Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is here.

I hope everyone is enjoying the season.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • OG:  Sorry I didn't comment on your posts, earlier.   I have been trying to do three things at one time, all morning.  Just had a phone call which lasted ages, too.  I do hope you can get your appointments sorted out, even you can't be in two places at once!  Hope its the early one that's changed and you can get a later date plus a later time, too.

    Damp again here:  fine drizzle!

  • LINDA - I think we are all multi-tasking - must be something to do with the time of year!  When I do stop to think, I say I won't do it this way another year, but I always do!  Will you be seeing the grandchildren again before Christmas, or do you have to post all these presents you keep finding?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Going down to the Midlands to see the two little boys next Saturday, laden with presents, as they are off to stay with their other grandparents for Christmas: they have a bigger home than us, so more room for two lively lads to run around! EDIT - or in Matthews case, crawl! - he's into everything now!

    Then Amber and her parents are coming to stay here, after Boxing Day. We will swap presents with them, then. :-)

  • Lindybird, OG and Brenda,   Yes, it was a good party. There are a good group of friends and neighbours here, within walking distance. One of the benefits of living in an urban area. Of course, there are downsides, but not having to rely on transport is good. I felt fine this morning. Took lots of water with it!

    OG  You wait a long time for appointments, and then they all turn up at once.

    Good idea to change that early one if possible. Not a very sensible time for some one who has to travel a considerable distance.

    Best wishes to Margo.

  • Lindybird, glad you surfaced from the wrapping paper to be able to watch Strictly.

    I have an amusing picture in my head.

  • LOL!!  Rosy!

    I've come on to say, if those living in other countries wonder if we are all contradicting each other on here in UK:  I've just seen the Weatherman & he said that today it's been minus 3 degrees at the top of Scotland, and as much as 13 degrees in Bournemouth on the South Coast!!!

  • I see everyone is busy preparing for Christmas! I am not doing much myself, a couple of lunches out with friends. I will see family on Skype. I hope my Broadband keeps working though, my phone has been out for over a week now and though my provider has said they will get an engineer and let me know, I expect they will all be extra busy around here for a while!

    It was snowing here yesterday, though turned to slush later. It will still be on the tops, though too gloomy to see them today!

    My friend in Kendal, who was flooded, is in a B&B now as the  insurance had the electric turned off, as the water had got into the supply box. There will be assessors to see about the white goods and carpet that got ruined. There must be so many people even worse off though.

    Best wishes to Margo, and also OG. My mother had to travel 50 miles to Preston and the same back for her radiotherapy, I think for 4 weeks. She had hospital transport, but did get tired by the end of it. She had the bone scan too, it was all worth it as she was fine for many years after.

  • LINDY  Talking to someone who has a middle aged Goldie today. It turns out that Poppy was a nightmare for the first year. She is their 3rd Goldie. They wondered what on earth they had done and went through thoughts of rehoming her. Suddenly, like a lightswitch, she turned the corner and they haven't looked back since.

  • Thanks, dibnlib:   I have heard from others that their dogs have been a nightmare, too.  Perhaps its worst with the breeds which have a lot of energy:  my sis-in-law had to redecorate after having her Guide Dog puppy,  (also a Goldiie)  who is now a wonderful dog and a credit to her and to the Guide Dogs people.

    I'm wondering if perhaps its partly hormonal.  She is coming up to being on heat for the first time, so maybe things will calm down (a bit!) after that.

  • We enjoyed the party. The lunch was fabulous. The host had also catered  for various special diets for certain guests. So much food, great company, with plenty of various wines to choose from. I just didn't have any room left for the cheese and biscuits.

    You are quite right, Linda. It has been so mild here, but has remained cloudy.
    I do think you should get out of that cupboard under the stairs and get on with the wrapping. You should finish by Christmas LOL

    Chrisy, I really do hope that you phone is restored quickly. They can't leave you without a phone over Christmas.
    I think tonight's result on Strictly was correct.