Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 November 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here. Be sure to check the end of last week's thread for several new posts and a lovely photo from Limpy.

The Full Moon is Wednesday! Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • A very late Good Morning from me. Drizzle here before the heavy rain arrives tonight.

    OH had a bad night with his reflux / indigestion, so of course, I was kept awake too. I can't think what caused it.

    Annette, I find sticky toffee pudding far too sweet for me, but I hope you enjoy it. Lovely to hear about how your grandson has matured into such a wonderful young man. I wonder what his girlfriend's mother will think when he arrives with his own food parcel from his Gran.

    Linda, Sounds as if you were in full control with the two ' pups' last night. Well done.

    OG, So glad that the show was such a success last night.

  • Brenda:  Don't know about "full control!"  Things were a bit crazy for a while after Jess's Mum went!!  It took two of us to handle them both.  At one point my OH put them both into their respective crates to calm down.  I needed all of Bonnie's toys out to keep the little pup's interest.  She is a beautiful black & white collie pup:  I took some pics of her and of them both but in a lot of them she is just a blur!!

    Sorry about your OH's indigestion.  I have reflux and have to be careful now not to eat too much pastry at one sitting.  Also find I can't enjoy alcohol late at night without taking an indigestion tablet, and I'm not keen on taking too many of those as years ago, my father ate them like sweeties every day (perhaps he had reflux, too, but didn't know it)  Eventually he had to go into hospital with painful kidney stones caused by having so many tablets.


    My OH had reflux for many years. As a result he was diagnosed with Barrett's oesophagus (a pre cancerous condition) He has since been prescribed esomeprazole which eliminates stomach acid. He no longer has acid reflux which is what caused the change in cells in his oesophagus. Regular endoscopies to ensure that his oesophagus remains OK.

    The condition is fairly rare and I am sure, BRENDA that your doctor daughter will have given you this same information :-)PS Forgot to say that OH has a hiatus hernia which is what caused the reflux.
  • That sounds more serious than mine, Heather. I had the camera down two years ago (on my birthday!) and my oesophagus was just inflamed so now I take Lanzoprazole which does the trick, in the main.

    Dry here & I actually put out some laundry.  Have spent ages online as I persuaded my OH to look at some of the Black Friday offers on TVs. We think we've found one we like, and may order one today. There are so many choices out there, it's far more complicated than choosing a new car!

    We have a nice TV already, but I know he would like a bigger one, and then this one can go into the dining room where we watch tv in the daytime - we have a small one in there but were disappointed with it.

  • Good luck with the TV LINDY! I got us a bigger one recently. It seemed obscenely large at the time but now looks just fine!

  • Heather / Linda, Thanks for all your reflux info. OH has had the cameras done, plus X-rays and all were clear. He was in hospital for four days last year, because he was in so much pain and his lips went blue, that I drove him straight to A & E. They were not sure if he had, had a heart attack, so kept him in hospital. All was fine, but they said he had severe indigestion. He now takes 40mg Omeprazole, ( plus Gaviscon Active when needed) He has been fine since, except for odd occasions and nothing as severe as a year ago. He was very uncomfortable in bed last night and today, but it is easing. He is forever belching LOL. He has spoken to his GP. I have noticed that he has been eating more chocolate the last few days !!! 

  • Thanks, Heather.  Just ordered one from the Big River company!   Every time we change our tv it looks huge compared to what we had previously, its a matter of what you're used to I think.  We do watch a lot during the evenings, so when you even out what you spend on it over several years, its not a big extravagance to treat yourself to a new one if you can. especially if you don't go out much  (just part of my speech to my OH this morning...............!)

    I didn't tell him that I also bought a new SatNav - if you remember the saga recently, we lost it and it was returned to us but on reflection I was rather disappointed as it was years old and out of date.....    I will pay for that myself, its worth it as I hate driving anywhere I'm not familiar with.

  • Heather, We also got a bigger TV earlier this year and I thought it dominated the room, but now I don't notice it.

    Linda, Get one, while the price is good and enjoy.

    EDIT, Well done. Linda.

  • Brenda:   Its the chocolate!!  My Friend pointed that out to me once when I was uncomfortable.  Tell him not to eat it just before bedtime!

    I was put on Omeprazole at first, but I started feeling what I can only describe as "spaced out!"   As I've never taken recreational drugs, I'm not sure, LOL!! I had to scoot down to the GP and ask for a different prescription.

    Sorry to be so light hearted about it, I'm sure your OH is suffering and its very uncomfortable:  hope it eases soon.

  • LOL Linda, we prefer to stay light hearted. He has to live with me :-))