WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 2015

Hope all in the storm path have escaped any problems.

Lindybird: Happy viewing!

Diane: El Nino? Hmmm - it seems to have forgotten to stop by here. Seriously, "they" aren't expecting it until the end of December.

All good here today - raked masses of leaves off the parkway (street sweeper due Monday) and must do the garden paths tomorrow (if I can find them!).

Have a good Sunday all.

  • So glad you're safe, OG. Lovely that you were able to enjoy your nice meal.

    Lindy: Sorry about the carpet, but I'm glad your only damage was doggy created.

    Annette and anyone interested: A cargo rocket will launch this afternoon from Cape Canaveral, taking supplies to the International Space Station. The liftoff has been scrubbed three times due to weather, so hope they can launch today. 

    1:44 p.m. in California.
    4:44 p.m. in eastern U.S.
    9:44 p.m. in U.K.

    Watch on NASA TV: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/

  • Thanks for the wishes, I hope everyone else is OK. Not sure about OG going to N Yorks tomorrow, but suppose there will road information.

    I am having some trouble with my phone line, phone is not working at the moment and the BB keeps falling out. I think it will need an engineer, but expect they are all very busy at the moment!

    Oh yes, Lindybird, I also got a new Smart TV, 32in, this week, it came on Tuesday and my brother kindly came over to set it up. It has a very good picture and I like the HD. I have only tried BBC iplayer so far of the fancy things it is supposed to do.

    Aha! I was trying to do Bold with no success and then remembered it needs to be in rich formatting!

  • I too have doubts, CHRISY, but he has been checking online for traffic news and it is only him going, so I suppose the decision is his!  If there was going to be room in the car for me as well as the chairs, I wouldn't travel, but I guess he is more resilient to weather.  Idea is to go early to try to be back before the heavier evening showers!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello everyone- thank you for all your news, especially telling us that as far as we know, all our crowd are OK!

    OG  -  I'm not 100% but have got to be, soon!! Mind over matter. Several things on this week and OH's children here a week today for a meal to celebrate his 85th birthday the following day. We don't usually entertain our families separately but getting to the point where it is impossible due to sheer numbers :-(

    Won't write any more except to say thank you to ALL for your news. Hopefully between creams and ABs I'll be bouncing around soon. Quite interesting, it is the first time I've ever had antibiotics in all my 70 years!!!!!

    Take care, all -

  • Thanks for all your news, and let's hope everyone from these threads is safe & dry.  I've just seen some of the footage on the News and it's quite shocking how devastating these flash floods have been - roads washed away, thousands of homes without power, etc. Dreadful.

    We've tried to have a quiet day here, and hoped to go for a walk this morning, for some fresh air, but it rained hard when it was supposed to be dry!  Then it cleared up whilst we were having lunch.  I've been online ordering last minute presents, and wrapping some of what I've bought.  Bonnie has had a really bad day, being very destructive - she has ripped whole half sheets of wallpaper off the wall, eaten letters stolen from the table, and every time we left the room, had another go at the carpet, now she knows how to dig it up. (OG - it's an old carpet which we meant to replace a couple of years ago, but decided against when we thought about getting a pup). Subsequently my OH has lost his temper with her for the first time, and I had to go and find something else to do or I would have broken something in anger.  We are living in a prison, with an empty cell (the dining room & kitchen) almost echoing without any curtains or ornaments apart from pictures on the walls.  The carpet is dangerous, as we could fall over it now, so my OH is off to get something better to fasten it down with in the morning.

    I am exhausted with my almost every move having to be considered before I do anything (can I leave the room now? - is there anything on the table? - will she escape if I forget the door? - will she steal that? - can I have a shower without putting her in her crate? - have I left anything behind if I answer the phone? - will she try to break the fence if she's in the garden and sees a cat? -  what are those remains on the floor? -  where are my scissors? - what is she chewing? - why is she hiding under the table?......)

    Everyone loves her and she is a winsome little thing. But I'm very tired now.  Sorry I'm having a whinge......

  • I hope all are safe UpOver. Crazy weather. Too much water there. Too hot here. Overnight min 31 C. No wonder I couldn’t sleep. Not looking forward to nannying today. Weatherman has predicted a cool change this evening, so “only” 30 C tomorrow.

  • OH LINDY, my heart goes out to you. I would be cracking up. I have never had a dog so can't offer any helpful comments. Just wanted to give you a cyberhug xxxx

  • LINDA - I think you really need to consider obedience classes for Bonnie - and to get trained yourselves to be firm with her when she is so destructive.  I know she is sweet and winsome, but really you must not let this go on any longer: she needs to grow up now!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lindybird,   I echo what Heather has said to you. I always think, when I read of Bonnie's antics, how tolerant you are of her. I know you adore her, but she does try your patience. I have never had a dog either, and don't know if I could cope with what you have.  She must grow up and settle down at some time. Hang on in there!

    I don't think that is very helpful. Just wanted to sympathise with you.

    Heather,   No anti'B's until 70? That is amazing. You are either very stoical, or have had GP's who do not dish them out freely. I think some are over keen to subscribe.

    Glad that no-one here is too affected by the storms.

    Sorry for AQ suffering the heat. I would find that very difficult.

    Are your temperatures more comfortable now Annette?

  • Evening all:

    Lindybird: Oh my. What to do? Tranquilizers for you? For Bonnie? Was it the bad weather that set her off?  Maybe OG's idea of training would work - lots of effort I'm sure, but I can't imagine putting up with all that aggro and inconvenience. :-(

    AQ: Too hot where you are; too wet where UK folks are.... we're comfortable but still dry, though our weatherman said that the chance of rain on Thursday was a "definite maybe."  :-))

    Rosy: Lovely temps right now - right about 70F and we're hoping the "definite maybe" rain forecast will turn into plain old "definite."

    All four legged critters okay today, but was chatting on the phone to my sister in the UK when I spotted a bird hopping about on the patio, apparently unable to fly.  He disappeared, then half an hour later when I rustled some plants to find him, he popped out from under one and just sat there. He didn't flinch at all when I picked him up and put him into the ventilated shoe box we keep just for such events and took him to the Wildlife Rescue Center up the road. They said he was injured, but not by a cat, and would probably survive.  Hope so.

    Anyway, do hope everyone in the UK is safe and dry. Special thoughts to dear Margo.