Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 October 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I had a funny bird experience a week or so ago. I put it on my Facebook page, and I thought some of you who like corvids might enjoy it.


I heard something drumming outdoors on the sill under my kitchen window. I assumed it was one of the woodpeckers again. Both the Red-Bellied and the Hairy woodpeckers have persisted in pecking there this year. (Some delicious larvae must be under that wood.) I said, "Stop that!" The bird quit briefly, and then started again. I shouted, "Now, quit that. You know you can't do that!" A head popped up at the bottom of the window!

A huge Blue Jay stared at me. He was sitting on a small branch that rests against the wall of my house. He was so cute! I told him he had to stop damaging the window. He climbed up the branch and looked in at me, cocking his head. He didn't screech. He just put his face as close as possible to the glass. He looked so comical that I was laughing. I stood still, but I talked to him for several moments. At one point, he started warbling like he was trying to imitate me. (Blue Jays are corvids and are great mimics. They're known for imitating hawks, so they can clear the vicinity of other birds and have all the food.)

This jay's head crest was down, so he wasn't the least bit distressed -- just curious, I guess. He walked up the branch and looked back at me once more before he finally flew.

Blue Jays differ in appearance. They can vary a lot in their facial characteristics and coloring. This was the biggest one I've ever seen, and he had an odd look with a larger face and eyes than the other jays on my patch.

He could be a subspecies from somewhere else. He may have been a migrating bird or possibly an east coast bird who flew here to get away from Hurricane Joaquin, which was threatening at that time. I even wondered whether some Green Jays from Texas have found their way here and are interbreeding with the blues. I don't know whether that's ever been documented or is even possible.

I smiled all day thinking about the little fella. I hope he has a good winter with lots of food available.


Everyone have a great week!!! Monday night is the New Moon (the dark moon).

  • In bed reading and enjoying your posts but quite unable to answer! Not drunk, just tired tired tired :-))

  • Unknown said:

    Diane: By the way, that's my granddaughter who's working too hard right now. 

    Sorry, Annette. I knew that. I was thinking correctly, just not typing correctly. Didn't sleep well last night and haven't been worth a darn today.

    Heather: Last time I accidentally cut myself, I put witch hazel on the wound and it healed very quickly.

  • Diane: Hope you sleep better tonight. I was buying some bird food the other day and wasn't making much sense - the lady behind the counter said everyone there was the same: the result of accumulated lack of sleep due to the heat. :-(

    Am watching the Great British Baking Show. Yum!

  • ROSY   Me too. I always talk to birds in the garden and on the dog walk.

    DIANE   love the Blue Jay story.

  • Hi all, back from our week away - mixed weather but managed to visit places we intended to.

    Thanks Diane for starting us off and what a lovely experience with the Blue Jay.

    Not going to go back and read a whole weeks posts suffice to say that I hope all is well with you and yours.  Margo thoughts are with you always during this difficult period.

    Will post one or two pics later.  Off to a quiz night tonight - hopeless at them but keeping OH company along with colleagues from NAB.   OH had a letter from NAB (Northampton Association for the Blind) saying he is to be acknowledged as a volunteer for them, so we have a presentation afternoon next Monday. He has been doing it now for about 5 years ever since he retired.

    Annette - you are really suffering with those temperatures - try and keep cool with plenty of cold drinks.

  • Cold start to the day, but it turned sunny and quite warm this afternoon, the same tomorrow methinks.

  • Hello, All:  I'm back, too.  We timed it well - we wanted to stay on if the weather was mild and it only started being very cold in the night last night, plus it started raining on our way home. We had to return as my OH's relative is coming back from Scotland soon, (the one who is on a visit to UK from Canada) & so he is going to meet her at the airport tomorrow. We shall help in keeping her amused during the next week or so.

    Had to put the heating on in the house when we got back, as it had got cold without any whilst away. First lot of clothes going around in w. machine and lots of lists to write and read, as we have a very busy schedule for the next few weeks.  Going back to Wales just briefly to shut things down, in a couple of weeks. Then off to Malta for a 10 day break at beginning of November.

    The honeymooners had a wonderful time in Portugal, & are now back at work again. We hope to all meet up again at little Matthews' birthday soon. Apparently Amber now expects fresh made waffles for breakfast as the hotel served them!  She will have to get used to just toast......

  • Welcome back Lynette and Lindy.

    AQ: Where are you?

  • Good evening All,

    Brenda,  Thank you for the link. Very useful.

    Heather,  I hope your finger is healing. I have a plastic lettuce knife from that wonderful shop, Lakeland. It is supposed to be better for the lettuce, let alone the fingers!

    Annette,   Did you get the chance to speak to the G/daughter about the work/life balance? Sometimes  the work/study combo has to be done to get ahead these days. My daughter did a part time law conversion course while working full time.

    Very tough, but it is a bit easier when one is younger. Wonderful when it finishes though. I hope it works well for your G/daughter.