Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is here.

I hope everyone is enjoying the season.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Annette:

    So pleased that Peanut and Lightning are on the mend. Thanks to you and your brilliant care.

    I enjoyed your photos of Santa Barbara and your hummingbird. Such a lovely area you live in. I loved your livestream of the Yosemite waterfall.

    I hope you enjoy your laid back Christmas. I'm glad you got a little rain. It rained nearly all day here, with very high winds as the cold front moved in. We did, indeed, have warm weather over the weekend. It was near 70 F or 21.1 C, which is spooky weird for my area in winter. Foggy, too.

    I hope you got a good price for your beloved old truck. Hope the movie has footage of it!

    Tonight is the premiere of two big production shows on SyFy channel: Childhood's End (a 3-day mini-series adaptation of the Arthur C. Clarke novel) and The Expanse, which is a futuristic sci-fi series by the author of The Children of Men. I recommend both! (I already watched The Expanse episode online, and I loved it.)

  • Evening all:  Well, the measly one-hour rainfall did diddly squat for the garden. I planted a native salvia today and had to break up the clay and amend it before I could put in the plant.  Grandson came by and polished off some pizza and some brownies I'd baked before he went to dentist (brought his toothbrush!), then I went to yoga, where the instructor has been leading "restorative" poses this month since everyone is busy rushing around right now. 

    Lindybird/dibnlib: I also got a big smile at the idea of a singing and dancing frying pan!  :-))   Wonder how they organized that doggie Christmas photo.

    OG: Hope Loch Arthur's mince pies were up to snuff.  So you'll be going to Carlisle on Monday and your other appointment on Tuesday. Good that all taken care of before Christmas.

    Brenda: Oh poor Margo. What a hassle; just what she doesn't need. Do hope she'll see benefits quickly.  (And thanks again for keeping us in the loop.)

    Lynette: Who needs a biopsy before Christmas? Do hope what's ailing your friend turns out to be an easy fix. Do you like cold or hot mince pies?  :-)

    Diane: Lightning is doing better, but is no longer impressed with her new diet. Will try another brand in the next day or so. In the meantime, Peanut has developed a Bad Attitude. He's started refusing to take his meds and fusses and wriggles. Last night he bit me (didn't break the skin) but I ended up wasting a dose of meds. He's also taken to jumping on top of his little play tunnel and instead of squeaking sweetly for treats, is clicking his teeth together incessantly (apparently a sign of annoyance in guinea pigs). Tonight his medicine almost ended up in his ear. Have spoken sternly to him so will see what tomorrow brings.

    Window cleaning crew will be here bright and early (oh joy). Not really in the mood for people  back and forth inside and outside but oh well....

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.

  • Good Morning - gosh, lots more activity in the night last night.

    Lynette -  Hope your Friend gets a hopeful result from the biopsy.  It must have been a shock to find the lump.

    Diane - Lovely to get a long post from you: amazed that you're getting so warm there. Exciting about the coming launch for the Space Station personnel today, I expect you already know that one of them is a Brit!  We are very proud of him:  he looks very calm this morning.

    Annette - Poor Peanut! He must have lost patience with being handled so much. And poor you! -trying to do your best for him. Hope you both get a better day today. Like the sound of restorative poses!

    OG - Good that you managed to change appointments. That lunch sounded good.

    Dibnlib -  Loved the doggy festivities!  Hmmmm...... some of those dogs look very similar!!

    Do hope that dear Margo begins to feel the benefit of her transfusion soon, after such a tiring day.

  • Thanks to Brenda for keeping us up to date with Margos news. You must be busy, yourself. Hope your OH is improving.

    My OH has gone off to golf, and I'm going to wrap his presents while he's gone. Then later, Friend is being dropped off by her OH after a clinic appointment, and I'm taking her out to lunch (she is doing very well with her new knee, but still can't drive).

  • HEATHER  so sorry to hear the news of Sheana, though we know it is all for the best.  Hair appt later (hi lites) then lunch out at Loch Ness Country House.

  • Heather - Sorry to hear of Sheana’s death. You have been a very special friend.

    Margo – What a shemozzle with your transfusion. I hope you will be feeling brighter soon. {{{HUGS}}}

    Linda – I don’t want a singing & dancing frypan. I want one that washes itself!

    I have to explore shops tomorrow for Xmas gifts. It will be 39 C. I can’t leave it til Thurs as that will be hotter and Friday is nanny duty again and Saturday will be 42 C. Brain is already overheated - I forgot I was going to write Aussie Xmas cards today. I'm off now to flop in front of TV for the evening.

  • Good grief,AQ !  That's warm!  No wonder you have to plan your shopping trips.  Hope both the shopping & the nanny day go well.

    Been out to lunch at our favourite garden centre. Friend had a huge Prawn Salad, and I had a baked potato stuffed with Turkey & Bacon: it came with side salad, too, and was a nice change. Very busy in the cafe, lots of folks having a last look around for things. I bought some peanuts for the birds, a book on short walks in Gwynedd, for my OH's Christmas stocking,  and a baby board book for Amber. Posted some Christmas cards with letters scribbled in them, on the way home.

  • By the way, the all dancing frypan was one of those new fangled ceramic ones which are supposed to be minimal care.  I have a couple of good ones myself, they are the reconstituted stone type and they only need a wipe out with kitchen paper after use! :-)  highly recommended!  I shall await son's verdict on his present after he's used it a few times.  I m all for minimal care!!

    Exciting about Our Astronaut, Tim Whatsisname - hope all goes well for him. A good start, anyway, with a great liftoff this morning :-)

  • We had a delicious Christmas lunch at Loch Ness Country House. Three courses for £18....unbelievable value. There were 3 ladies having afternoon and that looked pretty good too.  Tomorrow is an evening meal at church provided by our Wed group for the Alpha course. OH and I will be making chicken and brocolli in a curry/mayo sauce. Must swim in the morning. Eating too much and not enough exercise at the mo.

  • Annette: I've just seen the news about Los Angeles. I'm not going to say a lot on this thread except that I hope you will be safe! I know L.A. is fairly close to you, and authorities don't yet know the nature of the threat, except that it's widespread.