Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • Tea in bed was something I always told myself I would have, once I stopped work. And it's an affordable luxury! , especially if you have an obliging OH, like mine, who gets up to let the dog out and then brews up.

    Enjoy yourselves at R. Marshes - we expect photos later!

  • ps -  in spite of sounding like a cheery person most of the time, I'm a real grump until I've had a cuppa & woken up a bit :-D

  • Good Morning Everyone.  The gales seemed to switch off around 2am this morning. A dry, bright morning, but the breeze is cold. OH decided to clear the leaves which had accumulated in piles around the house and garden. I did go out to help, but soon retreated back into the house. I felt so cold.

    Rita, Sounds like you had a full day. Pleased that you had a good result from your health check-up.

    Annette, I see it didn't take you long to get back in the normal routine of laundry and shopping.

    Clare, Enjoy R. Marshes.

    Linda, I never think of you being a grump. Your early posts are always so cheerful.

    Just watching the latest raids in Paris. 

  • The sun has come out in the last hour. Wish I could wax lyrical about glorious leaves, etc, but sadly it's just showing up how dirty my windows are, LOL.

    My OH & I needed cheering up, so we took ourselves off to a big garden centre for a nice cuppa and we shared a big slice of lemon drizzle cake. Then I poked around, and found some Christmas books for the g'children, including one with a tiny integral keyboard & C. Carol music, and a huge pot of flowers ready for me to take as a gift for my Friend. She is recovering well, apart from being woken in the night by pain from moving awkwardly.

    Also got myself a pretty pink cyclamen to brighten up our dining room. 

  • Our sunshine left us and was replaced by drizzle. We excitedly (not) took ourselves off to do a food shop. Bought a couple of steaks for tonight's meal, plus the fridge essentials. Maybe we should go to the garden centre tomorrow, as you did, Linda. I may find something for the various neighbours Christmas presents, who are all keen gardeners. It will have to be the afternoon, as I am looking after a neighbours pup in the morning. As usual I have no idea what to buy for our children, so there is no point trailing around the shops.  

  • Hi, everyone. I'm so happy to read that you all are okay after the frightening weather.

    Lindy: I hope your caravan is okay. I'm also not a morning person. I'm barely human before 10:00 a.m. I think cyclamen are very pretty.

    Rita: I'm glad your check-ups were all good news!!!

    Brenda: I'm glad your gales have stopped and you are safe, but sorry you're cold. It's weirdly warm here today (17.7 C or 64 F), but we are predicted to have snow this weekend. I'll try to send the warmth your way.

    Annette: You returned home just in time. Terrible storms in Washington State last night with three fatalities and thousands without power. :-( I'm sure that Peanut was excited to see you. I know he likes the lettuce and celery treats you give him. He probably squeaked like crazy!

  • I just took a walk around my patch. I wasn't going to mention my weather, because all of you have been under such dire, dangerous warnings. But we've had storms/torrential rains yesterday and today, and we have a high wind advisory. I thought I'd better check for downed trees or other damage, so I took a walk around the land. Everything was fine when I was outdoors, but I walked inside, sat down to type this post, and heard a loud crack! A pine tree limb had fallen exactly where I'd been standing in the driveway lane. It wasn't too big (I'll be able to move it), but it could have knocked me out if it had hit me. Sheesh! Timing is everything in life, I reckon. LOL!

    The walk was nice despite the weather. R.T. Hawk's pale mate soared over me. She was riding the heavy winds. The limb that fell was from their roosting tree. I wonder if it scared her?

    I saw several lovely little winter wrens, a male red cardinal, and the tufted titmouse that lives over the deck. My woodpecker buddy followed me around from tree to tree chattering very loudly, so he'd be heard over the wind. LOL That bird is goofy!

    Feeling a little better today. Thanks for all your concern!

    I hope the storm front will be through the Midwest by the time Rosy's plane lands in Cincinnati. I have no idea how many hours her flight will take.

    Everyone take care!

  • That was a very lucky escape DIANE.

  • Diane, Our weather is mild for November. 14c here today, but the wind had a cold edge. We also are due for a cold snap this weekend. Here, even in the South, we are forecast snow flurries on Saturday with overnight frost. Scotland will be much colder.

    Sorry about your storms. What a lucky escape from that falling branch. Please do tell us about your storms. We want to know, please. I do have the photographs of your house and land, so I do understand the dangers of having so many trees surrounding you. We have a wood to one side of our house and I do worry when we have storms / gales.  I have never forgotten watching a falling tree topple right through the middle of a neighbour's house in a storm in January, 1990.

    Pleased you are feeling a little better. I do love the sound of your friendly. ' goofy' woodpecker.  

  • Thank you, Brenda. I appreciate your kind words.

    Trees do have awesome power when they fall. I don't think anyone forgets the event if they've seen one fall down -- especially a large, old one. They shake the ground like an earthquake. I hope the trees in your wood stay upright!

    My parents planted those pine trees at the entrance to my lane when Mom inherited the house in the '70s. They thought the trees would stay small and decorative. Instead, they've grown into towering pines! But the wood is soft, so they're always dropping limbs in wind or ice. Darn things are heavy to move, too! The hawks like to hide in the needles to watch for prey.

    OG: I hope you had a good day today with good news and satisfactory arrangements. I've thought of you all day.