WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), SUNDAY November 29, 2015

Happy new week.

I"m sampling the Sticky Toffee Pudding with vanilla ice cream. Back in a bit to report!

  • Thanks, AQ!!  We could do with some, although its not too bad yet (yet.....).  Hope nanny day OK......

  • Heather - glad your brother had a good trip. I'm sure he appreciated your welcome.  Try to have a rest now, you sound all in. (And don't worry about Sheana)

  • Hope everyone in the North of UK is alright tonight, high winds again!

  • Evening all:  Busy day between giving Lightning shots one minute and syringe feeding Peanut the other. He seems to be enjoying sitting on my lap and getting stroked while he's noshing. Took a couple of hours off to go sit by the ocean and then take a nice walk on the park along the bluffs.  Very refreshing. Took some photos and if they're any good, will post one or two in the next day or so.

    Heather: Take care; rest up this weekend.

    AQ: Send heat to Diane, but do not arrange a stop in California.

    Lindybird: Hope you've got your new TV up and running.

    Off to bed.

  • Good Morning, All.  Slept in late again!  But we did go to bed late.  Hav'nt set up the TV yet, Annette, it's still in the box, as we were too daunted by all the technical connections we'll have to do (we have cable, a DVD, an old Video player....).  We spent some of yesterday putting up our outside lights -  the colourful back garden ones are not working, but the new ones at the front are very bright & jolly!  I got more Christmas Cards written, and even finished the ironing, yay!!

    Nice that you found time for a break by the ocean and in the park, between Nursing duties. Look forward to your pics.

    Hope that both Lightning and Peanut are perking up today.

  • The winds are gusting away, here, and as we are on the Cheshire plains, it usually just rushes over us and off to somewhere else. Heard on the News that it could be bad for some, so hope all our friends are OK.

  • Good Morning Everyone. ' Desmond' this weekends storm, is very bad for the Northern half of the country. Flooding also seems to be a certainty in places. It is dry and windy here, but definitely not the 80 / 90 mph which is being suffered by so many.

    AQ, 33c at 9am would certainly be too hot for me. I do envy being able to hang your washing outside though. Our tumble dryer is in constant use !!!

    Annette, You are doing a fantastic job at your ' animal hospital. '  Your walk sounds so enjoyable.

    Linda, I don't think I would have dared put up the outside lights in this weekends gales. We have only hung our Advent wreath so far.  

  • Hi all

    We are not getting any severe weather here, just rainy and cold. A bit windy last night. I think the north east is the only part of Scotland to escape the worst of the storm, I'm wondering about OG in Dumfries and Galloway.

    PS I see that we have had some landslide etc but in general I think the North Highlands are escaping the worst.
  • Peanut on hind legs at side of cage looking for lettuce this morning when I removed his cover and had pooed overnight too! Hurray! Will give him another couple of mushy medicine doses today and then see how he goes. Lightning has had her shot. Wonder what's in the 'fridge for me?

    Will catch up in a bit....

  • Heather, Pleased to hear you are not getting the severe weather. My OH did mention that he thought OG could be getting hit quite badly. I have just noticed that parts of Cumbria is flooded and people have been evacuated from their homes.

    Annette, Good to read that Peanut is recovering. You must be so relieved. All thanks to you and your skills with the mush.