Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 December 2015

Last week's Chat thread is HERE. Please check back for some posts from old friends.

This is the last thread of the year.


I wish everyone a new year of happiness, contentment, and love. You are all dear to me, and I cherish your friendship as we begin another year together! Have a wonderful 2016!

Blue Sky and Double Rainbows
Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Wonderful to come on here this evening and see so many New Year Greetings from old friends. Thank you and don't stay away so long in 2016.

    Heather, I do hope you and your OH are now recovering. How is your rash ?

    Linda, Your New Year's Eve dinner sounds superb. I love the description of her home.
    When my OH was commuting to London for most of his working life, we used to hold our breath until they announced each January, what the cost of his annual ticket would be. There is no choice, they just have to pay it !!

    Annette, Well done to the millionaire, but Nothing seems to offend that man :-((

    Clare,  Poor Limpy. I am surprised he is still speaking to you LOL I do hope you find your dream job in 2016.

    Margo, Best Wishes for your blood test tomorrow.

    We have spoken to our son and his wife. They take off to Singapore at 7.15 pm. They are looking forward to the sunshine. I wish I was going with them. It has rained all day again here, but I shouldn't grumble when I think of all those poor people, who have had their homes flooded.  

  • Clare:  Funny! LOL

    Lindy:  Loved the description of your evening. Storybook perfect. Thank you!

  • BRENDA,DIANE- the rash is fading and not as itchy but I cannot wear V necked tops, it looks as if I have measles or chickenpox, LOL.

    Thinking about LINDY and OG and flinging things - I came back from town the other day with a nice plain black top from Laura Ashley, in the Sale of course! OH said that he was sure that I had several identical tops. Of course he was correct. He always wants me to wear bright colours.....  

  • CLARE   Do hope you will get the job of your dreams this year.

    This was taken at Granton on Hogmanay

  • What a wonderful photograph, Dibnlib. I did see some on the TV news, but I do prefer your pic. Thank you.

  • Unknown said:

    Diane:  Amtrak runs south of Porter Ranch (site of methane leak) so whether we get a whiff of the stinky cloud will depend on the wind. In the meantime, we had a 1,200-acre fire down the coast Christmas night, which jumped the highway and the rail line so will be keeping an eye out for the burn area. Our firefighters did a fab job of keeping it from burning up about 30 houses along the beach... 

    Annette: I read that it will take months to repair that pipe and stop that massive gas leak -- ghastly for the people in the Porter Ranch community. Here's a link for folks who don't know about it.

    I saw the breaking news when that wildfire started, and immediately looked at a map to see how close it was to you. I'm glad the brave firefighters were able to save those homes. I have a lot of respect for people who do that dangerous job.

    Dibnlib: That's a beautiful aurora photo!

    Lindy: Glad you had such a lovely time. Hope the doggy is okay.

    Heather: Glad your rash is improving, albeit slowly!

  • Heather- Sorry that you've had such a poorly ending to the year - I hope that you keep improving.  I wear a lot of silvery grey, or pale blue etc (never black, or I look as if I died already!) But my OH loves me to wear fuchsia pink, or jade. I do, sometimes!!  Today I have a dark plum sweatshirt, as the weather can't make it's mind up!

    Clare - I still have abounding confidence that you will find a job to suit. It just takes time :-)

    Brenda - You must feel wistful about your sons departure. I hope you can visit them before long, now that we are in another year!

    Dibnlib - That's  a truly stunning picture, thank you!!

  • Heather, pleased that your rash is gradually improving. I wonder what really caused it. I guess you wanted a new black top for the funeral but, I am sure that normally you must suit bright colours. You will have to go shopping again LOL.

    Linda, I do feel rather sad this evening, that our son has left. I am being entertained by photographs of daughter's new puppy, which kept her awake most of last night. She can't believe how often it has a wee either. LOL

  • We did fling things today -  I took every pair of trousers, & all of my OH's shirts, out of the wardrobe. Eventually, we threw out three short sleeved shirts and one long sl, because the collar had got frayed.  The trousers were OK as we did go through them not too long ago. Tomorrow is going to be Jackets and heavy Shirts, then in the week, Sweaters!!  After that, I'll get stressed, because I'll have to go through my stuff -- eek!!

    Nice that folks enjoyed my description of our evening out - It did occur to me to be even more descriptive, but I didn't want it to turn into a novel, LOL!!

    PS -  Diane - one of the guests was a Vet, and she was unconcerned about what the dog may have eaten.......!!!!     :-)

  • Just looking in and saw your post, Margo.

    All the best for Monday but so pleased to see that you both enjoyed the Christmas Festivities etc.