Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 January 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. Be sure to check back to see the photos Clare posted.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Roll on spring!!!

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  • I hope you enjoy

    Click on picture.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • I've spent a good few hours ironing and also going through clothes that I don't need or won't wear again. Took a step back and realised that all the outfits that I was reluctant to dispose of were either a. expensive or b. sentimental as in outfits worn for weddings of my children. Probably both in the case of some stuff. Nevertheless I am going to be strong :-) Have to be, I am running out of wardrobe space....

  • PS I realise that these are the items that most of us struggle with! What a laugh, though. I found a black velvet jacket. Very nice, I thought. Until I tried it on and realised that it had the sharp,wide shoulders as in Dynasty TV programme of years ago. Also found the bridesmaid dress from youngest daughter's wedding 12 years ago. I'm always saying that I'm not a hoarder. The evidence against that statement is stacking up.

  • Geez what a struggle to get on...

    Heather I was a hoarder as was my late OH life has moved on and it seems as I had so much to sort out I have gone the other way.

    When in doubt chuck it out...

  • Thanks, Diane, for starting the week with the lovely spring flowers.  Noticed yesterday, our Snowdrops are now blooming.

    We enjoyed the Burns Supper at the Old Toll Bar last evening - not totally formal, but they did have some real Burnsians taking part - I apologised that I had to leave before various recitations due to being quite tired, but we were of course there for the Address to the Haggis and the Selkirk Grace.  Haggis was served as a "wee plate" before a soup course (leek and tattie), then steak and ale pie with neeps and tatties, followed by cranachan and shortbread, with coffee and tablet to end.  I got through most of small portions until the end of the main course (no pud), but did also manage the tablet - which was a very good one, just the right texture.

    OH and I went to the URC again this morning; J slept late.

    Heather and Wendy - we seem to have a distinct dichotomy between hoarders and flingers on this thread!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG very springlike up here and still about 12...

    Windows cleaned and every item of Daisy's washed and aired ...

    Give it to the fingers!!!!

  • I haven’t melted, tho’ we had some horrid high temp with high humidity days last week. Weekend better (high 30s). Long day ahead, nanny duty includes minding kids while Dau at Physio. Hopefully twins will drop off to sleep driving home in car.

  • AQ - sorry to see Dau still needs physio - seems to have been going on a long long time.  Over here, they sign you off as fast as they can get you out the door!  I hope the girls will be good for you!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening all:

    Heather: I had a lovely black panne velvet mini dress decades ago that was so short it would barely qualify as a T-shirt these days!  

    OG: Sounds like a nice Burns Supper with a lot of rib-sticking yummies.

    AQ: Wishing you cooler temps and quiet kiddies!

    Had a very lazy day. It was quite warm, so I dragged out my zero-gravity recliner and spent a few hours napping and reading in the sunshine.  

    Have a good Monday everyone.

  • Good Morning.  There's a red sky outside my window which is like a painting on a gallery wall. At first it got redder and redder, then it began to fade to many shades of pink, making the puffy clouds look like folds of expensive silk.

    OG - Your Burns Night Supper sounds delish, although I would have passed on the haggis! 

    Annette - I too, had a special mini dress, it was made of shiny blue fabric with a high neckline which had fake jewels sewn onto it. I kept it for years afterwards, even though it wouldn't fit! But eventually it went to the charity shop, and it was so short I imagined it could have been worn as a top, with trousers!

    Going to attack the housework today, with a break mid morning to go to buy some seed potatoes for my OHs allotment: we might have a cuppa while out, but no cakes as we re watching our weight prior to going on our hols again at the end of Feb.