WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), SUNDAY November 29, 2015

Happy new week.

I"m sampling the Sticky Toffee Pudding with vanilla ice cream. Back in a bit to report!

  • Just scarfed up Sticky Toffee Pudding which was indeed very sweet, but ice cream offset that very well. All naughty desserts done so back to normal.

    Rosy: I love Shaker furniture and crafts - simple, clean and classic lines.

    OG: Hope Diane is tucked up somewhere safe and toasty and not stuck in a snowstorm somewhere.

    Have a good Sunday all.

  • Oh crikey. Just read the ingredients list on the back of the Sticky Toffee pudding carton. The calorie/fat/sugar figures per serving didn't look too terribly awful until I noticed that there were two servings in the container - and I'd scarfed up both of them. And I don't even want to think about the ice cream, which wasn't my usual low-fat brand. And to think I washed it all down with regular coffee instead of my usual decaf.  Of course, if I'm awake all night with all that sugar and caffeine, I could do push ups or jog in place to burn off all the fat!

  • The bushfire is "contained" but trees, baled hay still burning. Temp rising tomorrow again. This morn I phoned my sister for news. She had driven through roadblocks, dodging fallen trees, up the main road to work. The fire reached the farm next to where we used to live, ours survived. The house where my mother grew up is gone. Sister kept repeating black black all black. 87 houses lost, 100s sheds & machinery, some farmers hadn’t finished rearing, others have lost the baled hay. So much work, all lost. Just a few weeks ago on our bus trip, we saw the golden crops.

  • Oh, AQ -  how sad. I am sorry that some of your families past has been lost.  So hard for those who have lost everything, too.

  • Good Morning.  Damp here and a dark morning.  We were woken early by Bonnie, who was barking for some reason we could not see.  Yesterday morning before we went out, she escaped from our garden and my OH chased her around several nearby streets and gardens. He came home exasperated, without her, but left the gate open. Eventually she returned on her own. Later, when we got back from our trip south, she escaped again and he had to search the streets in the rain, calling. She appeared in the darkness and was persuaded to come to him.

    We both fell asleep in our chairs after the long day and the drama. Had to almost crawl up to bed!

  • Had a nice family visit.  Tomasz was already excited about his birthday, which is Tuesday, and his party for some of his new school friends, which is Saturday. We all braved the rain and went to his school Christmas Fair, which was a lot of fun. Tomasz won two sugar lollipops for throwing bean bags, and we won two bottles of wine at the Tombola!  I also bought some teatowels which had had the children's artwork printed on them.  Little Matthew had a runny nose from teething, but smiled and giggled at everyone, throughout!  :-)

  • Annette:  You may have to limit your consumption of S. T. Pudding if it's got so much sugar plus calories!  Glad you gave it a try. The shops here are already full of all kinds of pudding for Christmas, including the traditional and the bizarre!

  • Thank you ANNETTE for starting the week.

    Cold here today. Snow on high ground, saw some cars covered with it when we went to the supermarket. Here, just sleet, mostly. Not warm, though.

    LINDY - I have some of those teatowels. I keep them at the bottom of the pile. When I look at them, the oldest one is Hazel's. She is now 20. How time flies.

    My rash must be boring you all by now LOL. I did think of allergy but not a virus. Anyway, I think that I am in control of IT now, rather than the other way around. One thing I must think about is how to keep cool at night. OH very unwilling to put a lighter weight duvet on the bed. We may have to have two singles, as the Danes do. One warm and one cool. I may have said that here, before!

    ROSY - It sounds as if you are having a lovely time with the family. I agree with ANNETTE about the Shaker style furniture.

    AQ - That is dreadful news. So many homes destroyed.We here have no experience of that kind of thing so it is very hard to imagine the scene of devastation. I will look up the internet.

    LINDY - Words fail me! I agree with AQ - some people have dogs and others have grandchildren! My middle daughter used to escape from the house and garden on a regular basis until we fixed gates across the two doors doors leading to the outside. Even she couldn't climb over them. Not sure about Bonnie, though. Telling Alison that she mustn't go outside on her own and why,had no effect. I remember working with a consultant  psychiatrist who used to say to me that to some clients, asking them to agree to certain standards of behaviour was useless. Her favourite expression was' To them, the word Contract is spelt C H A L L E N G E'.

    BRENDA - I hope that you OH is feeling better and that you both had a more restful night.
  • Watching Andy Murray!!  Whoo hoo!! 

  • Yeee- Haaa!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!