Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 December 2015

Last week's Chat thread is HERE. Please check back for some posts from old friends.

This is the last thread of the year.


I wish everyone a new year of happiness, contentment, and love. You are all dear to me, and I cherish your friendship as we begin another year together! Have a wonderful 2016!

Blue Sky and Double Rainbows
Laysan Island, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Annette: I think season 6 of Downton Abbey premieres next Sunday.

  • Evening all:

    AQ: Good to see you and read that you've been lazy. How did it feel?  :-)  Fingers crossed the wee ones aren't too frazzled.

    Lindybird: Enjoy the family; when will they be heading home? Hope the traffic isn't too awful then....

    bjane: Yes, I realized I'd lost the plot re Downton Abbey. Have you been watching (or do you even get) Inspector Gently? We have two PBS stations here, so dueling favorites at times. Thank heaven for the Record button.  :-)

    Peanut is snoozing quietly; no wheezing this evening. I did lots of work in the garden today - can't believe I filled the green bin and barely scratched the surface of what needs cutting back.  Here's a shot of a new regular visitor to the garden - it's a Western Scrub Jay, not as pretty as the one's in Diane's area (East of the Rocky Mountains), but still colorful.  These are very bold birds and will take the food from your plate if you let them!

  • Good Morning, All. Just watching t he sad pictures of York under water this morning, after another night of rain. Hopefully, there should not be more rain today, but there is more forecast for this week. People are coping bravely, but such high numbers of homes affected plus so many without power, are unprecedented, I think.

    Sorry too, to hear about the dreadful and deadly tornados in USA. It seems strange to hear of them in mid winter.

    We had a windy night here, but are never in danger of flooding in this area. I do hope that everyone on these threads is safe & dry.

    I can hear downstairs the shrieks of delight as Amber wakes and sees Bonnie!!!  Must get up now as a busy day - we are off to a concert this afternoon and Eldest is taking his family to visit friends. Have a good day, Everyone!!

  • Ps -  Love your Blue Jay, Annette!!

  • Hello everyone

    I'm still alive (just). Son and family left this morning. We had a lovely Christmas but baby Bella had a cold when she arrived here and only after cuddles did we get told !!! Lots of cuddling has ensured that the virus spread beautifully amongst the family including my OH who suffers mightily when he is unwell in any way:-(

    Will keep reading and will post when I've got something cheerful to say! I'm still covered in rash, chest and back. Doc's cream made it worse. OH woe is me.....

  • Unknown said:

    SheilaFE: Another lurker out from the shadows. I love it!  Hope you're keeping well and that 2016 will be a good year.

    LOL Annette, I am indeed keeping fine, and occasionally check on you all to make sure all is well.  You will soon be watching the Grey Whales, I guess.

    It was nice to see Heron again too.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Heather: Oh crikey. Just what you don't need. So sorry - those kiddie germs spread like wildfire.  And your rash is still going strong too.  :-((

    SheilaFE: Indeed! Gray Whale Count starts Tuesday February 16th (the Monday is our Presidents Day holiday).  I'm really looking forward to it - such a lovely way to spend the time. :-)  Yes, it was nice to see Heron (and others) again - I think he's flown off with his new tablet for the moment. 

    OH was so busy watching football last evening that a good part of his dinner slid off his plate and onto the sofa - thank heaven for very washable slipcovers which were whipped off and into the machine before he realized it.  All good now, but must Get Organized - grocery supplies need replenishing. 

  • Heather: I know you're a gifted nurse, and I have no right to give health advice to you. But since nothing seems to be working on your rash, I'll just offer up this medically unsubstantiated idea.

    Living on this land -- which is dense with vegetation and located in a flood plain -- I've encountered some really strange bacteria, weeds, moulds, insects, etc. The only thing that I can consistently count on to get rid of rashes is Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana). I use distilled extract 86% Witch Hazel and 14% alcohol applied to the skin, not taken orally.

    For what it's worth...

    Feel better!

  • Annette: I watch Inspector Gently on Netflix. The British do Detective shows and Mysteries much better than we do. I wish we had 2 PBS stations but we only have the one.

    I hope everyone who is suffering from illness and pain (and rashes) will soon improve.

  • DIANE- I will try it because creams and ointments are too occlusive and skin can't 'breathe'. I just went along with the cream because the young medic prescribed it. My instincts are that the skin needs a drying cleaning environment so your advice may be just what I need to hear.