Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 November 2015


Last week's Chat Thread is HERE.

I had several white-tailed deer in my backyard yesterday at dusk, including a large buck. They were so beautiful.

All summer, I admonished one particular Red-Bellied Woodpecker for attempting to drum on the trim around my kitchen window. Now, every time I go outdoors, the little fella chatters at me loudly. He even jumped up and down on the branch yesterday to make his point. LOL! I don't know whether he's telling me off or trying to convince me to let him eat the delicious larvae I denied him. LOL

Everyone have a great week!

  • Diane:  As they used to say when I was growing up: Bless your cotton socks for starting the new thread - again.  Enjoy your backyard visitors.

    Lindybird: This is your friend who likes to shop?  As folks on here who've had knee surgery have found, those rehab exercises really work.

    Just in from dinner with friend; now we're watching the Democratic presidential debate.  Start the journey home early in the a.m.!

    Take care everyone.

  • Good Morning, All, and thank you to Diane for starting us off again.  So nicely, too, with a lovely description of your friends the white tailed deer and the dapper Woodpecker.  Wish I could have seen him shouting at you!

    Hope you have a safe and uneventful journey home, Annette.

    Still dark here, but just beginning to get light. We had a blustery, wet night.

  • Yes, Annette, it's my shopping/cinema friend.  She has had so many health issues that she was scheduled to have the surgery over three years ago, but it kept getting delayed.  Meanwhile, her other knee has suffered as it's had to take the strain. Her daughter is with her this weekend, to do a bit of spoiling and fussing, and her OH is very capable.

  • Quiet on here, this morning!

    I've got a half hour whilst my OH goes off to the allotment, so I decided to look at my photos:  I can't put my Malta ones on here yet, but will go back to my pics taken in Cardiff, when we were there for a long weekend.

    The first thing you want to see when arriving is the stunning Millenium Concert Hall:

    Its even more amazing in real life.... quite magnificent:

    It sits quite happily next to the older buildings next to it:

    We went for lunch as it started raining, and then afterward looked back at the pub we had been in:  this was on the roof!

  • These characters were standing on the front, by the water:  they are lifesize:

    Close up of doggie friend: he was so cute!

    Then we walked more along the front - there are several art installations including this one, which seems to resemble a torque bangle and has an inscription on it:

  • We went back to the Millenium Hall, as I had become obsessed by the  e n or m o u s  water feature in front of it!

    A guide to its size!

    The water is pumped up to the top internally, and then cascades down the sides continually, making it shine and gleam. Stunning, clever and dramatic.

  • Next to the Millenium Hall is a lovely statue to the late Ivor Novello, unveiled it says in 2009:

    The inscription on one side reads:

    "In this city was born a king, who gave his people dreams, and songs to sing"   Which I thought was a beautiful thing...

  • Lindybird -  photos of Cardiff most interesting, especially the ones of Ivor Novello, I did not know that he came from Cardiff.  It shows how old I am but I remember going with my Granny to a London Theatre to see him in 'Perchance to Dream', I thought he was so good looking and wrote beautiful music.  My Granny was a big fan!

  • Morning folks:   Up and finishing packing; already had a phone call from Amtrak telling of a brief diversion (a bus detour) in the trip to avoid a mudslide on the tracks. Looks like an opportunity to be flexible!  :-)

    Nice shots of Cardiff Lindybird.

  • Thank you for another uplifting start to the week, Diane. I love your descriptions of the birds/animals which inhabit your backyard.

    Interesting photos, Lindybird.  I last went to Cardiff about fifty years ago, so all new to me.