WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), SUNDAY November 29, 2015

Happy new week.

I"m sampling the Sticky Toffee Pudding with vanilla ice cream. Back in a bit to report!

  • Good morning, all.  Ironing done – going to join in OH’s cleaning day today – whole house upside down from bathroom storage spread around, so starting in the two shower rooms.  Hoping also he can start painting linen cupboard so those things can move from dining room in a few days’ time!

    Linda – laughed at the parked man in Ladies’ Wear!  Terrible incident in California yet again and whole world quite horrible with added bombing by the UK in Syria.  My consultant surgeon is Syrian – lovely man.

    AQ – shower room marathon was because the company’s planning and programming are so poor now (and a little thing called surgery also caused delays!); same people did my wet room seven years ago, and they did much better there.  However, like the result – many £££££s well spent, I think.  Sorry your day got so much interrupted, but good you enjoyed a catch-up on the bus and were available for your friend on the phone – I hope today went smoothly so you can be calmly available for Friday!  So sad about the looters at bush-fire sites – and I hope the rising temps will not bring further fires to your area.

    Brenda – leg hasn’t made a full refusal yet this morning – just very stiff and sore, so will keep it exercised!  Wet room fan started stalling last evening, so now that has to be investigated by OH – probably a loose wire, he thinks.  Maybe it’s on strike after all the extra use!

    Annette – so sorry about poor wee Peanut – must be something ailing him, as he is normally so lively; how old is he?

    Well, need to see where OH is up to and how I can be useful.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Dry and very mild again. Rain arrives this evening.

    I watched all the news this morning.

    Annette, Thanks for further news of Peanut. Sorry you have had such a worrying time. I do hope he recovers.

  • OG, Would it help if EE gently massaged your leg for you ?  

    I hope you won't need a new extractor fan in your wet room.

  • Quiet on here again - are we all busy preparing for the festivities?  I did write some of my Chr. cards this morning, for close family.

    OG -  I see you are keeping EE busy!  How nice it will be when all is done. Must agree, that I feel out of sorts when we do something in a room and have to put things from therein, in other rooms. Can't wait to put it all back again! Speaking of which, will have to move some stuff and get all the outside Chr. Lights out again - feel as if we only put them away a couple of months ago!  

    PS as I wrote the above, our 1st Christmas card came onto the mat for this year.

  • A damp, dull day here today, and dark as well.  I must start writing my Christmas cards soon, I bought them from the Woodland Trust this year and am very pleased with them; all the same for everybody except for close family which I choose separately for each person, but not done yet.  I have just written a long rigmarole here which would not post, just disappeared! so I will just send this and be back later,  

  • Rita:   Its soooo annoying when things won't post:  and it always seems to be when you have written a long one.

  • Morning all: Peanut apparently decided it was smarter to eat a piece of lettuce and a slice of apple this morning rather than risk being bundled into my car, rushed down the freeway, turned upside down to have his bottom inspected, then "force fed" mushy medicine. He's moving around the cage today and nibbling his normal food so am going to let him be peaceful.

    OG: Peanut is five years old, which is old for a guinea pig.

    Rosy: Assume you're back home and not too jet-lagged?

    Lindybird/Rita: Haven't even started Christmas cards; will likely send just the bare minimum this year after sending to all and sundry last year!  Some of our neighbors already have the lights up. I think grandson and girlfriend will be joining daughter, granddaughter and Ms. D in Arizona this year. OH will not want to make the trip and stay in motel, so we'll probably have a really quiet holiday and I will likely go visit early in the New Year. I have several out-of-town old friends who will be in the area for Christmas and I would like to get together with them also.

    Hope Diane is okay.

    In the meantime, must take Lightning, who has diabetes it turns out, to vet for first insulin shot today! Oh my, it never ends.  :-)

    Stay well all.

  • Hello - back again. just to say that it is not only puppies that get up to mischief, 5 year old dogs can be just as bad!     When my daughter was recently here she brought her knitting with her, and it fired me with enthusiasm to do some knitting also, I have not knitted for years but it has come back into fashion now apparently.  I went online and ordered some wool and a pattern which arrived the next day and I started knitting straight away.  In the evening I was busy posting (on here actually)  and when I went into the Hall later on I found the whole floor simply covered in tangled up knitting wool !!!  Amber must have really been having fun!  I just had to sit down and sort it all out and wind it up again, it took ages and ages!   It was very soft wool and had little sequins worked into it which made it all the more difficult to untangle.   Anyway, it was alright in the end, and the wool has not suffered.   I was about to cook my evening meal  but in the end had it very late and could only cope with cooking egg and bacon!

  • Oh Rita. You must be a very patient person to sit and sort out all that wool. I bet Amber had exhausted herself and was sleeping while you untangled the mess. LOL

    I meant to mention, when there was the discussion about films, that my daughter has booked seats for us all to go and watch the new Star Wars film in the afternoon of the 27th Dec. The rest of the family are all keen to see it, except for me, but I have kept quiet.

  • Annette, A neighbour had a cat, who needed twice daily insulin injections. They were taught how to administer the injections. If they went on holiday, I used to feed their cats, but when the injections became necessary, they said they wouldn't ask me to do them, so their two cats stayed with the vet. I was so relieved. It wasn't the friendliest of cats !!!