Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is here.

I hope everyone is enjoying the season.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Just a quickie to say that Sheana died this afternoon. I wasn't with her at the time,sadly,but she wasn't alone, a lovely staff nurse called Kay was there. I went up to see her as soon as I got the phone call.

  • Currently minus something silly as it has been all day.

    Dog walking not fun as lots of ice.

    Christmas dinner with daughter last night as she goes back to Dorset on Tuesday.

    Bubble and sqeek tonight .. Yum yum .

    Daisy changed after boot camp when her whole life changed..

    New collar..

    New lead..,

    New food..which I think was a big newy.

    Most foods even " science ones" are full of E numbers.

    Her new one is holistic no e's and full of oats that like porridge are slow release.

  • So sorry, Heather. I know you were so close to her, after knowing her for so long and all the time you spent caring for her. It is sad, but a Blessing for her.

  • Heather how sad but she was lucky to have s caring friend.

  • Very sorry Heather. Nice to know that she had a lovely nurse with her. You were not to know when it would be.

  • Heather - sad news, but I'm sure you'll feel it was a release from a life which had become so far removed from her normal one.   And she was not alone at the end. I'm sorry you have lost a friend.

  • Evening all: Rain here this afternoon - for an entire hour!  OK, not a lot by your standards, but we'll take it.  :-)

    Heather: So sorry to hear about Sheana, but you've been a great friend and helpmate to her over the years. I almost hesitate to say you must be relieved to some extent.....

    Lindybird: I remember my sister and I bought our (sainted) mother a frying pan one Christmas and I can still recall her not-terribly thrilled reaction (though I seem to recall we woke her up early Christmas morning to give it to her because we thought she'd like it so much...).  Poor Mum.  Hope weather is kind for all your to-ings and fro-ings.

    OG: FIngers crossed you can get those appointments rescheduled to your convenience. Have a nice relaxing day tomorrow.

    Brenda: Oh don't let a little thing like your OH's bland diet keep you from mince (or any kind of) pies or other treats. :-)  Carriages at midnight? Hope no pumpkins involved for late folks. That really does sound like my kind of party!

    Chrisy: Not sure we'll be doing much this year either as the noisy contingent is in Arizona. I'm thinking of doing Christmas dinner (or a modest version thereof) Christmas Eve so we can loll and snack Christmas Day. Gosh, your poor friend out of her home over Christmas and yes, so many people are in the same or worse circumstances.  Was the bad weather the cause of your phone outage? Hope they can fix it soon.

    dibnlib:  Sounds like there's hope for Lindybird and her OH in the Bonnie department.

    Wendyb: Minus something silly? :-)   I love bubble and squeak - great comfort food in that weather.

    Margo: Special hugs for Monday and hope you're full of beans by the time they're done.

    AQ: Hope all is okay down under and that nanny duty hasn't been too taxing.

    Diane: I know it's been unusually warm there, but I think our storm is heading your way and bringing a change...

    Lovely wild wind here tonight. Glad we got our tree pruned back last week.  We managed to get the Christmas lights up before the rain. Won't be doing as much inside the house this year (and maybe not as much outside next year).

    Have a good Monday everyone.

  • Heather so sorry to read that Sheana has passed away but a happy release for her.

    Margo x

  • Good Morning, All.  Very dark here this morning, but dry today. Hope it's the same in Cumbria where they are still clearing up.

    Margo - I see you're up and about, I hope the transfusion has helped.  {BIG HUGS}

    Annette - Liked your story of the frying pan!!   I know it's not a glamorous present, but our Youngest requested some new saucepans as their main present, so I have added on the frying pan as a surprise -  it's one of the new kind which are supposed to be so good, ceramic coated, all singing & dancing! :-)

  • Lindybird transfusion today, had to get up early because it will take a while to get ready and also wanted to play with Billie. She really misses us when we go have to go out. Hoping I will feel,a lot better in a couple of days.