WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), SUNDAY November 29, 2015

Happy new week.

I"m sampling the Sticky Toffee Pudding with vanilla ice cream. Back in a bit to report!

  • Ah!  It will post if I am on Desktop rather than on Tablet.   So will write more later in reply - have to go now as Lots to Do!

    Have a good Friday, everyone.

  • Good morning.  Sent OH shopping early so he can paint the linen cupboard later this morning!  Rough weather overnight, but not as bad as further east and north – got some blue sky here right now!

    Linda – Christmas light switch on in town this evening, with some sort of community event being held in the Academy – not going!   J was in Dumfries last Saturday when they were preparing for switch on there, so he quickly returned to his car and left town – said the place was crowded.

    Rosy – welcome back, and sorry about the jet-lag!  Hope you get more chance to relax today.

    Diane – nice long post from you – sorry you lost original draft.  Take care with that very mixed weather over there; don’t get caught out by any sudden changes!!  Pleased you can now watch more TV – if you really want to!

    Annette – pleased that you were able to get away from sick animals and enjoy dinner!  Sorry that Peanut’s apparent improvement was temporary, but good that you found a successful way to administer the mush!  Hope you make a satisfactory change of vet – and I am sure the insulin will just be subcutaneous (we all three mastered J’s growth hormone injections after his childhood brain tumour treatments)!  There was a “falling-trees warning” about trees in the weather forecast – too much rain is loosening the roots and they can’t stand up to the wind.  Ours are too small to be a danger.

    Hey – I think that is the sun out there – big smile!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I'm back with a hot chocolate to hand!

    Here is what I wrote at about 7.40am this morning:   It is still sitting there on my tablet, with the thingy whizzing around at the bottom, so I'll just copy it ---

    Good Morning, All.  A pretty pale blue sky streaked with pink is on view from my bed as I write:  we didn't rush to rise this morning after a late night last night, watching Question Time on TV and getting annoyed over politics & politicians!

    Diane:  See that you've been affected by the dreaded Lost Post Syndrome!  It causes some swearywords around here, I can tell you!  Good that you got some supplies in if its turning cold there, but I sympathise over the driving in slippery conditions.  Enjoy seeing more movies!  We like our cartoons in this house, even Friend likes a well made one,and she is fussy!  We both enjoyed the latest one a lot more than "Frozen" which we found slightly disappointing, after all the hype - not one of Disney's best, we thought, and were surprised that it's become so popular here.

    Rosy:  Welcome back home and I expect you have brought with you lots of lovely memories of family times.  I get upset by any kind of difference in my routine, and also hate the Time Change to BST!

    Annette:  You are having lots of trips to the Vets.  Expensive these days, we know.  Well done on discovering a better way to get Peanuts meds into him.  I hope he improves today.

  • OG:  Just seen your post.  Hope you feel better each day, and the knee is not too much of a pain, literally and figuratively.

    We are just going to delve into the under stairs space and find the outside lights once again:  doesn't seem five minutes since I wrote that last year!  I thought we might start to put them up outside, this weekend.  But I do know that once they are out, my OH will be up the ladder putting some of them up, as he is a real Do-er and doesn't ever let the grass grow! I will have to break it to him that I bought another new set last week, during the B. Friday thing, so that we can get plenty on the house where we used to have a couple of gaps LOL!!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A sunny dry morning here. It rained overnight again.

    Rosy, Sorry you have suffered from jet lag since your return home, especially when you have to get back to your normal routine.  

    Diane, How annoying to lose your long post. Do take care in your quick changing weather. OH's recovery has been very slow. We are eating very bland food. I did hide in a room, yesterday and enjoyed some chocolate. LOL I need the sugar. Enjoy watching your choice of TV.

    Annette, Neighbour would let his cat start eating and would grab the cat and insert the insulin in the back of the neck. It was all done very rapidly :-)) Lightning sounds much more friendly than their cat.
    Pleased to see that you were able to enjoy a meal out and that you have been successful administering Peanut's mush.

    OG, So good that your OH was able to repair your extractor fan. We only had winds of 50mph last weekend and there were two trees brought down in the village. I do think some of them on the main road are left to grow far too high and the earth around the roots is being washed away by the rain.
    I did laugh at your reply about your OH and ' gentle massage :-))

    Linda, Sorry about not being able to post from your Tablet this morning. It is more cheerful to see the Christmas lights being switched on.

  • New TV has just been delivered!  It was supposed to be brought on Saturday, but hey ho.   The box looks e n o r m o u s!!

    -   Just had to sign in again.......

  • Enjoy the new TV Linda. Unpacking it is the worse part. LOL

    Just off to post all our Christmas cards.

  • Lindybird said:

    Been trying to write on here for over an hour.... getting stupid "Access Denied" flag!

    Try clearing your browsing history, cookies, and temporary Internet files (cache). Hope that helps.

    Lindy: I also enjoy some cartoon movies. I really love the Ice Age movie series. I think they are just so cute and engaging. Congrats on your new TV!

    Brenda: I had a huge laugh at your covert chocolate consumption. :-) Sending healing to your OH.

  • Hello all

    Sorry for lack of posts. I think that my brother enjoyed his visit despite travel difficulties. He is now safely home in la belle France.

    I have done nothing yet regarding Christmas. I haven't seen Sheana for weeks :-(

    The wind is blowing hard outside, very gusty.

    Had to visit GP today regarding solar keratosis (we think) on eyebrow, also the much mentioned rash. It is slowly improving but he has prescribed antibiotics in case somewhere along the line it has become slightly infected. How, I can't say because I am very fussy with skin hygiene, bed linens, towels etc. Maybe something in Madeira was not up to scratch (excuse the pun). Any way I am Mrs Grumpy just now and not feeling very chatty:-)

    Thank you all for your news, I am up to date.

    Sending good thoughts to all xx

  • Washing hung out, probably already dry before I can finish making bed! Temp by 9 am is 33 C, expecting a scorcher today & Sunday. Please feel free to take excess heat LOL.