Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 December 2015

Last week's Chat thread is HERE. Please check back for some posts from old friends.

This is the last thread of the year.


I wish everyone a new year of happiness, contentment, and love. You are all dear to me, and I cherish your friendship as we begin another year together! Have a wonderful 2016!

Blue Sky and Double Rainbows
Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • And a very Happy 2016 to you, Limpy, and the family.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thank You for the musical greeting, Keith.  And Good Wishes to you, too, and All on the Gabfest thread.

    Limpy, Clare & Helen:  I hope that this new Year brings better job prospects to Clare and she finds something to suit, after her long search. I know that you've been thoroughly enjoying your volunteering, Clare, so I hope perhaps its might even help you, or lead to something. Fingers still crossed!!

    It's dry here and the road is very quiet.  A lot of our neighbours still seemed to be up and about when we returned home last night at gone 1.00am, so perhaps they are as tired as we are!!  Brenda:  we kept a piece of coal for years and years, and if we were at home, my OH always used to go outside with it and return as the first footer of the year.  He had dark hair then, too, LOL!!

  • I would like to wish everyone a happy new year and I hope that those suffering ailments get some respite during the coming year

    george g

  • HEATHER   I did the same as you, then saw more fireworks from the main bedroom. All seemed to go quiet then there was one almighty bang I jumped, Benson didn't flinch.

  • Happy NewYear to everyone and best wishes for a happy and successful 2016.

    I have had a lovely Christmas with my family, with lots of delicious food, good presents and lots of coming and going, my sister and her OH came over for a night last Monday which we all enjoyed.  Last night I saw the new year in with one of my grandsons, everyone else was out until the early hours of this morning.   We enjoyed ourselves with lots of nice nibbles and drinks and thought the fireworks from London were really spectacular.  Quite a few fireworks going off around here, but  the dogs and cat did not seem bothered by it, thank goodness.  We are expecting grandaughter and boyfriend to arrive any moment for a couple of days,  she has been at his home for the last two or three days.  

  • The fireworks here went on for quite a while. I do feel sorry for the pets and wildlife who suffer.  Thank goodness we do not do lanterns here as I believe they case harm to animals. They should be banned.

  • Morning all: Heard faint celebratory "hurrays" around midnight with some muffled bangs and pops, but very quiet otherwise. Gave grandson a hug early this morning on his way to Arizona; spoke to all there and also the UK contingent. Now am watching the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade - really quite a fabulous parade of floats all made of flowers, herbs, grasses, etc. with lots of horse groups, marching bands - and all under the brilliant blue sunny skies of California!   One of the first floats  was the Downton Abbey float complete with stately home. a floral Bentley, and non-floral Lady Cora being chauffeured along the parade route to the accompaniment of much comment from the announcers on how sad it is that the upcoming season is the last. :-(

    Harelady: My niece teaches at Buckingham Uni.  Seasides are very popular with granddaughters (and others). My own great-granddaughter (Ms. D, who's 4) had the time of her life this summer when she came to visit.  In fact, the four of us (me, daughter, granddaughter and Ms. D) were all leaping around in the surf, shrieking with delight and generally making spectacles of ourselves.

    Keith: How nice that you popped in - thank you for the Stirling Castle photo and Abba's greeting.

    Starling/George: Thank you; same to you!

    Rita: Nice to think of you enjoying the TV with grandson (how old is this one?

    Limpy: Have a wonderful 2016 at Minsmere (Clare too). Hope Helen has a great 2016.

    Heather: Here's a photo of some Vitamin C in tangerine flavor, taken specially for you just this morning: :-)

  • Dibnlib- I have sent you a PM. I hope you get it as I have never sent one before.

  • Annette- this grandson is 16 years old, the youngest in a family of four, just started at sixth form college.