WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), SUNDAY November 29, 2015

Happy new week.

I"m sampling the Sticky Toffee Pudding with vanilla ice cream. Back in a bit to report!

  • Nice tree!  -  looks much like I imagined but could easily get too big, I can see.

  • Good evening!  Guess what?  Electrician did plumbing as well as power supply to finish the shower, so OH used it before we went out this afternoon.  Still two corner soap racks to come – and one of them may (hopefully) end up in my shower where I didn’t get one before – loo roll holder and correct push-plate for flush (wrong finish was delivered but have had it temporarily).   OH has just removed batten from blind fitting – having one in the recess  instead of outside – and is already plastering various holes and blemishes!

    Margo – so good to see a cheerful post from you - and thanks for the email too.  New regime of reduced chemo and transfusions sounds sensible, and I am sure it will be less of a drain on your stamina.  Well done getting your cake baked last weekend!  I hope you will enjoy another meal out this coming weekend!

    Brenda – thanks for your good wishes.  Had a good chat with GP – and a student sitting in.  She was surprised how much bruising I still have, but says four weeks since surgery isn’t really a long time, thinks the sore throat was from being in hospital, and that the silly leg is just a reaction to things happening to me (no indication that I should go to orthopaedics again, thank goodness).  She will see me again in two weeks and hopes I will have a date from Carlisle by then.

    Annette – I see you have a lot going on, with window work and tree surgeon – take care, as these jobs somehow always leave us with extra stuff to do.  Talk of Whale Watch already – how the months have flown by!  And less than four months till EJ’s return!  Hope dental experience was okay.

    Linda – never heard of that film, but I expect the film is only one part of getting together!

    Ought to now contact both daughters and report doctor visit.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • See there's a lot going on with you, OG.  Glad you had a good GP visit and that all is well.  The bruising experienced by people after surgery does seem to vary quite a lot. Maybe there are a lot of contributory factors.  

    The film was one I had seen some trailers for on our cinema visits. The trailers are very useful as they can help you decide whether to see a film or not. True that Friend and I had a good chat and a cuppa, whilst she had a mince pie and I had a biscuit!  I told her a funny tale about a man I saw tucked into a corner in the Ladies Wear Dept.  I remarked to him that maybe he was hiding!  He replied, "No, I wouldn't call it that - I'm in 'Park' !!"

  • Sorry to see that there has been a serious shooting incident in California.

  • Margo – Good to “see” you again and being so positive. {{{HUGGS}}}

    OG – Will we be seeing your bathroom on Grand Designs or Restoration Man? It sounds like a marathon!

    I went to city yesterday for short stint in library and some shopping. Homewards I happened to sit on bus beside someone I hadn’t seen since our girls were at school. So much chat and lot of g-chn to catch up on until I happened to look up just as I passed my stop. Just what I didn’t feel like, an extra long walk back to car. After I returned library books, I intended to do food shopping as well, but I went home for lunch first. Friend phoned and talked out her problems for over an hour. By then I couldn’t be bothered with shopping and lazed the rest of day until I raided freezer for something for tea. So shopping expedition is top of list for today. After few cool days, weather is heating up to 40 C Sunday. The latest nasty bushfire news is the looters. People are scavenging burnt-out homes for scrap metal or whatever they can find.

  • OG, So good to see that your GP was not bothered by your bruising, sore throat or leg problems. Do take care of yourself. You want to be fighting fit, before your treatment begins. X
    Lovely to read that EE can now use his new shower. That must mean that you now have your wet room back for your own use :-))

    Linda, Loved the story of the man in " park " in the ladies dept.
    Sad to see another shooting in California. Latest count is 14 dead.

    AQ, Sorry that you had to walk back to your car, but it must have been good to catch up on your 'friends' news.
    Always surprises me, how the looters move in, without any feeling for the people, who have lost their homes, or even their life.

  • Lindybird: Hide least favorite videos next time friend comes to visit. If I tried to park my OH in Women's Wear, he'd call the Auto Club and demand a tow to Men's Wear in short order.

    OG: Electrician sounds like a good guy to have on hand for next plumbing job!

    AQ: Not sure I'm as surprised as Brenda at news of scumbag looters, but sorry to read about it.

    Utterly sickened by shootings and don't even want to talk/write/read about it. Have told OH I'll not be watching much TV news from now on - they're still going on about the Paris bombings. There's no respite. What a world.

    On more local level, am a bit worried about Peanut, who hasn't been out of his little woven tepee all day, not even when I put lettuce and carrots in the cage. He did have a couple of bites of an apple slice, but not his usual self at all......  Have been Googling Problems with Guinea Pigs on and off all day...  :-(

  • Oh, Annette. Poor Peanut. I hope he is alright and it doesn't mean another visit to the vet for you. We will all worry with you. We have become so attached to him. 

  • Evening all: Spent an hour with Peanut at the vets (not to mention an hour before that on the phone to vet). Long story short: No so-called "exotic" pet vets available this evening, but Lightning's vet suggested (on the phone) that I get something called Critical Care from their other office, then mix into a paste and feed Peanut with a sort of syringe. ("Insert behind the pouch!" advised the vet we did see). Hmmm. Lightning's vet suggested we could mix it with more water and put in a little bowl if syringe feeding wasn't successful, which it wasn't. Anyway, Peanut now safely back in cage with bowl of Critical Care after an altogether too exciting evening. I'm in nightie with my own version of Critical Care (glass of wine). We will see what tomorrow brings.

  • Oh, Annette, I'm sorry to hear you've had such a worrying time with poor Peanut. I had a hamster once, and they're similar, they're delicate little things - it doesn't seem to take much to upset them. Maybe he just feels a bit "off" as we all do sometimes, and will bounce back just as quickly.

    Good Morning, All.  Awakening to very dark day, plus grim world news as Annette says. I seem to vary between not switching on the news at all, to hanging on to every bulletin.