Last week's chat thread is here.
I saw R. T. Hawk on Thursday. It's been so cold here that I had to put the battery charger on my car for a long while. I went out as the sun was setting to remove it. R. T. screeched at me when I went out the front door. When I closed the car bonnet/hood, he screamed at me loudly and flew around his tree. I think he was telling me off for disturbing him when it was time to roost in his tree. He called more gently when I went indoors. :-)))
Everyone have a wonderful week. Roll on spring!!!
Lotus FlowerLabelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
Heather - it really is unfair that some people can eat whatever they like! That box was a real bargain.
Yes, LINDY, there were two huge piles of them in our local Tesco Metro. The check out girl said that they were selling fast.
Biggest excitement of our day (!) was OHs son bringing all the food from their garage freezer, to put into our garage chest freezer. Theirs had started making funny noises. Ours is never full, thank goodness.
It remains below freezing here, but not by much. Feels colder outside than it actually is.
While I am with middle daughter tomorrow, OH will be at Culloden House Hotel having an early Burns lunch with the Probus Club. Why so early, I have no idea. So maybe just soup for us tomorrow evening.
OH is quite excited because there will be the start of a TV series this evening about the Aberdeen Mart. Animals and all that. I think it is only on BBC Scotland. Maybe just as well since the local accent is -ahem - not the easiest to understand. It will apparently be available on BBC IPlayer if anyone outside Scotland is interested!
Hope OG is feeling better and that MARGO is enjoying the benefits of transfusion.
Lindybird said:Heather - it really is unfair that some people can eat whatever they like! That box was a real bargain.
A scorcher today, expecting 40 C. I shall stay indoors; OH has nanny duty this pm. Dau not happy that Tour DownUnder today will interfere with her route home from PlayGroup. I reckon the pelaton will be gone in a whoosh. Yesterday’s nanny duty again not too bad except for the heat. In desperation while Dau was trying to make veggie fritters for tea, I took the twins outside, intending 10 mins but it was so hot I didn’t last that long. Misses don’t appear to mind the heat, however we must keep offering water bottles. Fritters were very popular at teatime. Miss4 is practising for kindy, eating her lunch out of lunch box. She is such a slow eater that she won’t finish her sandwich before it’s off to playtime and then she’ll be cranky.
I’ve been checking bus tours for autumn. Our first is a weekend in Robe early March. We visit Kingston, Lucindale, Cape Jaffa & whatever our tutor has found for us. There some one-day tours in May that look interesting.
Well it did not freeze last night and in fact has been thawing. It was about 3C outside at midday.
I hope all goes well for OG tomorrow, and that Margo is feeling some improvement.
Thanks Annette for the advice re heated rugs, I did see that some remarks on some of them did mention feeling the wires.
Clare, Nice to see the pics of Helen and her horse, she looks very happy there! I used to ride regularly at one time, just at various schools in the area, along with a friend who was more confident than me, having had her own pony as a child. I enjoyed it though and did some jumping and had nice rides out.
I could not do with those temperatures Aquilareen! 25C is nice, and maybe a few degrees more but 40C I would melt!
I burn in the sun anyway.
Those chocs sound very good value, not resistable at all !.
What a beautiful picture to start off the week Diane. Hope all is well with you.
Annette - I'm fine, not a lot happening here although went to the dentist today for annual checkup. Nothing to do which is great.
AQ - you are suffering. Step grand-daughter has just returned from Aussie having spent the penultimate day at Noosa Bay. They returned to a wintry Britain. Do hope you can manage to stay cool and that "nanny" duties are not too tiring for you both.
Well the snow came and the snow went - barely 24 hours. Felt quite cold for a few hours. Been cloudy but with a little sunshine today.
OG - Hope all is well with you now.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Clare - love your pics, and the one of Helen competing too. Hope you are feeling a little more settled. Did you manage to secure a job or are you just working at Minsmere.
Hello to all.
Lindybird - remember riding on a donkey in Lindos - ooh so bumpy and quite hilarious at times. Mind you riding on an elephant in Sri Lanka tops it. Not very comfortable but enjoyable.
OG - sorry to learn that you are undergoing treatment but hope all is going well for you and the next treatment will progress.
Had a scare with a friend - lump found in tummy just might have been a cancer after a previous scare which resulted in her having a hysterectomy. Thankfully its turned out to be a benign fibrous tumour growing over scar tissue from previous op so she has to find out tomorrow whether they are going to operate to remove or what. Still, its good news.
Do hope that Margo keeping reasonably well. Remembering you Margo and all who are unwell or undergoing treatment of some sort.
Well, off to the gym tomorrow and then on to our Womens' meeting where the speaker is our minister.
Lynette: Nice to see you. Hope you're well.
OG: Sorry about the break in your treatment. I know you are anxious to get it completed. Safe travels.
Heather: At that fabulous sale price, I would have bought several boxes of those chocolates and stored them in the freezer! LOL
LizLFW: Enjoy the tennis! The news I saw made it look exciting!
Margo: Thinking of you tonight.
AQ: Maybe Miss4 will copy her classmates and learn to eat quickly. If we could put our weather together, the result would be about right! Here, last night, the temp was minus -1 F or minus -18.3 C with strong winds. The "feels like" temp was minus -19 F or minus -28.3 C. Stay cool, AQ.
All: Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the U.S. I honor Dr. King and all those who've struggled for justice and equality in America. Even though I was only 10, I remember well the horror and sadness I felt the day he was killed. This is my favorite of Dr. King's quotes:
"If you can't fly then run,if you can't run then walk,if you can't walk then crawl,but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."
Evening all:
Clare: I think riding is a brilliant activity for young girls in terms of building their self confidence. My daughter wanted to ride from age10 and is still riding. It's an expensive hobby. :-)
LizLFW: Stay toasty!
Lynette: Hope the family isn't too shocked by the temperature change from Oz. I bet your friend is mightily after that scare.
Lindybird: Champagne truffles!! I've never heard of them, but they sound seriously wonderful. Do let us know how they turn out (but can't imagine being able to stay away from them until Easter). Hope the water people's failure to find pipes means you're in the clear in terms of any digging.
OG: Hope the next appointment goes according to plan.
AQ: Arghhh. That heat would do me in for sure. I guess Miss 4 will learn to eat quickly, but doesn't she have an afternoon snack too? I seem to remember two snacks in addition to lunch. Only six weeks to your first trip! Do hope the temps will have moderated by them.
ChrisyB: I haven't looked at the reviews on heated throws. We don't need them here but I can imagine they'd be great for old houses in cold daMp climates.
Heather: Do you get to eat SiL's food in the freezer or will they come to your house to eat? :-) Do hope things go well with daughter...
We had a nice gentle but steady rain this morning with more to come.
Have a good Tuesday everyone.