Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 September 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

This is a very special week because it begins with a rare astronomical phenomenon. On 27-28 September, most folks on this thread can enjoy several coinciding events:

  • A full moon. The moon will turn full at 3:51 a.m. in the U.K., 10:51 p.m. in the eastern U.S., and 7:51 p.m. in California.
  • The closest full moon of the year. Within an hour of becoming full, the moon reaches perigee and its closest approach to earth for the year of 2015.
  • A Harvest Moon. This is the moon closest to the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere.
  • A total lunar eclipse!!!
  • This is the fourth and final eclipse of a lunar tetrad. A lunar tetrad is four consecutive total eclipses of the moon (with no partial lunar eclipses in between), each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months.

You can find complete info here and here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Total Eclipse of the Moon
U.S. Navy photo labeled public domain (copyright free)

  • Yes BRENDA, you are right. Getting unexpected news like that would make anyone's mind go blank. From personal and professional experience, I know this to be true.  

  • Morning all:

    AQ: It would be wonderful if more and more gaps appeared between nanny duty days.  That Mopoke sounded a bit like a cuckoo (but it's been decades since I heard a cuckoo).

    Lindybird: I like the 2nd photo from the Young Designers Class (the one that looks a bit wild).   The Shed That Wasn't There is clever.  My favorite though is the last one - I have just the spot for it!

    Limpy: That is an AMAZING video. Thanks so much. I've saved the YouTube address in my favorite places (Good to see you).

    Brenda: Thanks for passing on Margo's news. Thanks so much for keeping us up to date.

    Margo: Hope you are making a list of questions for your next visit. Will be looking forward to learning when the transfusions will start. Great fat hugs to you.

  • I had missed the news that LINDA is also having a holiday - have a great time.

    Well, we are mostly packed - just the last minute morning stuff to slip in - car checked over, garden prepared for leaving.

    Looking forward to meeting up with HEATHER (Thursday)and DIBNLIB (Monday)!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lindy: Lovely photos! I liked the shed with the colorful bird mural. I hope you have a good and safe holiday.

    OG: Have a great time and a safe journey.

    Limpy: Nice to see you.

    AQ: Loved your owl audio. I saw this article with photos in my Facebook feed, and I thought you might enjoy it. I had no idea that medieval parishioners were encouraged to fill their churches with graffiti. Fascinating. The article is 5 pages; click to the next page. It's from Archaeology Magazine.

    Take care, all.

  • Not gone yet, Annette - off on Thursday afternoon.   Thanks for thinking of me, though:  we intend to rest as much as possible, my OH has been running around after his visiting relatives this week and they have now left to visit other relatives of theirs in Scotland.

    It was a strangely springlike day here today, although its now much colder.  The plants in the garden seem confused, some of the clematis have started some late flowering even though they already did their thing in July.

    I was sorry to hear Margo's disappointing news.  {BIG HUGS}  Margo.

  • Heather B said:

    Yes BRENDA, you are right. Getting unexpected news like that would make anyone's mind go blank. From personal and professional experience, I know this to be true.  

    Absolutely.  Went with my OH to his important appointments and afterwards we tried to compare notes on what had been said.... between us, we had missed out some things altogether.

  • LIMPY;   Loved The Owl & the Pussycat!

    "The Owl & The Pussycat met in a tree
    Each one wanted to play, you see.

    Neither knew they wern't meant to be friends
    But it all came down to that, in the end."

  • Oh Margo what disappointing news {{{HUGS}}}. Thanks Brenda.

    Diane – That article was fascinating. Thank you. When in UK, I saw scraps of old wall paintings in churches, not much to modern eyes but amazing that they survive. I guess before people could read & write, imagery was important. A church in the Adelaide Hills (Blakiston St James) has graffiti on the outside wall. See here. Scroll to left to see another & a bit further to see church (if interested).