Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 January 2016


Last week's chat thread is here.

I saw R. T. Hawk on Thursday. It's been so cold here that I had to put the battery charger on my car for a long while. I went out as the sun was setting to remove it. R. T. screeched at me when I went out the front door. When I closed the car bonnet/hood, he screamed at me loudly and flew around his tree. I think he was telling me off for disturbing him when it was time to roost in his tree. He called more gently when I went indoors. :-)))

Everyone have a wonderful week. Roll on spring!!!

Lotus Flower
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Diane: Your NASA link has a live shot of the rocket sitting on the launch pad. SpaceX link has a countdown clock.  I'll be watching. I've just set my iPhone timer. I'll also let my daughter know - she live right up the road from Vandenberg (although I'm sure she'd recognize the signs). :-)

    Lindybird: Soil is quite damp right now following our two big storms, which is a great time to dig stuff out.

    LizLFW: Good to see you. Hope things are going well.

    AQ: With those temps I'd be making regular trips to the chicken shop for leftovers.  Do you guys BBQ? It's the only way I can stand to cook in the summer.

    Stay warm/cool everyone.

  • Well it is snowing again now, and it is at least 2 ins  everywhere from last nights fall. The pavement is very slippy and I do not fancy the road, but as I do not need to go anywhere for a couple of days, I don't mind. 

    I was sorry to read of OGs bad time at the hospital. The NHS is very good at some things and not so good at others. Of course they are very short of money, which is a shame. 

    The posts about heated blankets looked interesting, and now it is chilly, I rather fancy one and have been looking at them on line!,

    I also used to read my brother's Eagle, and particularly remember Dan Dare, and the Mecon, I think...I don't remember what I had, it can't have been very interesting. My younger sister had the Jackie, for years.  

  • Nearly lunchtime as I start this – and just above zero, especially where the lovely sunshine reaches it.  Dawn this morning was deep scarlet, fading to a peach sunrise – both beautiful.  J went out and shovelled snow from all our paths and the drive mid-morning.

    Diane – thanks once again for our new week, and news of RT Hawk – and the lovely waterlily picture.

    Annette – good to see you are hiring muscles for the heavy garden work!  I hope they will do a good job.  Good that you had enough rain to have damp soil at last!

    AQ – surely it won’t be much longer until the twins sleep through – but I suppose there will then be new stresses when they decide to stop daytime naps!

    Clare – sounds like the snow didn’t reach you, even though we keep hearing it reached the far southeast!

    Wendy – enjoy your drive, but do take care in those temps!

    Rosy – I was never given comics, so grew up thinking they were an utter waste of time – I was a good reader and grew up learning from Arthur Mee – an old edition from about 1930 from Grannie’s attic!

    Linda – however pretty the snow, I am still hoping it may wash away by tomorrow, although it is nice to see everything looking clean instead of mud-coloured!  Pleased that Bonnie was so good yesterday, and glad you had a good visit.

    Chrisy - sorry to see you are getting extra snow today – are you very high up there?

    Well, lunch was good and now nearly time for the next meal.  Have spent the afternoon with menus and shopping lists.  Temp here is still a positive 1.3C, and staying above zero tonight and tomorrow, with some possible rain (which will fall as snow on the higher ground behind the coastal strip.)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG,   Hope you are feeling more or less back to normal after your ordeal last week.

    Sometimes, when there is too much going on, the body lets you know you need a rest. Not that you got it at the time!

    Annette, exactly how big is your garden? You do mention a lot of large plants.

    Not surprising you need some strong assistance,

    I have just put a fish pie in the oven and poured myself a glass of wine. What's not to like? OH is slowly getting better.

    We had a sprinkling of snow here this morning but it has mostly gone now.

  • It is not snowing now, hope it does not freeze. Not particularly high here though higher than lake level! It can make a difference.

  • Just to say it funnily enough got warmer as we drove to Loch Garten and Loch Mallachie for our walk. It said it was plus 1 but with the wind chill factor and 2 frozen locks to take into consideration it so was not it was hand tingling cold.

    Everywhere busy so 3rd choice for coffee but good for the area post Christmas.

    Daisy tired after 4 days of chilly walks so luxuriating in front of the wood burner.

    Safe journey tomorrow OG...

  • Diane: Watched the launch online; daughter said her house shook (rattling china, etc). We heard it down here (50 miles away) even through lots of cloud cover. Went on for about 5 or so minutes, like constant distant urmbling thunder. I've set my timer to watch the landing. Am always struck by the formal NASA presentation and the hang-loose, hip group that does the SpaceX broadcast!

  • Good evening, all.  What a lovely day it's been here - very cold but lovely and fresh.  I'm going through my photos at the moment - here are some more I took yesterday, with some scenery thrown in:

    Click on the historic Bawdsey Manor to see some more.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Here is Helen in action:

    And just chilling with the horse afterwards:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Well OG, I never got comics either but my cousin did, so I know all about Eagle and Girl! When I was in hospital for tonsils my cousin passed in the Eagle. Dan Dare and the green man from Mars? Is my memory correct? We weren't allowed many visitors and my donated comics were very popular.

    We have spent a quiet day, not much done except basic cleaning and eating lunch and dinner. My son phoned regarding Arabella' s christening which will probably be in March. So a flight to book when we know the date.

    Roll on Spring!