Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 October 2015


Last week's chat thread is here.

Hi, everyone.

Cold, grey, and rainy here, with gusty winds coming from the east coast.

Autumn has begun in Indiana, and I thought I'd post these fall foliage maps for the U.K. and the U.S.

Here's the Autumn Colours 2015 U.K.

Here's the Fall Foliage Prediction Map 2015 for the U.S.

I don't have a nice photo to start this week. I'm off to wrap up in my electric blanket and eat some hot northern bean soup.

Everyone have a wonderful week!!!

  • We cross posted, Heather. So pleased to hear that Amy is fine. Your daughter probably worries so much about Amy, because of her other health problem. 

  • Yes BRENDA. That is exactly the case. Difficult for my daughter. But Amy ate roast beef with all the trimmings for dinner tonight with no ill effects so far! That was what I thought would happen when I handed in the bag of goodies :-)) You could say that I was trying to prove a point but I think my daughter will have realised by now!!! We live and learn.....

    Unknown said:

    We cross posted, Heather. So pleased to hear that Amy is fine. Your daughter probably worries so much about Amy, because of her other health problem. 

  • Annette – I forgot to say I posted my photos of the Salisbury church & ancestor’s home on flickr last week. Look for "Chelsea". Don’t expect to see a stately home like Chatsworth! The house was quite impressive to be built in the (then) country only 20 years after the colony started. And impressive to survive.

    Annette – Marble Hill was completely burnt out in the 1955 bushfire. As the governor, family & servants escaped out the front door, lead from the tower roof was dripping on to their cars. They had water tanks but no electricity (many people have alternate systems these days). The house was set alight by embers flying across from hilltop to hilltop. Our bus outing was run as usual by the WEA, Workers Educational Assocn, a group that has courses for everything.

    Margo – Good to see you posting . . . and dancing! {{{HUGGS}}}

    Heather – I’m sure you will cope. Oh, reading on, I see you didn’t have a “sick chick”after all.

    Welcome Rosy.

    It was not quite 36 C yesterday, followed by a hot hard-to-sleep night. Oh, how I hate hot weather. I’ve lost my cool early mornings as Daylight Saving started last Sunday. Grumble Grumble. I’d better wind myself up for another nanny day. Twins are now 16 months.

  • Thank you for your welcome, ladies. I like the international flavour of this forum.

    I now live in Southwest London, but have moved around the country a bit before that due to OH's work.

    We live near the Thames, so see swans, ducks, geese, herons and other water birds  every day.  We love it. The local swans have two cygnets this year. We have watched them grow.

  • Oh geez. Sweary words and them some! Just finished a very long post, went to type something and somehow tripped over my fingers to have Google shut down. Aaaack! And wouldn't you know it, it's the first time I haven't typed responses in a separate program for yonks. Anyway, here's the shorthand version:

    Heather: Suspect unflappable grandma bearing roast beef dinner had something to do with Amy's good spirits.

    AQ: That's a lovely house - was Chelsea the town or the house? Who lived there (the Thompsons?). Did you ever see the inside?  Checked out the Workers Education Assoc (sounds very Soviet!) website - I see they have a Ramblers' Club, a Scribblers' League, and a French Scrabble group (that's impressive!). Bet you're a member of the Travel club. Aren't those high temps a bit early for you guys (and here I am whining away about the high 80sF).

    Rosy: Lovely to live near the Thames - or any running water for that matter. We're just about 2 miles from the beach, but all our creeks, lakes, and reservoirs are drying up due to the drought (now four years in).

    That's it for now. Have a good Tuesday all.

  • Good morning, all.  It's always nice to meet new people on here, Rosy, and there are some wonderful characters inhabiting this friendly thread.  I'm in sunny Felixstowe (though it's not at all sunny at the moment!).

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Just popping in to say welcome to Rosy. There are some very nice people here and we have all become good friends.

    george have passed your kind thoughts on to my OH. I am incredibly lucky to have him.

    Heather pleased to read Amy was feeling better.

    Have a good day all. Going out in the  garden with Billie, thankfully it is not raining at the moment.

    Margo x

  • Good morning everyone.

    Brenda, I have a son who currently lives in Cincinnati, with his wife and our only grandchild. He originally went for a year, then two, and now five.He loves working and living there, so think he will stay. Unfortunately for us, a long way to visit.

    I also have a daughter who lives in East London with her husband.

    AQ, Thank you for the welcome. I love your travel stories. Really interesting. I had no idea of all the history.

    I remember going to a WEA class some years ago. I think it was Sociology.

    Clare, I have a friend who lives in Manningtree, Somewhat in your direction, where I have visited. A lovely area to live.

    Margo, Thank you for taking the time and trouble to welcome me, when I know you are unwell. My best thoughts to you.

  • #NationalBadgerDay still trendig above Teresa May and Boris. Keep it up.

  • Hello ROSY  and welcome.

    I live with my husband and scatty cocker spaniel in Culloden, just a 10 min drive from Inverness.  Today the weather is not good (though we can't complain as we have enjoyed some lovely warm sunshine recently).  Hoping the rain will stop soon as Benson does not like going out in the rain!!!! but at least it was dry for a walk this morning. Went for a swim and then coffee.  Not too happy with the fitness club at the mo as they now have Mums and baby sessions 3 times a week at the time I like to go. I think it is great that the tots are gaining confidence in the water at a very young age but it does mean that the showers are not always free and the changing room is busy. Will have to adjust my times I think, though that won't be easy as I do prefer a morning swim. Will have to get up extra early to walk Benson and have my swim finished before 1000. I will give up Saturday altogether as Babies swim is 0930 - 1100! doom!!!!!