Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • Evening all: Another busy day - we spent yesterday afternoon (or much of it) at the vet's with Lightning, who's limping. Vet couldn't find anything obvious, but she did find nasty abscess in two teeth so poor puss has to go back next Tuesday.

    Lindybird: Going back a bit, love that shipwreck sculpture - and the contrast between the red brick building, the brand new one and "AQ's" church.  Enjoyed Wales pix too - Blackrock Sands is one wide beach!

    OG: We moved Peanut near the dining room window so he could look out the window but also keep an eye on OH and Lightning. OH's knee is better, but now his back is aching!  :-) Dog (King) went to Arizona with daughter and the last I heard was busy playing with granddaughter's dog. Good news from the doc, plus Carlise is a "go"  Brilliant!

    Clare: How was the trip to Rainham Marsh?

    Rosy: I was wondering how your flight would go, what with the bad weather in  Chicago. Enjoy the family!

    Brenda: Re presents for (adult) children, I've a feeling it's going to be $$$.

    Diane: If I don't take Peanut's cover off first thing each morning, he gets up on the roof of his little house and rings tiny chimes hanging from the top of his cage. So cute.  Oh my!  Do you have a hardhat for future excursions around your patch during storms?  Do watch out.  I saw a dark-eyed Junco at the gym yesterday - according to my Sibley's Guide, it really should be hanging out in Oregon.

    AQ: For the second year in a row (and the fourth in our drought) our area has managed to avoid wildfires, natural or idiot-related.

    Heather: Older folks (not us of course) are well known for not realizing that they're dehydrated, even when they're not sitting in the sun in Madeira. Sounds like you're having a lovely relaxing time.  A very belated birthday from here!

    Spent all morning doing paperwork and following up on one thing or another, then had to restore iPhone while on a Chat thingie with Apple tech support, who were very nice.  Then spent the evening ironing and sewing buttons on OH's shirts while watching TV, with the result that I got my back-and-forth needle routine out of whack and ended up folding over the edge of the fabric - three times yet!  Still, OH is now safely buttoned up and I'm off to bed.

    Diane: I messed up the sewing because I was watching the Nova series on the shaping of the North American continent - all about geology and paleontology, which I find fascinating and then some!  Now working my way through The Brain series (equally fascinating).  Maybe you can watch them online if you get a chance.

    Take care all and very best thoughts to Margo.

  • Good Morning, All.  Had to sign in again, today, not had to do that for ages.

    Rosy - Glad you arrived safely and hope you have a lovely time visiting the family.

    OG. - Expect EE was disappointed to have to trail back to the dentist, but good that it could be fixed the same day.

    Annette - Poor Lightning, maybe he's pulled a muscle. Good job the abscesses were discovered. When I sew, I usually managed to puncture myself with the needle.....

    Heather - I'm enjoying your running commentary on your hols, too. That hotel sounds really good! Have a good time!

    Margo -Dont know if you're still reading here every day, but you know you're never far from our thoughts.

  • Another sunny morning – but this does mean cooler – though not a frost today.  Must get OH to move some herbs into the greenhouse this afternoon.

    Annette – sorry about poor Lightning – the limp and the abcess.  Good thing the limp showed so the other problem came to light.  Pleased your OH’s knee is better – look after his back!  Peanut does sound such a lovely character; when is Daughter due back?  You seem to have gone straight back into the thick of it with garden, house and paperwork – do take care!

    Linda – OH was pleased that his crown stayed put through the night – he goes back Tuesday for possible adjustment and then the permanent adhesive.  I’m going through my usual post-op experience – dissolving stitches don’t, so they start appearing through my skin – and itch as they do it!

    Having a cup of coffee then sending OH to Tesco.  Tomorrow will be Farmers’ Market at Lockerbie, followed by a Craft Fair here in Annan – hoping they will be serving soup lunches there.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - Ouch for the itching - it can be so hard not to scratch it!  My Friend had her staples out yesterday, not a fun experience, she said :-(

  • OG   glad things are going well and that Carlisle is all go.

    a friend posted a pic of us both in primary 5 and wanted help to ident others. I am pleased to say I came up with 7 for her. Maybe I will come up with a few more. The faces of others were so familier but the names would't come.

    well the hail started a while ago and maybe snow later.

  • Hi Everyone. Margo and I had a long chat this morning. OH suggested we should go out for lunch and pick up a 20kg sack of sunflower hearts, fat blocks etc. at Merriments gardens shop. The menu for us was limited as they were having a power cut. Ironically we had had a power cut at home yesterday afternoon for 5 hours. They said that the fault covered a wide area ( an underground worn cable, which was sitting in water ) so we presume the two incidents were connected. I have left all the candles around the house, in case we have a repeat performance.

    Linda, Some lovely photographs from you. Bonnie really has grown so much.

    Rosy, Pleased to see that you weren't delayed too long and are now enjoying yourself with family.

    OG, Lucky that EE was able to have his crown seen to in the same afternoon. I agree, your rat has to go. I wouldn't  like having one so near to the house.
    I was very good, LOL, I did take the pup out, in the rain, yesterday. We both got quite wet, but neither of us have suffered since :-))
    Itching from your stitches sounds very irritating (!!!). Seriously, I don't know how you resist from scratching. X

    Annette, Poor Lightning. Hope she is not in too much pain, because of teeth abscess and limp. I love the sound of Peanut, who seems to be quite a character.

    Dibnlib, Sounds as if you did very well at identifying so many class friends from your childhood. I hope the hail/ snow is not too bad.

  • My goodness! Quiet on here today.

    Brenda: So hard to know if animals are in pain - Lightning hasn't shown any discomfort while eating (just limping when walking, but she's a bit better with that today).  However, she has lost weight over the last few months and we thought it was just old age.  We've been giving her only wet food since we saw the vet, although she told us that cats had a very hard palette and that she's known cats with no teeth at all who have no trouble noshing on dry food. Still, I can't imagine she feels wonderful so we'll be interested to see what happens when her bad teeth are gone.  In the meantime, Peanut pops up on the roof of his little house every time I walk in the room - I think I've been overindulging him with apples, lettuce, celery and carrots in addition to his regular food. He'll turn into a little butterball if I'm not careful. :-)  Hope no more power cuts for you.

    dibnlib: Good for you!

    We've had another pesky warm spell here - ugh.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.

  • Hi, all. I'll catch up tomorrow when I start the new thread. Had to do stuff outdoors today before predicted snow tomorrow. Moved the fallen pine tree limb out of the driveway lane, charged the car battery, walked to the local bank, etc. Stupid virus has left me tired. Everybody in the area has it.

    Annette: Best wishes to poor Lightning.

    So glad for OG's good news.

    Hope Heather is feeling better now.  

  • Good Morning, All.  Sorry you're unable to take it easy when you're still not feeling good, Diane. Hope that you are recovering now.

    I had a horrible afternoon yesterday as after being delayed by having a phone conversation, I went to visit my Friend. I got caught up in a huge slow moving queue and eventually found it was because they were clearing the road following a several car pile up. After getting on my way, I then approached my Friends village and found it totally snarled up by mothers collecting their children from the nearby school. I had to ring her on my mobile, assure her that I was coming, and go & wait outside the village. Then I returned, and was ringing her doorbell nearly an hour after leaving home!  Usually it takes me about 11 minutes to get there.

    When I got back home, my OH pointed out that if I hadn't been delayed by ten minutes originally, by the phone call, I might have been caught up in the accident, which was on a junction I am always careful about. A sobering thought.

    My Friend is recovering well, and has a very long fancy scar on her leg. She is always very stoic about her health problems, and keeps her sense of humour. They will be spending Christmas with their daughter and husband, so will get spoiled and cosseted there.

    It's very cold here, and when I got up in the night, we had had a smattering of snow. Hope all our friends in the North of UK are alright. 

  • It was batton down the hatches when we went to bed last night, but woke up to a quiet morning, but the coldest for quite a while. We watched a blackbird taking the last berries off the cottoneaster. The birdtable now fully restocked and grapes to go on in a while.