 4.30pm at the hospital, today. Both transfusions were completed, but she is so very tired.

  • BRENDA/MARGO - hope that in a couple of days, MARGO will feel stronger x

  • Thanks for news of dear Margo, Brenda. As Heather says, hopefully Margo will feel stronger once the treatment takes effect.

  • Thanks, BRENDA, for news from MARGO.  I hope they managed to keep her warmer this time, during such a long visit.  I hope she will soon pick up some energy from the transfusions, and that the effect will last longer this time!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG, She did mention that the treatment room became so hot that they had to open a window !!!

  • BRENDA - oh dear!  About three transfusions ago, she said it was such a cold room that they couldn't get her warm and she was still feeling cold when she went home!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!