Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is here.

I hope everyone is enjoying the season.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Lovely cheery picture Diane. Have just come back from a party.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Thanks for starting us off.

  • No problem, Annette. I'll try to catch up with everyone tomorrow night.

  • Good Morning, and thank you to Diane for starting us off again, and with such a cheerful image.

    The days are rushing by quickly, and I expect we will all be busy with preparations during this week. I hope that those of us with extra things to organise, such as OG and Margo, don't find it too arduous.  The weather in UK looks to be unseasonally warm, in spite of a frost last night, and the rain is still falling in most areas. It seems that global warming is giving us wetter winters.  I seem to remember that not too long ago there was some prediction of our going slowly into another Ice Age, but this idea has been dropped!!

  • Sounds as if you enjoyed your party, Rosy, as you reported in late!!   I spent the evening as I described, surrounded by Christmas presents & wrapping paper, but stopped work to watch Strictly, which was most enjoyable. After that, the wine I'd had with dinner took over and I had a job keeping my eyes open!

  • LINDY  It is certainly not warm here this morning. Must remember to empty the bird bath in the evenings as it was frozen solid this morning. OH walking Benson as I do get frightened when it is icy underfoot.

  • Good morning – bright and frosty here.  Didn’t get back to you yesterday – did Christmas decorations (all indoors for us).  In the evening, we had a few Christmas nibbles with our coffee while watching Strictly.  That is getting very tense, with them all performing quite erratically now.  I still can’t decide who I want to win, just know which two I don’t want!

    Received my appt for radiotherapy planning in Carlisle – by letter.  Very early morning and same day as my DEXA scan in Dumfries – ie opposite direction!  So will phone Monday and try to get it moved from 22nd to 23rd or even 24th – and hopefully late enough that I won’t have to get up at 5:30 to have a shower and get there in the rush hour!

    Dibnlib – I hope they soon re-arrest that escapee – not the kind of person you want roaming the neighbourhood!  As you say, both of you need to take care when out walking with Benson.  I could just imagine Ben Wyviss from your description – lovely to see.

    Brenda – have a lovely time at the party today, and enjoy wearing the new clothes – will the outfit also suit the post-Christmas meal chez Daughter’s “out-laws”?  Thanks for Margo’s news.

    Margo – pleased the transfusion has been brought forward.  That will be better for you to have energy to finish your preparations – but don’t wear yourself out before the two big days!

    Annette – I also like mince pies – but no cream, thank you!  Had two so far this year – one at concert was unfortunately spoiled by being warm, the other on Friday was nicely cold!

    Diane – thanks for the new week, with the cheery picture.

    Rosy – must have been a good party going on so late!  I think our social stuff is all out of the way now, and of course J still has this week and then another two days at work – not that the kids are much into work towards the end of term – they have been causing big trouble for the fire service by setting off the alarms around the school.

    Linda – pleased to see there was some level of agreement to end the climate change talks – now we just have to hope that everyone adheres to it!   I gather the present wrapping has still to be completed in your house!  Good luck – especially if Bonnie helps – I used to be at risk of sticky taping the dog’s nose as she always wanted to investigate what was going into a parcel!

    OH is putting a coat of paint on the bathroom ceiling, and J has taken himself on a frosty walk – not as cold as it looked as most of the morning whiteness was caused by the high humidity.  Tomorrow is appointment free, so we are going for lunch at Loch Arthur and some organic shopping there, and then a Morrison’s top-up on the way home.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A mild and damp morning here. Very cloudy. I was sitting next to a heater in church this morning, but I had to take my coat off, it was throwing out too much heat !

    Thanks Diane for starting the week and for your seasonal pic.

    OG, Another double appointment in the one day for you. I hope you can get a satisfactory rearrangement. Lunch at Loch Arthur sounds good. I agree with you about the climate change agreement. I fear that not everyone will adhere to it.
    My new outfit will be suitable for a few occasions, with different people attending, including the " outlaws" :-))

    Annette, I haven't had any mince pies so far, this year. OH's bland diet has been a penance for me. LOL

    Rosy, Good to see you enjoyed the party. How are you feeling this morning ?

    Linda, I remember the talk of another ice age. Maybe that comes in January !!!

    The party starts with lunch at 1pm. Carriages at midnight. Rather certain that we won't still be there at midnight. 

  • Enjoy, Brenda!  Sneak a mince pie, if you can!

    I've been getting stuff out from under the stairs and found some bath time toys for the g'children which I must have bought last January. Also a fun pair of antlers for Tomasz!

  • Well, BRENDA - I can't physically be in two places at once (first will still be happening when second, 36 miles away, is due), so something will have to change.  I'll try radiology first, as the most recently booked, and the horribly early one!  But that is more important to get under way, so if I can't get a new date before January, will have to postpone the bone density scan until after therapy!

    LINDA - good move to buy presents early, but not if you forget where you squirrelled them away!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!