Hallo all:

  • Hi, Annette!  It's still October 31st here but I bet your clocks haven't gone back yet.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hallo all:

    Clare: You're right! It's 4 p.m. here and I forgot still 11 p.m. there. Clocks go back, but not in all states - Gdd in AZ will now be one hour ahead of us until our clocks go forward.

    I went back to Tiger's old Posh Links info and still couldn't get it to work.  Grrrr.

    Ghastly bump in temps today - why DO they insist on forecasting a cooling trend when it only lasts one day. Apparently the "real" cooling trend is now delayed another day or two. Yeah, right.

    Very busy start to the morning when I went out to get the newspapers from the driveway and was nearly knocked flat by a very frisky white Husky who'd clearly escaped from somewhere. It bounded into our back garden and zoomed around through all the flower beds like a racehorse. I let it run and run coz there was no way I could catch it, then it quietened down and I was able to get it on a leash I keep (for just such occasions),but I had to chain it to the orange tree to keep it from literally climbing the fences. Anyway, spotted the neighbor across the road with her dog and she ID'd it as a new pet belonging to the kids down the street. Typically, they were all still fast asleep at 8 a.m. but I roused one of them who very apologetically came and got the animal. What a handful! Very sweet, but not the way I planned to start the day. (Had exciting grocery shopping trip at the top of the list!).

    Diane: Do your clocks go back there? Thanks for the info on the skull comet - let's just hope it remains a treat; not a trick. If I didn't have so much else to worry about, I'd be looking for last-minute comets heading our way. What's a dead comet as opposed to a live one? On my way back from daughter's house the other day, saw two dead deer by the side of the road. I also hate to think about your bro' hitting an adult. My friend's OH was killed when he hit a horse on a deserted country road (he was driving a Mazda Miata convertible though) but doubt he was doing 80.

    Brenda: Can't believe you have fireworks there already - do they combine Halloween and Guy Fawlkes? What a pain! As for teenagers asking for money - I've never heard of that. We do get older kids, but they all seem to be out on a lark and seem to dress for the occasion. I was raised Catholic so learned all about All Souls, All Saints, etc.

    Heather: That's awful about your daughter's knee. Which leg and can she drive? What about those kneel-on scooters? I guess SiL can't miss work easily.... Really don't think you should cancel that vacation! Is daughter eligible for any home care?

    OG: What kind of dressing do you put on that salad? My OH has his father's old electric shaver (possibly the first ever!) and the last time something broke, we had to go to a specialty shop down in Los Angeles for the part! It's going again now, and he's actually thinking of getting a new one. Not sure what he'll do with the old one - probably put it in the garage with his father's ancient cameras. :-(( Were you talking UK speed limits in kilometers or miles?

    Lindybird: I can imagine Tomasz busily unwrapping Matthew's presents; wonder how long M will put up with that. :-)

  • Well done for starting us off Annette albeit a day early.

    Hope those temps don't soar too high.

  • Thanks, Annette, for starting the thread!!! Glad the exuberant Husky didn't break your bones! Well done for returning him to his owners before he was totally lost!

    I hadn't heard of teenagers going door to door and demanding money for Halloween, either (like Brenda described). I think there are too many guns in the U.S. for that kind of behavior here. Way too dangerous.

    To answer your questions: Yup, I need to set my clock back tonight. Indiana is a confusing mess, though, because most of the state is on Eastern time, but a few areas are on Central time with Chicago.

    Live comets are a rocky core covered by layers of ice and an icy tail. A comet is "dead" when all its ice has melted while going around the sun, leaving only the hard core.

    The corporation my brother works for has been making him temporarily work in another city and live in a hotel five days per week. He can only travel home to see his children and ex-wife on the weekends. He hates spending so much time away from them, and that's why he was speeding. :-(((

    Heather: I'm very sorry about your daughter's knee, too. I hope a solution can be found. Please don't cancel your holiday until you've explored every option. :-(((

  • Diane: Thanks for the info on live vs. dead comets. The things we learn on this thread!  What an awful commute for your bro; does he know how long the situation will continue?   I forgot that Indiana has 

    Lynette: I'm ahead of myself again. :-)

    Meant to say Hi to Clare earlier; how are things going with Limpy and Helen?

    Best thoughts to Margo, her wonderful OH and Billie.

    We had some very cute little trick-or-treaters plus some junior-high age kids who were out having fun. The younger ones had parents lurking nearby, calling to them from the darkness to remember to say "thank you."  One very young girl came late with her Mom and hadn't gathered much candy so was thrilled when I deposited the remaining goodies in her basket before I closed the door and turned out the light.  In between handing out treats, I did the ironing and watched The Shining. 

  • Unknown said:
    Meant to say Hi to Clare earlier; how are things going with Limpy and Helen?

    They're OK.  The funeral is on the 11th - thankfully that'll be the last thing they have to brace themselves for.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All and thanks to Annette for starting us off again.  Lots of posts on here already!

    Nice that you were able to donate the final candy to the little girl, Annette. Well done on coping with the loose dog - we keep a spare lead in the car in case we forget ours, but also because a couple of times we have rounded up someone else's!

    Missed the last of the Trick or Treaters as we got home after dark, but we saw some littlies going down our road later and  they didn't knock on our door, and I had gone to the trouble of making up a couple of little bags of sweeties just in case :-(  Perhaps they were just going home after a good time.

    Diane:  Thanks for the info on the comets:  I must have read that once but half forgotten it!  Sorry to hear about your brother:  that could have been so much worse, thank goodness he is OK.  A shame he has to work so far away from his family.

    We went to bed early, completely worn out last night:  my OH had done all the driving and we had good journeys but it was still tiring for both of us. We left some of the family watching the Rugby Final, our Eldest had already headed home with his new wife and little Amber as they had even further to go than we had.  They left a birthday present for Tomasz as his birthday is 1st December, and they don't intend to attend this time. We will all hope to see each other together at Christmas.

    The children played nicely together as Tomasz, although over excited, is very gentle with the little ones, and he was also able to play a board game with the son (who is a year older) of his Godparents, who also came with their two boys.  Much good food eaten from a cold table, plus of course Birthday Cake!  I took lots of pics, including some cute ones of the littlies playing and eyeing each other up, LOL!

  • Clare:   That is the last hurdle indeed:  hope all goes well.  You must all feel pretty whacked out now and still rather shocked.

     {BIG HUGS} to you All.

  • Heather:   That is a shame about your daughters knee:  hope it heals and doesn't affect her life too much.  I got the impression you were still off on your well deserved holiday, hope I'm right.

    OG:  Well done on getting started on the Christmas cards. Perhaps it will help to relax you when all around is rather chaotic at present!

    Matthew was in the last chesty stages of his cold, which of course he caught from his brother, who got it at school.  My dau-in-law has had it too, so was 'walking wounded' throughout her busy day, poor girl. We all dived in and helped in the kitchen.

  • Lindybird said:

    Clare:   That is the last hurdle indeed:  hope all goes well.  You must all feel pretty whacked out now and still rather shocked.

     {BIG HUGS} to you All.

    It hasn't been easy for Limpy.  It doesn't help that the doctor who came out to certify her death didn't fill in the paperwork completely, which led to Limpy being asked when his mum had died.  Not exactly being with it, he gave the wrong day of the week which has lead to the wrong date appearing on the death certificate!  It is having to be redone and he is absolutely furious and has demanded a meeting at the surgery.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.