Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 September 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Anyone can watch the partial solar eclipse here
U.K.: tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m.
Eastern U.S.: tonight at 12:30 a.m.
California: tonight at 9:30 p.m.

  • Good morning-

    LINDY, I hope your hair trim is just that! Tell her/him that you want enough hair to fix your fascinator!

    Busyish morning here, OH is off soon to collect middle daughter and all her laundry. Her washing machine is broken and the repair man won't arrive until Friday.

    Our neighbour has parked her car half way across our front gates so OH will have to bang on her door. I don't think that she is an early riser. Well, her curtains usually remain drawn until late morning. Not that I am a nosy neighbour ;-))

    Have a good day, ALL.

  • Good Morning. Another very wet night and morning. Forecast to continue all day. Supposed to play bowls today, LOL Officially have to wait for a phone call to say it is cancelled !!

    Linda, The cat doesn't have to wear a collar. The cat flap is programmed with the ID chip, which most cats and dogs have inserted these days.
    I hope you have taken your fascinator with you to the hairdressers, then she can see what you want for the wedding. 

    Heather, My sister usually has that problem with her daughter. It is not unusual for her daughter to arrive with all her washing, when her machine breaks down.
    Hope your OH had no trouble getting your neighbour's car moved :-))

  • More news on Cobrey farms who are sole supplier of asparagus to M&S

    "We can now exclusively reveal that Marks and Spencer Asparagus has been grown on land polluted with banned pesticides!

    Cobrey Farm their sole supplier of asparagus (who kill badgers on their farms) decided to just bury out of date chemicals and banned pesticides rather than properly disposing of them.

    Please contact M&S and Herefordshire Environmental Health (the more complaints the better)"

  • Bird subject but not Ospreys.

    Has anyone noticed that a pair of Egyptian Geese have taken over the nest at Rutland Water.  I have looked a half a dozen times over the last four days and they have been there every time.

  • Welcome to the thread, Antonicus.

    The Geese seem to think that the nests are theirs at this time of year.  No interruption from pesky Ospreys!

  • Had a very mixed morning:  Went off to the hairdressers, booking 2 hours in the car park, and when I got there she looked at me somewhat nonplussed and said "You should have been here an hour ago!"  . Neither of us could work out how that had happened (they don't normally give out appointment cards & I just put it on the calendar as a reminder) but she already had someone else in the chair and a full day booked.  I said "It's the Wedding on Saturday!"  and she looked horrified, as indeed, I felt......   She is fitting me in tomorrow, a day I didn't even know she was in, but I am truly grateful as of course we travel on Friday.   

    So I had plenty of time to pop off to the Chemists, where a very kindly Pharmacist heard my problem and frowned somewhat at the description of the cream the Doc had already prescribed.  She thought there was another I could try which could do the trick, but of course they had none in.  She has ordered it and it should be in tomorrow.  So I can collect it when I go down to the Hairdressers again.  Um. Went off to buy some pork chops for tonight, and home again to hang out the laundry.  Just off now to go & iron it all.  At least something is getting done today.

    Hope everyone is getting some sunshine today as we are enjoying a springlike day now.

  • Morning all:  Rained again last night - but only for a few minutes; still, enough to keep the plants smiling.

    Lindybird:  I see Brenda has explained the techy side of cat flaps.  Indeed, buffoons abound; funny how most of them end up in politics.  I went out with a football player - once.  Here, they're big and tall and he had the usual thick neck and overdeveloped biceps and ego, plus a Porsche that was tiny and really uncomfortable. It was a very short date.  Oh dear, is nothing safe with Bonnie?  :-)  Did you see Heather's  suggestion to take your fascinator to the hairdresser with you so she will be a little less ruthless this time? Seems like a good iea.

    Clare:  Wonder what the biological/genetic bias against green veggies (and other food) comes from. Interesting. So what veggies do you eat?

    Heather: Visiting laundry sounds the norm.  Did neighbor not notice your driveway I wonder?

    Alan: Wonder who "outed" the asparagus farm - sometimes it's hard to know the truth when feelings are running so high.  

    Antonicus: Hallo there. I see Lindybird has explained squatters' rights as they apply to off-season osprey nests.

    Have a good day/evening all, with special thoughts and  good wishes to Margo.

  • LINDY - so glad that you will get your haircut before the wedding. Next time, take your diary with you and write the next appt in while you are there, checking what she is entering in  her book as well as what you are writing in your own and verbally confirming the date and time. I speak as one who has had a similar experience :-( My hairdresser rents a chair in the salon and has her own appointments book.

    It has been a lovely day here, daughter#2 got three loads of washing done here and it all got dry outside at her own house. Not for much longer, methinks. I see that the south of England has awful weather and more to come. For us, just slowly getting colder and less 'drouth' as OH says. I think that is an Aberdonian word for sunny, windy, clothes drying weather...

    Before I bore you all and send you to sleep, I must tell you that I got great news last evening - Sam is coming for C*******s. Of course his parents and baby sister will be here also but I am majorly excited, haven't watched Sam open his presents for several years as they have come here for Hogmanay only. I think that my son, Sam's Dad, thinks I am quite crackers but then he is 48 and very serious minded. Something I hope never to become.

  • ANNETTE - missed your post. OH calls our neighbour a bit of a Hally Racket. I must look up that phrase. She is very pleasant but a bit daft at times.

    PS I looked it up, its a Doric expression meaning among other things, thoughtless, foolish, daft and harebrained. Poor lady to be labelled as such by my always sensible OH - LOL It could describe me, also...
  • Unknown said:
    Clare:  Wonder what the biological/genetic bias against green veggies (and other food) comes from. Interesting. So what veggies do you eat?

    Chips.  Throw in the fact I don't like any white meat and I have an intolerance to fish and I'm anyone's worst nightmare - especially in December!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.