Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), January 3, 2016


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

Saturday evening was perihelion, the time when Earth reaches its closest point to the Sun for this year. Hello, Sun!

I hope everyone has a wonderful first full week of 2016!

Earth and sun via ISS Expedition 13 / NASA
NASA government photo: Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Clare Bailey said:

    I think that you are also very forthright, CLARE if I remember correctly :-)

    Yup.  It gets me into all sorts of interesting situations.

    [/quote]:-D :-D :-D

  • Went to gym this afternoon. Parking lot was filled (a sign of brand-new New Year's Resolutions). Grandson stopped by on his way home from Arizona. Going up to daughter's tomorrow to see what she might need when she arrives home this weekend. A busy week ahead - plus some serious rain forecasts!  :-))

    OG: Congrats on maintaining the clean out momentum. How do you keep the guys motivated? I need some tips!

    Lindybird: You sound as organized as OG. I mean, next Christmas's shopping already started?

    Margo: Looking forward to hearing how you're doing.

    Hope everyone is doing okay. Must look at photos of day in LA to post.....  

  • Annette: LOL about the full gym parking lot. My only resolution for this year is to be nicer to myself. I hope you get wonderful rain, but no damage.

    Clare: I enjoyed your photos. Very powerful.

    Hi, all. I was going to do more replies tonight, but I'm going to bed instead. LOL! It's cold here, and I've decided to turn on my electric blanket and read for a while -- a book on mindfulness meditation. Everyone have a good day!

  • Unknown said:
    My only resolution for this year is to be nicer to myself.

    That's quite possibly the best New Year's resolution I've ever heard.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.  I'm at Minsmere this morning, lovely!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hope you have a good Minsmere day, Clare :-)

    Good Morning, Everyone.  The sky is brightening here: it's nice to think that the days are going to gradually get longer now.

    My Resolution this year is the same as last year, to clear out the house more. However, my OH said that I was on a loser as he observed that more things seem to come into the house, than go out!! LOL!!  -  and he doesn't know yet that I have two new pairs of shoes on order....... Hope that one of them comes today whilst he's out at golf!

    Diane - Yours is a good resolution. Life is difficult enough without our being hard on ourselves.  You're a good person, so give yourself a pat on the back now & then.

  • Going back now to look at Clares latest set of pics which I was too busy to do yesterday.

  • Hey, Everyone, do go back and look at Clare's link to the pheasant photos, they're great. What handsome birds they are.Thanks Clare!

  • Good Morning ALL. Another very dark and wet morning.

    Diane, I hope you keep to your resolution to be "kind to yourself. " Sorry you have such cold weather.

    Annette, I hope your serious rain arrives, but is not of the damaging kind.

    Linda, How unusual that you have ordered more shoes LOL I do see your OH's  point of view about more " coming in" than " going out".

  • I also like Diane's NYR. Seems  very appropriate.

  • I do think that we should all be more kind to ourselves, Rosy:  we have to be so many things to so many people, these days, and we can 'lose' ourselves in the busyness of Life.  Its so easy to knock yourself for not achieving perfection, but we're only human.

    My OH came back home whilst I was hosing myself down, as the golf course is so wet, not many folks are going out there to play.  He's been kept busy though by taking down the outside lights and helping me dismantle our little Christmas tree.  It's growing in a large pot so he is going to repot it into an even bigger one and we hope to use it next year, too (as I doubt if Bonnie will be any better behaved by then so we darn't have our large tree up).

    This morning I took down all the Christmas cards from the tops of the cupboards etc. and as I took some out of a glass fronted cupboard, one fluttered to the ground.  Bonnie pounced on it and I didn't take much notice but later I found that it was in fact a precious photograph which we received this year from my OH's niece showing all of her family together. Bah!  Not in my good books again....    Already having problems putting the Christmas decs away, as usually I pile small things up on the dining table ready to be packed but no chance of that so they are all over the sofa etc.  My guests this Christmas were shocked at the state of our wallpaper in the dining room but there has been no point in repairing it as it would be ruined again just as quickly.