WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), SUNDAY November 29, 2015

Happy new week.

I"m sampling the Sticky Toffee Pudding with vanilla ice cream. Back in a bit to report!

  • Just read on BBC news that sandbags are being used in Annan,D and G. The river must be very high. Stepson says utter chaos due to the closure of Forth road bridge until New Year. He lives on one side of the Forth and his office(Forth Harbour Pilots) is on the other. Luckily he can get the Pilot Boat to come and collect him.

  • Thanks Heather. The flood alerts keep being added to. I have a BBC news app on my phone and it seems to be all about the weather today. The continuous heavy rain doesn't stop until tomorrow. The rivers will overflow.

    It is lucky that your stepson will be able to get to work via the Pilot Boat. I can understand why there will be chaos.

  • Well......

    We started setting up the new TV after we had coffee this morning.  First, we got it all out of the box.   Then we unpacked each part & identified it.  Then we read the (brief, pictorial) instructions......  My OH built the stand and we both held the TV to get it onto the top of it.  We put it all onto our TV furniture stand.  We connected all of the various gubbins into the back of the set, as instructed.

    Then, I started to read the instructions.  We went through all of the automatic screen instructions and menus.  After connecting it to our internet, as its a 'Smart' TV,  we tried to get it to speak to our cable box......  after an hour, we adjourned for lunch!

    After lunch, we battled with it for another hour.....  Eventually, I left to go shopping as we had not done any of our usual supply shopping on a Saturday.  Whilst I threw things into my trolley in the supermarket, I mournfully wondered who had a twelve year old who could help us out of our problem. 

    But when I returned home, I could see through the front window that we had a picture on the set -  Hooray!!!!!!!!  My OH had done what he usually does in these instances, and just sat pressing every button on the remote control until he got another menu.   Then he was able to get it going at last.......

    We have got not much else done today........  the beef is in the oven, and we are going to celebrate with a roast beef dinner and a glass of wine, later, LOL!

    EDIT:   We are very pleased with it, its a lovely picture and now we can have another battle to get our old set going in the dining room, LOL!!

  • Sorry to hear about the chaos in Scotland. Its bad enough coping with the weather, without problems with the bridge.  I saw on our local news that in Keswick in the L. District, they have called out the Mountain Rescue Team to help people evacuate their homes because of floods. Its such a shame:  I know Keswick well and it is a lovely town.

  • Annette:  Great news that Peanut seems to be responding.  Hope he is going to be alright now.

    Brenda:   Hope your OH is feeling much better now that time has passed.  It must have been a worrying time.  I, too, laughed about the chocolate! But then I have done the same, but mainly because my OH would have said "Where's mine?" if I had got a bar of choc out!

  • To everyone in the path of the storm: I hope you, your family, and your property are all safe!!!

  • Annette: So glad to hear that Peanut is better. Well done to you!!! You've been brilliant with his treatment. I'm sure the little fella is very grateful!

  • I just checked in on Facebook, and I saw that OG posted about 4 hours ago. So she must be okay. She posted that D & G has begun a first-ever live blog and incident map to provide weather information.

  • Thanks for all expressions of concern - it has been horrendous nearby but we all fine - live at inland end of town - higher than both river and firth.  More details tomorrow.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:

    To everyone in the path of the storm: I hope you, your family, and your property are all safe!!!

    You are so caring, Diane.  Thank You.