Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 September 2015


The equinox is Wednesday, 23 September. Info HERE.

Last week's chat thread is HERE.

The nights are starting to turn cool in Indiana, and the leaves are just hinting at turning colors.

Everyone have a great week!

Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Argh. Day has gone by and now about to topple into bed.  Driving daughter to docs in the a.m.; her garden was all dug up today - plumbing problems.  Never rains but it pours!

    Will really catch up tomorrow!

  • BRENDA   I actually got my wee elephant at House of Bruar some time ago and before I realised what elite company I was in. Was sorely tempted in Budapest but we have decided to call a halt on ornaments as we have quite a lot ( many worth 3 figures and a bronze  4 ) and no one to pass them on to. We have no children, OHs sister ditto and my nieces certainly won't be getting any after the way they have ignored Mum despite living only 4 miles away, Closest friends have no children or the family are loaded anyway. What a sad state of affairs

    anyway now a few pics of Heros Square



  • Good Morning:  We have progress in the form of actually having Internet connection, although I still can't get my email account :-(

    I feel a little better but am still rather delicate - hard to know what to eat, as last evening I was hungry, so in the end opted for a baked potato with a little cottage cheese on it.  My OH is much better today, and has gone off to his golfing, as he was getting withdrawal symptoms, having not been for a whole week.  I've been trying not to feel too sorry for myself, as I've not been out of the house since we got home late Sunday afternoon, and we still only have TV on our small tv sets!  Watched & enjoyed "British Bake Off" upstairs last night before getting some more much needed sleep:  fell asleep yesterday afternoon only for the builders & plasterers next door to start banging around after I had had less than five minutes, grrr!!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Raining again, but it is forecast to become dry by lunchtime.

    Dibnlib, Wonderful photographs, with magnificent statues. It all looks so clean too. Just enjoy your figures while you can. We have two children and I am sure that they will not want half of what they will inherit. LOL

    Linda, Sorry you still feel so bad. I would not advise cottage cheese, with your condition. Keep clear of dairy products. Glad you were able to watch some TV. I missed the end of The British Bake Off as I fell asleep !!!

    AQ, I was watching an English farm on TV, where not only the farm machinery is computer driven, but the cows take themselves to the milking machine when they feel they need to be milked. The machine recognises the cows ID, cleans the udders, records amount of milk, checks the milk for any infection etc. It does mean that the cows are kept indoors all the time though, which I don't agree with.

  • I don't agree with any creatures never getting to go outdoors, either, Brenda.  Clever machinery, though!  Brightening up here so have put out some laundry.  Bonnie is keeping me company, as I read some old papers and tidy up generally. Not had the energy to do the dreaded ironing yet, though.

    AQ:  Sounds as if even Aus is going the same way as UK now with farming - bigger is better, apparently.  Its sad to see the breakdown of farms, communities and villages though.

    Dibnlib:  Enjoying your photos, wonderful stuff.  My sis-in-law just got back from a cruise down the Rhine & Danube, ending in Budapest, and she was mightily impressed with it all.  I have a house full of my ornaments & pictures plus a lot I inherited, and I'm sure my children will only want about 1 per cent of it all!!  Have told them not to give stuff away before having it valued first......  Some of it is worthless but sentimental and some of it might be deemed antique. Whatever, I'm sure they don't want it!

  • OG:  Good that J has now got his "wheels" sorted and is happy with it.  We help our children where we can - you can't take it with you, I keep saying to my OH!

    Annette:  Don't expect you to post when you're so busy - take time out!

  • Hope Margo is enjoying time with her OH and that the weather is kind to them.

  • The other day I found a butterfly trapped in our conservatory:  I helped it on its way out through the door, then looked it up.  At first I thought it might be a Comma, but they have rather ragged wings, and this was quite plain and brown, so decided it was a Meadow Brown.

    Just tried to put a pic in here, but the Site won't let me.....

    We've had a fair number of Peacock and Red Admirals this year, plus the usual Cabbage Whites, but not as many butterflies as usual :-(

  • Hello all

    BRENDA - I heard about the farm on the radio. I agree with you and LINDY. Don't like the idea of cows never being outside. I eat meat but not very enthusiastically. I would like to think that my food has the best life possible before the inevitable happens.

    Regarding our treasures (!) I agree, we  have inherited things, we add to the items for our own pleasure but probably our children will not be the least bit interested. Que sera sera....

    I have ordered the new blinds. OH arrived home and when I told him the cost he said 'What?! How much?'. Honestly. I found the receipts from the last time they were done. 13 years ago. The kitchen blinds will cost £40 more than in 2002. No wonder I am waiting so long for a new kitchen, he probably thinks it will bankrupt us!

  • Are you sure you don't have my husband, Heather??