Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 December 2015

Last week's Chat thread is HERE. Please check back for some posts from old friends.

This is the last thread of the year.


I wish everyone a new year of happiness, contentment, and love. You are all dear to me, and I cherish your friendship as we begin another year together! Have a wonderful 2016!

Blue Sky and Double Rainbows
Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • ChrisyB said:
    I must pop in and say a Happy New Year to all on here. I do read this thread and feel guilty at not contributing much at all.

    The same goes for me.  My problem is that I really want to have something positive to post, especially on the employment front - I'm still jobless after 11 months and it's driving me mad.  I hope I'll do better this year.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:
    Be sure to hold your breath when the train goes by that giant methane leak!

    I think I live with a giant methane leak, embodied by Limpy!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Ha Ha! Clare!!

    Hello, Everyone.  Drizzly here this morning, but at least I could get parked at the s'market because people stayed away!  Been busy, and also felt overtired after eating too much rich food on NY Eve, plus staying up so late.

    Can't reply to all your lovely posts, but must say how nice it's been to see so many posts from absent friends. We really don't expect you to post every day, or even every week, folks, but it's nice to hear from you now & then :-))

    Annette:  we saw a shortened version of the New Year Concert, I think, and there was no mention nor sign of Julie Andrews: maybe she was a guest??loved the concert, and the bits of pretty ballet amongst it - lovely pale pastel costumes!

  • Thought you'd like a description of our evening plus the food served, at our Friends' house on New Year.  They have a cottage in a very pretty village, so we parked the car and approached across the cobbles, passing tiny shining Christmas trees in little windows in the village, and going under the trees in the churchyard which this year have been lit up with tiny fairylights.

    Friends have all the things you expect in a cottage: low dark beams, nooks in the corners, a walled garden. They had a welcoming fire burning in their wood stove in the old brick fireplace, and a big swag of artificial holly over the mantle.  We started with a glass of wine and nibbles of nuts & crispy things. We were soon joined by the other four guests, who live in the village, so were on foot.

    After chatting, and being greeted by their dog, we went through to the dining room, which was sparkly with glitter & candles. First we were served with smoked salmon parcels and salad leaves, plus ribbons of cucumber.  Then we had tomato and basil soup, with a swirl of cream on top.

    We adjourned to the sitting room for a silly game of "Pass the Bomb" which is a word game in which you have to think of something quickly,  using a word suggested by a card drawn, and passing on a ticking "bomb"  before it bangs, at random times. Much hilarity! Meanwhile the hosts had prepared the main course - Beef Bourgignion (spel?) with baby carrots, peas, and potatoes boulangerie.

    Then we had another game, where I alternately failed, then won the rounds!  After that, we attacked the pudding, a glass of cream cheese with mandarins, yummy!  This was followed by cheese & crackers with grapes, celery, dates and walnuts.

    When we retired to the fireplace again for coffees, we found that the dog had eaten the leftover crisps, scattered the cards of the game, and that the dice were missing!!  A search failed to find them....did the dog eat them?! Friends decided to wait and see.....

    Then we had a couple of chocolates (from a box supplied by my OH & I) before it was time to open the champagne and toast the New Year. Some of the guests went out into the street to greet neighbours, but as I had struggled over the cobbles with my sore ankle, we stayed in and watched the London firework display on TV. More chat before we said our goodbyes and set off home. A memorable evening. 

  • LINDY   that sounds like a wonderful evening and I bet it is nice to know that it isn't Bonnie who has a mischevious streak.

    We had our first sighting of 2016 of a red squirrel this morning. we watched it for a few mins as it paused in a v half way up the tree.

  • Clare: Is Limpy still speaking to you?  :-)

    Diane:  Amtrak runs south of Porter Ranch (site of methane leak) so whether we get a whiff of the stinky cloud will depend on the wind. In the meantime, we had a 1,200-acre fire down the coast Christmas night, which jumped the highway and the rail line so will be keeping an eye out for the burn area. Our firefighters did a fab job of keeping it from burning up about 30 houses along the beach... 

    Lindybird: Gosh, I think the salmon parcels, etc., and soup would have done me in, never mind the next 25 (just kidding) courses. Sounds like a pretty house and a lovely evening. Let us know if the dice show up. :-)

    Off to hose down and cover up then to catch the train.

  • Have a super time, Annette.  Much mirth over the missing dice and the expression on the dogs face!!!

    Was sorry to hear of the death of Natalie Cole -she seemed to have a sad life, which cannot be what her father (a hero of mine) must have hoped for her.

    Not surprised to hear that folks who use the trains in UK to commute, are jumping up & down in rage over the latest price rise! Was shocked to hear how much some of the season tickets cost nowadays!! Good grief!!

  • Unknown said:
    Clare: Is Limpy still speaking to you?  :-)

    Yes, in between other noises.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDY- what a lovely description of a wonderful evening! I almost felt that I was there:-)