Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 September 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

This is a very special week because it begins with a rare astronomical phenomenon. On 27-28 September, most folks on this thread can enjoy several coinciding events:

  • A full moon. The moon will turn full at 3:51 a.m. in the U.K., 10:51 p.m. in the eastern U.S., and 7:51 p.m. in California.
  • The closest full moon of the year. Within an hour of becoming full, the moon reaches perigee and its closest approach to earth for the year of 2015.
  • A Harvest Moon. This is the moon closest to the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere.
  • A total lunar eclipse!!!
  • This is the fourth and final eclipse of a lunar tetrad. A lunar tetrad is four consecutive total eclipses of the moon (with no partial lunar eclipses in between), each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months.

You can find complete info here and here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Total Eclipse of the Moon
U.S. Navy photo labeled public domain (copyright free)

  • Nice pics Lynette - have a good holiday!

  • Evening all: Busy today - and it's hot again!  :-((

    Lindybird:  Enjoyed your wedding stories - and photos. Your hair looked great in spite of all your misadventures and you made a great choice with the outfit (is that a long dress?).  I'm not sure I could handle any heels higher than half an inch these days.   How long is your daughter going to be able to pick up Matthew - he looks like quite an armful - and what a great smile!  Um - sorry the hotel found the SatNav.  :-)  Typical, I lost a super camera once that I really wanted back and of course never heard another word about it.  Love the "Trespassers...." sign - and the carved horse. Seems like a lot of white flowers in this year's show.

    Heather: My sister and BiL are coming to visit next Spring and I can't believe how much he's having to pay for travel insurance (he's just over 80!) It would really make you think twice about how much you want to go anywhere.  We don't buy travel insurance on an annual basis; just when we go overseas (rare these days).

    dibnlib: 56 lengths?!!!  Eeek.  Brilliant. GoSober sounds like a noble cause - good for you.  (I logged onto the site but it keeps "loading"....

    Lynette: Your eclipse photos look just like mine!  :-)  Hope the weather is good for your holiday!

    Hallo to everyone else, especially Margo.

  • Thinking of you Margo.

    Nanny day for OH, recovery day for moi before my turn again tomorrow. I've made the pasties at last and cleaned the bathroom. I spent 10 mins in the sunshine gaining Vit D and now I reckon it's time for computer. I have heaps of photos to process. I must clear them as I have a bus trip on Sun to Adelaide Hills. Only one more after that, alas, and then it is the summer break.

  • AQ: Hope Nanny day is easy and that you have a lovely trip Sunday!

  • Lindy: Great photos of the wedding. Your dress was lovely, and Matthew is adorable. I enjoyed all the beautiful flower show photos. I hope you have a great holiday!

    AQ: Have a wonderful time on Sunday!

  • Good Morning All.   Dry today but more of a dull sky than recently - we've been enjoying sunshine here and even sat out in the garden for ten minutes yesterday!   

    Glad that you enjoyed the Wedding pics and my long drone on about it - I'll try & shut up now!!  Annette:  Yes, it was a full length dress with a knot under the bosoms, but no sleeves, hence the little jacket.  Every time I've bought something special for a wedding in the past its never been worn again, so this time I was determined to find something which I could perhaps wear on holiday in the future.  Don't expect to wear those shoes, though!!

    Diane:   Matthew is an angel - of course he cries, like any child, but when he sees anyone he just goes into wreaths of smiles. Tomasz disappeared off to play during the photo taking as of course a 5 year old finds it very boring - he turned up in the background of some of the posed pictures, LOL!

    Lots more flower show pics to come, but I don't have time before we go:  I have to go & do some errands this morning plus finish throwing everything into the hallway, ready.  My OH has gone off to golf plus to get his 'flu jab, but I'm not sure I can fit mine in.

    AQ:  Glad you've found some time to catch up on yourself.  It does take ages to sort out photos, doesn't it?  We do enjoy seeing yours, though. Hope your nanny days ease off now as the children get a little older.

    dibnlib:  Good for you, doing the Charity thingy.   Will go look at your link.

    Margo:  You know I'm still thinking about you, & your lovely OH.

  • Good morning everyone

    Another beautiful day, here. OH and I enjoyed a pre dinner gin and tonic outside, yesterday. We felt very blessed (by the weather, not the alcohol!). We were sitting under our grape vine which has not produced much this year except shade for sitting underneath. Grapes are mostly still green and undersized. The ones in the greenhouse,though,are almost ready to harvest.

    OH has gone to the indoor bowling, he will return later and pick me up, ready for our lunch date with OG and EE.

    I expect that I have missed LINDY but was wondering earlier if she had got any news about the repair of her tablet computer.

    AQ- fingers crossed for a quietish Nanny day! Let us know how it goes.

    MARGO- enjoy Bryan Ferry xx. I hope that you will tell us all about it. Are you jotting down questions for your medical team? Sometimes these things pop into the mind at the strangest times, its good to have paper and pen handy... Sorry, don't mean to sound bossy. I do hope that you managed to get out with your OH during his time off.

    LYNETTE- always good to hear from you. I hope that your daughter is enjoying her new job.

    Family here are all OK, Callum and Amy are going to spend a few days with their dad before Christmas from 19th to 24th December. He has booked the tickets without checking school holiday dates. Amy doesn't break up until the 22nd December. Middle daughter is going to ask if Amy can have two days off at the end of term. It is a hot topic here with parents facing monetary penalties for doing this.

    Have a good day

  • Good morning, all, from sunny Muir of Ord!  As HEATHER says, glorious weather - and we are looking forward to seeing her and her OH at lunchtime.  I tried to cut down on breakfast but my bacon and maple syrup was served with six pancakes!  They are homemade and very light and fluffy, but I offloaded two onto E-E's plate!  We were able to have our morning cuddle with Harry, the wee dog, as we are the only guests in last night and tonight.  Daughter and Partner are at work today, but we shall meet them for dinner tonight - yup! it's all about food!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A bright sunny morning here also, but the breeze has a cold edge to it. Going for our flu jabs this afternoon. OH will cut the grass before the garden bin is emptied tomorrow.

    Heather, OG, EE do enjoy your 'get together'  for lunch.

    Heather, If Linda doesn't post again this morning, I can tell you that she hasn't got her tablet yet, so she will not have it with her in Wales.

    I didn't get on here yesterday, so I need to go back and read. Also need to see Linda's wedding pics. 

  • Linda, Love your wedding pics. Your dress is lovely. Your description of the actual day is brilliant. Your hair looks fine in the photograph. A day to remember, even if your shoes were hurting.