Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 December 2015

Last week's Chat thread is HERE. Please check back for some posts from old friends.

This is the last thread of the year.


I wish everyone a new year of happiness, contentment, and love. You are all dear to me, and I cherish your friendship as we begin another year together! Have a wonderful 2016!

Blue Sky and Double Rainbows
Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather: I remember Witch Hazel was a favorite of my Mum's, so hope Diane's suggestion helps.

    bjane: I just cancelled my Netflix DVD subscription a couple of weeks ago. I was requesting things and they'd be on the "wait" list to the point where I had more things on than that in the actual Queue list. Then I started Googling about it and read some reports from a year ago where people had noticed the same thing - their requested DVDs were never showing up - and a couple of reporters said that Netflix wants to dump the DVD side of their business and force us all to watch online (or on televisions that offer the Netflix streaming option). I'd putter through the "New Releases" offerings, but fewer and fewer had any appeal. Some months back, I requested the DVD of the UK TV mystery show "Happy Valley," which got rave reviews - and it's still on the Netflix "wait" list.  Meanwhile, our library system has it and I've reserved a (free!) copy of it through them.  Not sure if I'll go to Netflix streaming. I have a couple of friends who use it and want to hear their views first...

  • Hi!  Great to see some of the lurkers dropping in to leave festive messages!  

    Reached the end of J's storage-sorting today - his end of our loft is now neat and tidy (with a reduction in boxes and all having matching yellow labels).  Hoping this inspires OH to sort our end of the loft and use our own distinguishing colour!  Could be done soon, as painting in bathroom will be easier to complete after J is back at work.

    But a day off for us all tomorrow as Dau#1, SiL and the girls come to visit - leaving before dinner as SiL tires very quickly still, although he is still improving from his Bell's Palsy and a really serious bout of Asthma.  Taking them to the Old Toll Bar to eat, as this wasn't arranged until Christmas Eve!  Weather warning here comes into force late tomorrow and into Wednesday.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette: I actually use the Netflix streaming and love it. For 7.99 a month with no limit on the number of shows you watch, it's well worth the price and cheaper than DVDs. I have one Smart TV that has Netflix and I have the Amazon Fire stick on my other TV and can get Netflix through that. You can pause just like a DVD and come back later. I have watched Happy Valley (Excellent), Broadchurch, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, etc, etc. all on Netflix. I get on netflix website and do searches on shows that I have heard of and put them on my watchlist and then they show up on my TV. I also watch some shows on Amazon also. Even though I am a Prime Member you still have to pay extra for a lot of the shows on Amazon which I am not happy about. I heartily recommend Netflix though. Good value!

  • bjane: That's really helpful. Good to know it works so well for you. Now I have to figure if one or both or our TVs is "smart" enough to get Netflix. I was wondering about Amazon too; good to get your impressions on that option.

    OG: Have fun with the family tomorrow. Looks like you guys are getting the awful weather that some of our central and southern states have just endured.  

    Have a good Tuesday all.

  • Good morning, all.  I've just learned that Lemmy, the iconic singer of Motorhead, is dead at 70.  RIP to an absolute legend.

    On a brighter note it's going to be a beautiful day here - I'll wish the same thing to all those people affected by the horrendous flooding in the north.  What a time of year for this to happen.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  I've been up for a while, and got straight into the shower this morning, to avoid the queue!  (We have two showers, but one affects the water pressure in the other, so it's difficult in the mornings).

    Nice to come on and find a message from Clare - hope that you and the family had an enjoyable Christmas.

    OG -  You have all put the holidays to good use. Enjoy your time with the family.

    Annette - These days there are many different ways to get our entertainment organised: it's getting harder & harder to decide what to have.

  • Hi, Lindy.  We had a nice, quiet Christmas - though we did go to see the latest Star Wars film on Boxing Day.  Highly recommended!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Nice to hear from you, bjane!!  Hope life is treating you kindly.

    We had a good day with the family yesterday - went into the town to see Amber enjoying time on the swings, and had a coffee in a famous chain shop, where she decided to entertain the other customers to some of her warbling!  She only knows about six words, but makes up the rest, LOL!!

    In the afternoon, we split up with our Eldest taking his family to visit some friends, and we two went to a concert at The Bridgewater Hall in Manchester:  "Sounds of The Musicals"  with four very talented singers, all of whom had previously appeared in lead roles in the West End. Very enjoyable.

  • It sounds exciting, Clare, although I might wait to see it on TV rather than the cinema. I loved the original film all those years ago, as it was so imaginative and different.

  • Lindybird said:

    It sounds exciting, Clare, although I might wait to see it on TV rather than the cinema. I loved the original film all those years ago, as it was so imaginative and different.

    I strongly recommend you see it on a big screen.  Some films are that good!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.