We had zero chicks at Loch Garten nest this summer, so there are none to follow this winter. EJ and Odin have migrated south and with neither tagged we cannot follow them. Sadly, we have lost Breagha, the last tagged LG offspring. Once again a healthy Loch Garten chick is “lost contact, presumed dead”. Even the camera is away for the winter. Thus we have lost all contact with the Loch Garten nest. For the first time since I found EJ and the Loch Garten nest, there is NOTHING LEFT. Nothing left, that is, except HOPE for a better season in 1916.
On this note of hope I will maintain The Gabfest in a semi-retired state. Thus we will be open for any osprey news which comes through, whether it be from UK or USA or Africa. Also any bird or wildlife photos or news are always appreciated here.
Over Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve some may wish to share photos of their cakes, Christmas Trees and/or some music videos. Winter gardening, trains, anything goes here on the Gabfest that anyone wants to talk about.
So if anyone cares to come in for a wee chat, the Gabfest may be sleeping, but it is open.
Willow, WOW! You can draw a bird!?! I'm impressed! Maybe not the great talent you would like, but to be able to draw a recognizable osprey is to me a remarkable thing. I hope you enjoy this ability - - great talent or not..
From Facebook, we get some news from Florida. Their osprey season is a bit ahead of ours.
www.rspb.org.uk/.../12-days-of-christmas-12-conservation-highlights-of-2015.aspx This article Is on our own RSPB site, but I found it on Facebook.Facebook.
SO A real Sherwood Forest really does exist! (Not just in the land of Robin Hood and his gang of merry men)
More later. MUST run some errands now.
This isa boomerang. I still haven't run my errands.
Unknown said: Out of the demise of CU2 having colided with overhead electricity cables in Northy Wales - Scottish Power along with wildlife enthusiasts are making modifications to make the wires more safe and also erecting nests in an attempt to move them from the wooden electricity poles. POWER LINES AND OSPREYS When I visited Dyfi this year Blue 24 was sitting on her favourite electricity pole most of the day apart from a fly keeping her distance away from the nest.
Out of the demise of CU2 having colided with overhead electricity cables in Northy Wales - Scottish Power along with wildlife enthusiasts are making modifications to make the wires more safe and also erecting nests in an attempt to move them from the wooden electricity poles.
When I visited Dyfi this year Blue 24 was sitting on her favourite electricity pole most of the day apart from a fly keeping her distance away from the nest.
I met Gail Edgley when I visited Glaslyn in early September. She has put up posters on the entrance platform outside the VC about 'Jimmy' and all the work she was doing with the power companies. I think it is amazing how proactive, and successful, she has been in getting the results she has achieved, I believe it is not only the local power companies who are responding, but others too, on a rolling out basis. She was a wonderful person to speak to as well, and left quite an impact on me.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
OOH it's cold out there! and some snow,coming down, but nothing sticking. Now for last entry on RSPB's 12 Days.
I recognize this s an orchid by the leaves as well as the flower stem. I notice the similarity to my store bought, artificially colored one. I tried to take pictures, but the quality was so poor that I refuse to post and you know I am not particular.
Reminiscent of EJ waiting and watching for Odin.
SheilaFE - Pleased you were able to meet Gail at Glaslyn. I had discussions with conservationists a few years back at Ding Darling Reserve on Sanibel also who had carried out similar work with Lee County Electric Company.
JUNE - Great to see one of the pair back and settling on the new perches at Dunedin. We should see Pinella and Stirling more regularly on the nest through December.