Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • Good news, OG.  Nice for you to know exactly your position, and the plan of action. My OH said that the kindness a d cheerfulness of the nurses during his radiotherapy treatment made it not such a chore - the worst part turned out to be all the travelling involved!  But of course we were hugely grateful for the treatment.

  • Pleased that you definitely will be attending Carlisle, OG. Your treatment seems to be very thorough. So pleased that everything is continuing so well. X

  • I'm so distracted at the moment, I forgot to comment on Diane's lucky escape!   Not that I wasn't thinking of you, Diane!  How amazing that you were not there at the time, it could have been quite a drama -  I'm so glad you're OK.  I love all your animal & bird stories, too.

    Bonnie has grown so much that we have just bought another, larger crate for her to sleep in at night. It has just arrived.   She is only shut up in there if we both have to go out during the day, so that we know she is not only safe, but not chewing anything she shouldn't!  She also travels in the back of our large estate boot in a smaller version of her crate.

  • I had a few minutes so I was browsing through my photos:  here are some you may have missed, from our last trip this year to Wales.

    We walked across the footbridge opposite Caernarfon Castle, and found a headland where you can look back at it:

    We have grown to love the town.   There is always something to see.

    As we walked along, the view of  the nearby coast Anglesey appeared through the trees we were under: It always appears as if it is sleeping, peacefully.

  • A day before that, we had been to the Welsh Heritage Museum which is where there used to be a large quarry.  There is now a lovely cafe there, where you can get good coffee, and I often enjoy a large mug of hot chocolate, with marshmallows, LOL!

    This time we walked beyond the buildings and down towards the beach.  Earlier that week we had been very near to there and had seen from the cliffs, a whole lot of Dolphins cavorting about in the sea!   They were too far away to photograph, and anyway they kept on popping up and then disappearing, so we had to content ourselves with just watching them.  It was hard to work out how many there were.    I've never seen dolphins in British waters before so I was thrilled to bits.

    Here is a view of how calm the sea was at the time:

    (the headland in the distance is towards the little town of Nefyn)

    There were the remains of the old mine workings, left abandoned:  it's rather sad but in a way its a good thing, as it must have been such hard work:

    The view looking the other way:

  • Look how much Bonnie has grown now:  she is nearly full sized as she will be One year old just before Christmas.

    She is looking keenly through our caravan windows, as she has now realised that there are a lot of wild rabbits which bounce around when there are no people about.

    My OH was supposed to stop her from sitting on top of the furniture!

  • I've been out in the rain to get to Boots to sort out my Malta pics.  When I get time I will edit them and get some on here.

    This morning, I was annoyed to see that I missed an important picture out of the Cardiff series, as I have accidentally deleted one which was of the Welsh Assembly Building, a modern building which is sometimes shown from the front, on TV, when there are dramas acted out there.

    We have found a wonderfully large beach which is ideal for us to walk on, especially when its outside the holiday season and therefore much quieter in Wales:  it is called Blackrock Sands, and is the next bay along from Criccieth, which you can see in the distance here.

    Bonnie loves rooting amongst the seaweed piles!

    And getting her feet wet!!

    This is what a Spaniel looks like, going at speed, LOL!!  She just loved her day there, and slept like a log afterwards!

  • Lovely photos,LINDY. I find it hard to believe that Bonnie is almost one year old.

    OG- Things seem to be working out very satisfactorily. I am also so pleased that everything is all set for Carlisle. OH sends his kindest regards to you and EE.

    AQ- The little ones obviously adore you. I haven't got a tenth of the patience that you have. I love all my grandchildren but when I had them in the daytime when they were littlies I just had to sling them in the pushchair and go for walks. Reading to/with them is fine but I was never very good at games :-(

    Sorry no more replies must put Kindle on charge. I thought it was charging while we're out today but forgot that we disabled the electricity in the room as we left it. Must have left brains in Scotland.

  • Eventually arrived here. Left Heathrow an hour late as luggage hold door would not shut properly. Engineers had to be called, and then we had missed our slot.

    As Diane had reported, there were high winds in Chicago so flights from there were delayed.

    What a lucky escape, Diane. So glad you had moved away in time.

    Pleased to read that your treatment is going to plan, OG, and in the hospital that you prefer.

    Lovely photo's Lindybird

    Sorry about your unfortunate experience on your B'Day, Heather. it is so easy to 'get it wrong' sometimes. Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay.

    Am going  now with D in L to meet G daughter from school, and take her to swimming lesson.

  • Good evening, after a mostly dry day here – with lovely sunshine (but maybe a frost tonight!)  People were smiling because it was so nice!

    Today OH went to get his new crown fitted, only to “lose” it again over lunch (soup was fine, but then he tried to eat a grape!) so he had to go back to the dentist in the afternoon.  He has safely eaten dinner!  Tiler didn’t materialise, but should be here next Tues, Wednesday and/or Thursday.  I have told the work programmer (can’t think of a different title, but that is far too grand!) that I expect the shower room to be completed the following week!  Pest man did arrive – we have a Rat around the bird feeders; I hate having to have it “controlled” and it is a lovely rich chestnut brown, in beautiful condition, but it has to go … . 

    Rita – pleased all was well at your recent check-up, and that you can now fit in all the other regular health appointments!  Dingwall is a good place to find bits and pieces you have been looking for – we found several things in the hardware store there in October.

    Annette – welcome home to the gardening, laundry, cleaning etc!  Pleased you had a good time.  How is OH?

    Linda – the storm Barney didn’t really affect us – it seemed to cross over further south.  Sorry you needed cheering up, but it sounds like a pleasant garden centre visit, and productive towards Christmas.  We are taking the easy way out and getting vouchers for all this year, except SiL as we had already acquired his beer from the Highland Brewery!  More nice photos from North Wales – and what a change in Bonnie since we last saw a picture of her!  Especially liked the speed shot!

    Diane – sounds like a lovely walk around your land yesterday – and a lucky escape from the falling branch!  Do take care! 

    AQ – swearywords for those idiots setting fires!  Sorry about the root canal treatment; hope it will soon be fixed.  Looks as if new nanny roster will suit you better; I assume your plan with friend is for the Thursday of next week – enjoy, and I hope there will be a cooling breeze!

    Heather – sorry you managed to spoil your birthday being silly in the sun!  I hope you have made up for it today.

    Brenda – I hope you had a dry interlude to exercise the neighbour’s pup, without getting wet and cold! 

    Rosy – good to read that you arrived safe, even though a little late!  Have a great time with your family – how long are you staying?

    Not much going on here tomorrow – might start drafting our Christmas newsletter!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!