Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Good morning.  Found a red envelope on my keyboard this morning, so warned OH of the coming “Bah, humbug” before I opened it!  At least it had Owls on it, and I did say “Thank you”!

    Wendy – I envy you the winter walk, but not the coldness of it!  Pleased you have plenty of logs in.  Another bright (and forecast dry) day today.  To me, shoes are something to order when the old ones wear out, not something to go and look at, but glad you found some you like!

    Diane – thanks for starting us off again!  Funny about mice – my computer mouse has been really dodgy lately (this was actually OH’s as I had already condemned mine of the same age) and last night it was driving us crazy trying to navigate through the photo archive, so OH has ordered a new one to collect along with my new printer tomorrow.  Currently using the old one which I keep with the portable.  Take care with the Sunday snowfall; I hope it really will warm up quickly on Monday!

    Annette – deleted many excess birdies from photo archive – as OH remarked, a good thing we went digital: it does mean we can take twenty or more to get one good one!  Pleased there are motel options for your trip to AZ!

    Linda – good morning – hope you also have this sunshine!  Who is that lovely dog?

    Heather – I suppose snow is quite magical for children (so long as no-one needs to travel anywhere) – I can remember playing out in snow until my fingers went numb when I was about 4 years old – soon learnt it’s best avoided, although I did allow my kids to find out for themselves!  We fitted a kickboard heater in the kitchen two winters ago (its central heating radiator is a bit hidden on the way into the dining room) when we finally admitted to regretting losing the one we had at our previous house ten years before!  We don’t use it a lot, but it’s good for the feet when the back door has been opened!

    Now a quick hose down and into the garden - but mustn't forget to cook lunch for when J gats home from his church!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Woke up to a winter land here... Pretty but boring. I will walk Daisy whilst OH clears drive as we might all go out later. Daisy loves a ride in the car and not always keen to get out as with her duvet in the back she does comfy well.

    There is a saying if you have a quiet Bull Terrier be afraid very afraid and it's so true. After many months of no baby gates herself decided to sneek off and play trampolines.

    Our cottage is easy to keep warm as its open plan so wood burner when up to its optimum best eases warmth into every corner.

    Daisy is a walking Valentines card as she has a Brindle heart on tummy:-)

    Everyone have a good day.

  • Good Afternoon Everyone. Still raining here. We have sleet at the moment. The wind is bitterly cold. Forecast to dry up later today.
    We went to Waitrose straight from church this morning, as I had forgotten to buy some items and we have rather a busy week ahead, starting with OH's eye appointment tomorrow. It takes about an hour and twenty mins. to drive there, on a good day.  

    Diane, Thanks for starting the week. I have been  keeping an eye on your weather. you have been getting some extremely low temperatures. I do hope that it starts to warm up for you.

    Annette, Good Luck in your search for a more suitable hotel, which is nearby to your granddaughter. Schools are on half term around here, next week.

    Heather, The joy of playing in the snow, for your granddaughter. I am sure if I had grandchildren, I would still help to build a snowman and then moan about the cold on my return indoors. I have photographs of my mother, sledging with my children.
    What a long route for your son-in law to get to Paris, although as you say, he did have a more comfortable and cheaper flight.

    Linda, What a lovely pic. Very apt for today.

    OG, Well done to your husband for giving you a valentine card. I would guess that after all the Bah Humbugs, you were so pleased to receive one from him. 

    Wendy, Your home sounds so warm and cosy. Love to see Daisy trampolining. LOL

  • Have been out for a walk in the sunshine, but had to wrap up well as there is a biting cold wind. So it was hats and gloves, with a scarf around the neck, too. Bonnie enjoyed herself and tried to play with every dog we met, both large & small. She was the most excited when she spotted another Springer Spaniel -- and amazingly, she was so pleased that she jumped up, like a bouncing spring lamb! A real "Springer!" We saw a pair of Woodpeckers chasing each other from tree to tree, in a very Springlike way, too...... I tried to snap them, but they were too quick for me.

    The photo of the dog & dolphin were sent to me ages ago: it's been floating around on the Net for a long time, I think, so I've no idea where or when it was taken, but I felt it was appropriate for today.

  • Annette:  Amazingly, Amber is now 17 months old and growing fast. She is trying out all the baby gates, as she explores. 

  • A very lazy afternoon, OH watching a war film and I sat upstairs in a cosy corner, watching The Importance of Being Earnest with Judi Dench and Colin Firth. I still laugh even after so many viewings and remakes etc.

    DIANE - I think we should be telling you to stay warm, not the reverse! Can't imagine what -25c must feel like. But appreciate your kind thoughts for us.

    BRENDA - I wondered also about the Frankfurt flight but SiL' s firm always ask him to book the cheapest flight. He enjoyed the posh lounges in the airports, sent pictures to his wife! That sort of thing doesn't happen to him very often. He'll come down to earth tonight in Calais as the same rule applies to hotels,lol.

    Have a nice evening/day everyone

  • Morning all: Very warm and very windy here today. September/October weather. :-((

    Will catch up later.

  • Heather:  I remember that as being a very good version of the play. Judi Dench always gives a masterclass.

    The babe has now been named, Annette: Guess what?? She is to be called Delilah Rose......    

    As the Mum already has a daughter (who is now 10) my OH pointed out that they will be "Millie and Dilly!!"

  • We have just enjoyed our special dinner - the lamb was very tender and the pud was like a chocolate brownie with choc mousse on top, and raspberry sauce on top of that, with tiny choc hearts on the very top.  Yummy, but glad it was only a slice!!