Osprey Chat Thread for January 2016

Thread carrying on from here

So the new year has arrived and now the countdown to the osprey season has seriously started. What will it bring? 

That is as always a hard question to answer but it will no doubt brings lots of ups and downs. 

So what are your wishes for the 2016 osprey season? 

  • That they all return.

    Forgot to say thank you Tiger for starting the new thread.

    Happy New Year to you!

  • Happy New Year to everyone.

    Hoping for a successful osprey season all round and a more settled year for LG and Glaslyn

  • Firstly may I wish everyone a Happy and Peaceful 2016.

    I think all nests go through ups and downs over a period so I do not particularly single out any nest for success.

    Although we have seen some keenly followed nests fail we also have shared the success and highlights of others and also hearing of returns and in general each osprey season over the recent years has been a huge success.

    My wish is for that to continue.

  • Hazel b said:
    So what are your wishes for the 2016 osprey season?

    I want to see EJ and Odin return in triumph and have a successful season.  I know she'll be 19 years old this year but I have a lot of faith in that bird.

    I'd also like to see Blue 24 return to finally find a mate (not Monty!) and breed successfully.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • EJ and Odin back!!!  I hope they will also have a successful nest.

  • Hazel b said:

    So what are your wishes for the 2016 osprey season? 

    First, thank you, Tiger, for starting off our 2016 Osprey Chat thread, and a very happy, peaceful and rewarding 2016 to everyone.

    My wishes?  That all the birds we know and follow with such affection return and have a successful season.  That we see more youngsters return, and perhaps some we thought were no more:  that Garten (2009) and Druie (2014) appear at LG, or are photographed at Aviemore or Rothiemurchus;  that Rothiemurchus is seen at a nest near Dunkeld;  that 5F returns to the Glaslyn area, and Blue 24 (2010) finds a mate near Dyfi;  that UV (2014) continues to do well on the Langue de Barbarie. and perhaps starts the first northward migration.  Is this all really realistic?  Probably not.

    I have one or two gripes, but I will keep them to myself!!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I think that Garten will be seen this year, Sheila. There's no scientific basis for that prediction; I just feel it in my gut. :-)

  • And why not? Diane!   I feel that this year, like many others, may hold a few surprises. What will not surprise me but will give me and a lot of people here great pleasure, will be the safe return of EJ and Odin. I feel that in my bones.....also that there will be chicks on the LG nest this time :-)

  • Happy New Year to everyone. Thankyou for starting the new thread Tiger, we are not very far fron the 2016 season! I hope EJ and Odin are successful this year and really hope that Blue 24 finds her own mate and nest. Hope that UV returns this year and White 14 what will he do this year?The great wanderer :)

    Look forward very much to Blue 33 return and his comical nest building skills. So much to look forward to.

  • Happy New Year everyone.   I hope everyone had a wonderful time over the festive season and 2016 brings good health, peace and prosperity to you all. 

    I’ve not been around for a while due to ill health but on the mend and I am so looking forward to a new season.  

    Thanks Tiger for starting the new thread and my wishes are simply for the ospreys to keep safe in their wintering quarters and return safely to us in the spring and for peaceful and productive nests, especially EJ and Odin and Mrs G who all had a very difficult season last year.   

    And for S1, S2 and S3 who I think of often having watched them hatch and grow into beautiful juveniles, I do hope they have found a good spot and are doing well and return in a couple of years.   

    I am really looking forward to their return and although it is only January already I can feel a little excitement building just anticipating the moment they land    …   can’t wait :-)