Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 September 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

This is a very special week because it begins with a rare astronomical phenomenon. On 27-28 September, most folks on this thread can enjoy several coinciding events:

  • A full moon. The moon will turn full at 3:51 a.m. in the U.K., 10:51 p.m. in the eastern U.S., and 7:51 p.m. in California.
  • The closest full moon of the year. Within an hour of becoming full, the moon reaches perigee and its closest approach to earth for the year of 2015.
  • A Harvest Moon. This is the moon closest to the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere.
  • A total lunar eclipse!!!
  • This is the fourth and final eclipse of a lunar tetrad. A lunar tetrad is four consecutive total eclipses of the moon (with no partial lunar eclipses in between), each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months.

You can find complete info here and here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Total Eclipse of the Moon
U.S. Navy photo labeled public domain (copyright free)

  • ANNETTE   the cakes were nummy, esp schwarzwald torte (Blackforest gateau)

    LYNETTE  hope you enjoy your hols, where are you going?    Glad your daughter has got a job she is happy with. Hope all goes well for her. 

  • Hello all

    Thank you BRENDA for news of MARGO. I was hoping that there would be some  communication with her hospital doctor without waiting for the next appointment and I'm very pleased that this has happened. I have some personal experience of this kind of rollercoaster ride. Hopes raised, hopes dashed. But after the death of my daughter I was so very grateful that the doctors had taken the time to tell me, every step of the way, what was happening,good or bad.

  • DIANE   thank you.

    This is Benson at Nairn on Tuesday.  I was in a t shirt which is quite something for the end of Sept in Scotland.  Today we walked round LaE again. It took us 1 hour 50mins, as usual we met lovely people to stop and chat with.   We had our usual breakfast at MC and had to laugh when we overheard a comment from a nearby table. One of them had just been served "the big breakfast" and another at the table (OH says he was a Cockney)  said "cor that's 'andsome. Coffee at Tiso later.

  • Marvellous news, BRENDA that your son and DiL will be home not once, but twice! You must be thrilled xx

  • You know me too well, Heather. I really am thrilled :-))

  • Morning all:  Fridge looks like Mother Hubbard's cupboard, but OH will do a Trader Joe's run today...

    AQ: Is Miss soon-to-be-4 having a party or are they staying low-key this year? Sounds like you'll be off on your bus trip (smart!).  :-)

    Diane: I've bookmarked those two webcam pages. Thank you. The Virginia Beach one is live and looks rough.  

    Brenda: Re that school shooting, I'd better not say what I think of the National Rifle Association and its lobbyists...., just that there should be a special place in h**l for them.  Geez, re that phone call from Margo's doc, was that an afterthought that they decided to tell her they'll continue chemo?  Too bad they couldn't have been a bit more reassuring at the time!   How nice to get an unexpected visit from son and wife so soon after they left- that'll keep you happy through December. :-)

    dibnlib: I would've worried if you'd gone to Vienna without tasting pastries. :-)

    Heather: Had no idea you'd suffered such a loss. :-((

    Off to sort out shopping list. Take care everyone and Margo - enjoy the concert!

  • Read all posts, but can't reply to all - daughter says dinner nearly ready.  Enjoyed our time with Heather and her OH yesterday - and huge salad.  Couldn't eat much dinner out with Daughter and her Partner!  had a day out pootling in Dingwall after her dentist apt this morning (after just a continental breakfast cos we need it early - so no pancakes!  Had another salad lunch at the store house - north end of Cromarty Firth causeway/bridge then sat out in the sun by the water!

    Just been told, "culinary delights are now served!"

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • HEATHER I was shocked as well, you have obviously been through a lot.

  • Annette, No, it wasn't an afterthought by Margo's doctors. She knew that they would continue the chemo, until it no longer continues to work. The first hospital conversation was very blunt, which shocked both Margo and her husband.  The telephone conversation was more of a two way conversation between Margo and a Dr. when Margo asked more questions and received full answers, with explanations and details.

  • DIBNLIB, yes, I have, but I now see myself as fortunate to have experienced sorrow and loss from a youngish age. It has helped me cope with the further inevitable griefs that life brings to all of us eventually.

    dibnlib said:

    HEATHER I was shocked as well, you have obviously been through a lot.