Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • Rosy - I meant to reply to you, about the oil.  I used corn oil f or years, then like you switched to sunflower oil as we were given to believe that it was healthier. I only used olive oil for special occasions years ago, but now it comes out for various things, such as stir frying.  Only this year I switched to rapeseed oil for general use and we can't taste a difference.

  • Hello All - I use olive oil, but different kinds.  Mostly, a ' Mild and Light' for most things but an organic cold pressed one for some foods.    As for the Beef we had for my birthday, my daughter kept it covered while cooking on a fairly high heat for one and a half hours (it was a big piece)  then tested it and put it back for a bit longer,  and then it was just as we like it , quite pink in the centre, delicious.

  • Sorry LINDY, flagged you again. Fingers working faster than brain. OH is dozing so I thought I'd see what was happening on here!

    RITA - I use the same oils as you for the same things. And likewise the beef- my meat thermometer died and I haven't replaced it yet. I usually make an educated guess and test after a certain time depending on the size of the joint. We like it pink in the centre, too but some of the family don't.They get the outside bits!!

    Sometimes if there is a crowd I do a second joint for the 'well done'fans.
  • Lindybird said:
    Hope You, Limpy and Helen are doing OK.  How are the winds there??

    The winds are strengthening but they're not going to be as bad here as they will be further north.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Off to US tomorrow to visit son and family. We didn't go anywhere all summer, then everything comes along at once, like the proverbial buses.

    My D in law has requested Crunchies and Twirls. She has rather a sweet tooth and is slightly homesick. Apparently not available in US. (or at least not in Cincinnati)

    Do you remember what you missed most at first, Annette?

    Glad you enjoyed your trip, and had a good time with friends. The journey sounded a bit of an adventure, but good you made it back, even if it was via a few detours.

    Glad Heather is having a relaxing time in Madeira.

    Best wishes to everyone else.

  • I also use the same olive oils as Rita and Heather. We also like our beef to be pink in the middle. I start at 180degrees elec. and lower to 160 after a time. ( depends on the size of the joint )

    Rosy: Have a wonderful time in Cincinnati.

    Very windy here. The strongest gusts will be 8pm to midnight. 60mph to 70mph along the channel. Not the 70 - 80 expected from West Wales across the middle of the country. Stay safe everyone.

  • Lindy: Fascinating photos!

    Annette: Glad you're back safely. Sounds like a bit of a wild journey.

    Rosy: Have a wonderful time in the U.S. with your family!!!

    Hi to Brenda, Heather, Lynette, Rita, and all.

    Best wishes to OG and to Margo!!!

    Sorry for the short post. I'm still fighting with this virus. :-(

    I hope the storm will be kind to everyone here! Take care, all.

  • I had an e-mail from Margo. They have no landline again. BT arrived at 2.30pm to dig up the road, but they don't know when they will be connected again. Their Broadband has continued to drop out.

    She says she is   " not feeling too bad, but wake every day wondering how soon i will need another transfusion. "

  • Diane, Look after yourself. X

    OG, Best wishes for tomorrow.

    I hope the new radiators are installed and working.

  • We got ff-rr-o-zz-e-nn today with the heating off, but are very pleased with the new radiators – and we were allowed alternating toilets available right through!  We kept busy editing the Christmas card list and printing the labels, writing a shopping list for tomorrow and other stuff which didn’t need a hot water supply.  The weather was actually very pleasant, until the first rain at 3:30; according to my barometer, this depression is even deeper than the previous one!

    Last night’s talk was not as promised – the speaker gave backword, so our chairperson gave a presentation on the history of Nova Scotia, which she had researched before and during a visit there.  The crescent moon was up when we went, but the sky clouded over and we had a dry evening without frost, so a reasonable drive to Dumfries and back.  This evening we are at home.

    I had a phone call from the senior nurse at tomorrow’s clinic to say my biopsy results are in and all looks good, so no further surgery, just radiotherapy.  She was going to give me an oncology appointment following the one with my consultant, so I explained wanting to go to Carlisle, and she said that referral will be made and I don’t have to see the Edinburgh person, just the surgeon for my check-up.

    Linda – never tried mac cheese with onions, only with peppers or tomatoes – and usually served with a plain salad.  We use organic rapeseed oil or olive oil depending on recipe origin, with a little toasted sesame oil for stir-fry, for its nutty flavour; and are being more strict about limiting processed meats to no more than twice in a week (although most of our portions are less than the average they assume).  Sorry your elder Son was unwell: not a good idea to drive home feeling ill, but I suppose he wanted to be at home in his own bed.  I enjoyed the continued Cardiff photos – I remember the Norwegian Church.

    Lynette – good to see your reappearance; I hope you are now “sitting comfortably”!  I cooked my beef about an hour and a half, covered with foil, then rested it about half an hour, and it was lovely – well, how we like it, without any pink or red, and very tender.  I hope you enjoyed your afternoon meeting.

    Annette – thanks for your latest (delayed) post.  Pleased you had a good time away, and have since arrived home.  Can’t answer about the quality of frozen Yorkshire puds as I don’t eat them, but OH, J (and other members of the family) do.  How is your OH’s knee – and did he and Peanut get on alright together?  Did he have to walk the Dog with his knee?

    Clare - it was WaterAid who introduced Toilet Day to draw attention to needs around the world; apparently they produced teaching plans and other materials for schools.

    Heather – no Marmite?  Disgraceful - you’ll need to take your own next time!  Pleased the hotel is quiet and relaxing.

    Brenda – fitting radiators took most of the day; the one in the wet room necessitated taking up a tile, which will be replaced when tiler comes to do other shower room, which could be Thursday this week!  Thanks for news from Margo – I assume the present communication disruption is for the permanent solution to last week’s problem.  Thanks for the good wishes; as you may see above, good news so far.

    Rosy – big trip coming up for you – and so soon after your river cruise.  I wish you safe travel and a great time with the family.  Sorry your DiL is homesick; are they out there permanently, or just a short term job?   

    Diane – sorry the virus is still hanging on – be well soon!

    Will be setting off mid-morning tomorrow, then have lunch out and shop on the way home, so won't report back till later in the day.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!