Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is here.

I hope everyone is enjoying the season.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Thank you for kind messages, everyone,especially MARGO - to think of me when you are feeling so tired xx. Hope all goes well with transfusion today.

    ANNETTE- I think I do feel a sense of relief. Sheana was fortunate to have such a long life, she would have been 98 next March. Over the years we shared so many happy times and would often laugh until we cried. But then things began to change for Sheana when age caught up with her. She wasn't ever really settled in the Home and I hated to see her so discontented when there was little that I could do about it.

  • Fingers crossed blood transfusion works quickly ...

    We have snow...;-(

  • Margo - Sorry, I got confused about when you were having your transfusion. Hope you have a good day.

    Heather -  Sheana would not have wanted to linger on, without a quality of life. She had a long life, and as others have said, a good friend in you {HUGS}

    Wendy -  snow!!  Pretty but messy, later!

  • We are just back from Brodie where we met a friend for lunch. Haven't seen her in ages so there was a lot of catching up to do. She will be 60 at the end of March and is doing a phased reduction in hours till then, she will then retire, have a month off and return to  work (she is a doctor)on reduced hours. She said she really doesn't feel ready to give up completely, and by doing things this way, she will be able to start collecting her pension sooner.Hopefully as she will be working less, we will get to see more of her. Although originally my schoolfriend. OH is very fond of her.

    LINDY   a frying pan that sings and dances, whatever next!!!! sorry, couldn't resist.

  • Think Benso.n would like to join in

  • Hi!  Re-arranged planning appt at hospital – strangely moved from Tuesday to Monday – why wasn’t I offered Monday originally?  Poor OH will miss his carers’ Christmas lunch, but says that is okay. 

    Had a good day out today, but was a long day after unpacking shopping, finding homes for various Christmas extras and then preparing some things in freezable portions!  Lunch was excellent as usual at Loch Arthur – both had mushroom, leek and feta filo parcels with salad and rather naughtily followed it with mince pie and whipped cream cheese and a hot chocolate to drink!  Managed to find some organic chocolate for Daughter#2 who struggles to find chocolate free from soy lecithin!

    Will write replies tomorrow – but just quickly say now that I hope Margo will soon get benefit from the transfusion.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Tonight's message from, Margo.

    " Not had the best of days as the blood they took last Thursday was now too old. A new blood test and then wait for results, followed by blood to be ordered, meant that the transfusion was 2 hours late. We actually got home 6.30pm. I am absolutely shattered. " ...........

  • Hi all.

    OG - just seen your post re appointments, hope you can change them OK.

    HeatherB - sorry to learn of your friend's death but probably a merciful release if she had been suffering.

    Its not easy at this time of year when so many remember loved ones no longer with us.

    Learnt that a friend who has just had radio therapy and been given the all clear (as one can) only to find a lump in her stomach which she thought was a hernia but the consultant said it wasn't and referred her to a surgeon for further investigation.  She saw him today and they are calling her up tomorrow for a biopsy which coming so quickly is rather alarming. Apparently the lump has grown so what it can be , heaven only knows - hopefully nothing sinister.

    Off to the gymn tomorrow and then our Womens' meeting - Christmas readings and mince pies etc. Should be good.

  • Glad appt. changed for you OG.

    Diane - love the cheerful picture at the start of the new week - thanks for starting us off.

    Dibnib - glad you had a nice time catching up with a good friend. Love the doggy picture.

    Thanks Brenda for putting us in the loop re Margo's transfusion - poor dear she must be shattered after that wait.

  • Hi, all. Very busy here, so I may not make as many replies as I normally would. But there are a few comments I wanted to post.

    Margo: I'm so very sorry that you're going through such a rough time. I hope the transfusion will help you to feel better. I think of you often.

    Heather: My sympathies on the passing of Sheana. You were a loyal and compassionate friend who enriched her life. I'll be thinking of you as you work through your grief.

    OG: So glad you got your new appointment, and it's at a more reasonable hour. Don't let them schedule very early appointments. Insist that the center changes them. They will take a toll on your body and stamina. You seem to have a lot of energy right now -- more than me. LOL I'm glad your doctor shared so much information with you, and it was an interesting meeting. Be very careful driving in and around Carlisle. I've seen the photos of that area, and they are ghastly.

    Chrisy: I hope your provider will get your phone repaired, and your broadband keeps working for the holidays. Sorry you've been through the bad weather.

    Lindy: I hope you enjoy your holiday time with your family. Your grandchildren are lucky, indeed, to receive so many gifts.  

    Alan: I am not at all surprised by the increase in bovine TB. The scientific research clearly indicated that would be the result of the badger cull.:-( Hope you, Lady P, and your family are all well.

    AQ: Hope you aren't wearing yourself out on nanny days, but you will enjoy Christmas with the grandchildren.

    Rita: I hope your daughter's life is now becoming easier in Kendal after the flooding.

    Brenda: I'm sorry about the fire, but I'm glad that your nephew and his wife are okay. So scary!!! I hope your OH's condition will improve very soon. I'm so sorry that he needs to remain on the bland diet for now, especially during holiday time.  I hope the mole biopsy result will be fine.

    Rosy: Glad you enjoyed your party!

    Hi to Lynette, dibnlib, George, Liz LFW, Clare, Limpy, and everyone!

    Take care, all.