Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 September 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

This is a very special week because it begins with a rare astronomical phenomenon. On 27-28 September, most folks on this thread can enjoy several coinciding events:

  • A full moon. The moon will turn full at 3:51 a.m. in the U.K., 10:51 p.m. in the eastern U.S., and 7:51 p.m. in California.
  • The closest full moon of the year. Within an hour of becoming full, the moon reaches perigee and its closest approach to earth for the year of 2015.
  • A Harvest Moon. This is the moon closest to the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere.
  • A total lunar eclipse!!!
  • This is the fourth and final eclipse of a lunar tetrad. A lunar tetrad is four consecutive total eclipses of the moon (with no partial lunar eclipses in between), each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months.

You can find complete info here and here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Total Eclipse of the Moon
U.S. Navy photo labeled public domain (copyright free)

  • There was a poor wee bird inside the supermarket. When I walked by, it started chirping wildly and hopping along the eaves toward me. I think it smelled the harvest dust and thought I'd take it with me back to the country. Poor little birdy. I felt so bad.

  • DIANE - When Marks and Spencer first arrived in Inverness, as I walked up the steps to enter, I did feel almost as if I was going into a church...honestly. (I had been deprived of M and S for quite a few years). I will probably be awake when the eclipse of the moon happens, tonight. Just depends on the cloud cover. Right now, our street lamps are on and the sky is fairly clear.

    I'm happy to hear that your brother is donating one of his TV sets!!

    The TV thing has me bamboozled so I will have to do some googling. I think that what we call a Smart TV is one that connects to the internet. I honestly can't see why we would need that, we already have two PCs, two tablet computers and one smartphone. We don't watch films much, OH is the TV fanatic but even he doesn't watch many films. We don't Skype anyone, what else does a smart TV do? I'm really ignorant. My thought is just to get an ordinary flat screen TV for the sitting room. Unless someone can persuade me... ANNETTE - My stepson also recommends Samsung. The TV in the little family room is a Panasonic flat screen.

  • LINDY  wonderful pics, thank you. It is ages since we went to a major flower show. We last went to a biggie in Shrewsbury, can still remember the wonderful "Percy Thrower" tent with all those glorious fuchsias he was so famous for.

  • Heather: I know that Smart TVs have a computer built into them. So most anything you do on a computer, you can do on a Smart TV. Most people here in the states like to stream TV shows, movies, and sports from the Internet to their TVs.

    A lot of people subscribe to Internet services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Instant Video that provide a vast array of new and old TV shows and movies, as well as sports and original content. I know the U.K. has such services.

    TV screens are way bigger and the sound is usually better than watching shows on a PC computer or other device. It also saves wear and tear on your computer.

    Honestly, that is all I know. I haven't had a TV for years, and I haven't stayed current with the new technology. Annette can tell you much, much more than I can.

    I did a brief search for info, and found this UK Smart TV FAQ (keep scrolling down; its a long article and gives a lot of information) and this Smart TV FAQ and also here.

    But Annette can be much more help than I can. Good luck.

  • Hello Everyone.

    Heather, We have recently bought a Samsung 48" Smart TV for our main sitting room and a 32'' Samsung Smart TV for the kitchen. We do have 'Which' delivered and are always guided by their advice. I can only say that we are very pleased with both of them. Our last large TV is a Panasonic, which was recommended by "Which" at the time of purchase. The picture on the Samsung is much better, even allowing for the age of the 5year old, flat screen Panasonic. I would buy the Smart TV. They are very easy to use.  

  • Heather:  To add to the above comments on TVs, your new one doesn't need to be a Smart TV if you only want to watch TV programmes on it.  But I do recommend that you try and get one with HD, which means higher picture quality.  Your TV shop/dealer will be able to explain it.  However, you really don't need to get one with 3D technology, which is really unnecessary!  (and you have to wear special 3D glasses to watch programmes/films on it!).

    Diane:   Laughed at your mix of Cheesy and Cheery!!

    Brenda:  Don't think I told you how I smiled at the thought of your being deprived of your cake by the doggie visitor!!

    Glad all have enjoyed the flower show pics:  I'll try & find time tomorrow to put on some more.  Am off early in the morning with Friend to go shopping with her and catch up with chat.  We didn't see each other this last week as she really didn't want to risk catching whatever it was I had, and I didn't blame her!!  My appetite is coming back now and I've lost a few pounds in weight, but don't recommend it as a way of dieting LOL!!

  • Reading and lurking again.  Had a wonderful Jazz Festival - concert Friday night, sessions Saturday afternoon and another concert last night. So two late nights for us, but all excellent, great variety (acoustic, singing, big band swing, Gypsy jazz, stride piano ... ) and a lot of talent.  Busy at home today, ironing for packing, OH mowed all the grass, etc.  Travelling north on Wednesday, so more sorting and tidying tomorrow, with packing and chiropody Tuesday.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • DIANE- thank you. I have just looked at the first link you sent..

  • OG:  Your concerts sound wonderful!  And you've had two late nights out!!  Hope you find the time for all that packing and tidying, LOL!!

  • Off now to watch Downton Abbey.  Only just caught up with last week's episode as we had technical difficulties!