Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • Real seasonal weather at last – sunny and frosty!  Two degrees at 6am falling to zero now!  No rain or snow, and a variety of hungry birds on the feeders – two Coal Tits are busy caching winter supplies under the herbaceous plants, and Blackbirds turning over every fallen leaf under the birch tree.  Have decided there is nothing we need from the market today, so will just go to the craft fair; we realised we only planned to go to Lockerbie to show our support, and it could well be snowing there – a wee bit higher up than here and about ten miles north!

    Linda – I remember those staples from having the knee op, but I think the anticipation was probably worse than the actual experience, as is often the case with these medical things.  Sorry it was such a fraught journey to see your Friend yesterday, but sensible comment from your OH about the timing!  Pleased she is doing well – she is a very brave lady with all she has been through.

    Dibnlib – good to see posts from you.  Came across my primary school photos recently and could still name most of us in the school – a small village primary.  Sorry about hail and snow; take care not to slip.  Just seen that you had a stormy night – pleased it has calmed down for morning walkies!

    Brenda – pleased you had a chat with Margo, and also had a garden centre lunch, but sorry about power cuts.

    Annette – extra salad and fruit has probably been good for Peanut while it was really hot, but may be better to cut it down if the days get cooler.  Pleased Lightning doesn’t seem to be in pain from her teeth.  I hope all goes well on Tuesday.

    Diane – sorry you still have the tiredness from the virus; not good that you had to get things done before snow arrives.  I hope it won’t be such a bad winter for you this year.

    Intending to be back later.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. I am actually watching the snow falling at the moment, but it won't stick. Strongest winds yet to arrive. Hope you are all keeping warm.

  • Hadn't realised snow was expected down south! Stay warm and safe.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette, You are obviously worried about Lightning, but so pleased to hear that she shows no signs of pain and is still eating. It must be hard not to feed Peanut when he shows you such affection.

    Diane, So sorry that the virus has left you feeling so tired and you needed to do so much work. I do hope you don't get too much snow. Do take care of yourself.

    Dibnlib, Sounds as if you had a stormy night. I saw some lovely snow pictures of Northern Scotland on the TV, earlier. Take care.

    Linda, Sorry you had such a bad car drive yesterday, but of course, your OH is right.

  • OG, The snow has now turned to rain. Garden sensor says that the temperature is now 3c. I haven't ventured out to test the wind chill LOL

  • Hello All -   I am off to Inverness in a few minutes to my Cactus Club A.G.M. and Mesembryanthemum Table show.  I do hope the snow will keep away, nothing much here at the moment, a few flakes now and then.  I spent the whole of yesterday getting my plants ready and typing up the minutes of last years A.G.M, I do not know why I always leave it until the last moment!

    Have a nice day everyone, I will be back here later.

  • Think everyone must be hibernating

  • Hello all

    OH and I have spent a quiet day here in the hotel.Our room rate includes breakfast at the a la carte restaurant but so far we have eaten breakfast at the buffet restaurant. Today we thought we would go to the 'posh' one but have decided to return to the ordinary one tomorrow! We have been to this hotel several times before and always come to the same conclusion - we prefer to help ourselves to what we want and the staff are so friendly. I really don't need a waiter to pour my coffee :-)

    Have just returned upstairs, we had a drink on the terrace and enjoyed watching the ?Harris hawk and handler. They are here for most of the day, to discourage pigeons.It works!!

    Our last day here, tomorrow. It has been a wonderfully relaxing holiday. Daughters tell me that it very cold at home. I think that I will get one of the family to pop into our house and fire the central heating up so that it feels fairly warm when we arrive.

  • Hello All. Relaxing now after enjoying "Strictly".  Been shopping this morning, in a cold wind, and spent the afternoon baking and ironing, to keep warm! 

    Heather:  So pleased that you're enjoying a really relaxing time. The hotel sounds wonderful. Good idea to get your house warmed up before your return.

  • Rita:  I hope your A.G.M. went well.  Not a warm day to be discussing cacti! Hope your journeys were easy.

    Annette:  I love to hear about Peanut, too! He sounds really cute.

    Our birds have been lined up on the tree branches, hoping for more food. I must buy more suet blocks as they are one of our most popular offerings. My OH has been in the garden, busily making a new wooden door for our shed. He got really cold and came in for hot drinks every now and then. Now it's done, all he needs to do is treat it with some preservative.