Last week's Chat thread is here.
Anyone can watch the partial solar eclipse here. U.K.: tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m. Eastern U.S.: tonight at 12:30 a.m.California: tonight at 9:30 p.m.
Glad you got some rain to speak of, Annette.
A lovely evening here, with the sunlight on the freshly harvested golden fields. We didn't get the storms that Brenda mentioned, just some rain last night.
I sat at the computer and typed out a list of do's & dont's for the friend who is going to take care of Bonnie for us: I called it "Bonnie Operating Instructions!" ~ just as I reached the end of the huge list of things which she might steal, chew and bury, I heard my OH cry out - he had just come in from outside and found the whole of the dining room floor strewn with something chewed and brownish - it was the remains of a big sponge which he usually cleans Bonnie off with when she's dirty, and he keeps it by the back door, outside.
LINDY - I hope that my middle daughter doesn't read this. When she was very little, she ate cat food, my lipstick, liquid makeup foundation and Jif cleaning cream. She put one of my bras down the loo.(It didn't flush away). She used to take cups and saucers etc to the front door and throw them out and enjoyed the noise they made as they shattered. Do you think that she was a spaniel in another life? My son had his moments but nothing like that! The other two girls were so easy to bring up, no traumas :-)
Just watching Channel 4 programme about the flypast!
Annette: So glad you received rain. May you get plenty more. I've been reading the conflicting El Nino reports.
Heather: LOL at your daughter's explorations. When my brother was 2 years old, he drank an entire bottle of Old Spice Men's Aftershave. My Mom was frantic, wondering whether she should get him to a doctor. He gave her a big toothy grin, shouted "I'm fine, Mommy", and produced a noxious Old Spice burp.
Evening all: They showed some of the Battle of Britain flyby on our evening news, focusing on the handful of Americans who signed up to fly and pretended to be Canadians because the U.S. was still neutral.
Brenda: Let me know how the cat flap works. We can't use a regular one coz possums and raccoons are liable to pop in. Daughter is doing fine; she's just bored and restless at this point. Had to Google Lee Mead - he looks cute in his photos.
Heather: I guess WC has its own less formal guidelines (political comments discouraged for a start). Speaking of which, the Republican party is holding its second Presidential debate down the road in Simi Valley Wednesday evening. I keep wondering what it's going to take for Donald Trump's supporters to wise up to what a complete buffoon he is (but I didn't say that, did I?) :-) Spider webs can be completely invisible until the sun hits them from a specific angle.
Diane: I gather Slooh is hosting an ISS event this evening at 9 our time. Will take a look, though I'm not entirely sure what it involves.
Have a good Wednesday everyone.
Thanks, Annette!
Good Morning, All. Had to sign in again, no idea why this happens......
Annette: I've not had an automatic cat flap, but as I understand it, the cat wears a thingummy on its collar which tells the catflap its OK, and it lets them in when they push on the flap. This keeps out cats & other animals if they try to get in. EDIT: Lee Mead is very handsome, and caused a sensation on stage in several Musicals. We have several famous footballers around here, who pop into the local shops, but as I don't recognise them anyway, they get plenty of privacy from me!!
Most politicians seem like buffoons, to me. How anyone takes some of them seriously, I can't imagine.
Came down this morning to find that my OH had taken Bonnie out for her walk, and left the remains of my knickers on the table, well chewed...... My fault I suppose, for forgetting I left them to air on a radiator last night. She has also got right down to the plastic insole of my OH's old plimsolls, so we have now presented her with the other one of the pair. Thrill of the day!
Off this morning to get my hair done, hoping the hairdresser will not cut too much off as its difficult to look groomed but also not scalped when you've just been for a haircut!
Unknown said: Annette: So glad you received rain. May you get plenty more. I've been reading the conflicting El Nino reports. Heather: LOL at your daughter's explorations. When my brother was 2 years old, he drank an entire bottle of Old Spice Men's Aftershave. My Mom was frantic, wondering whether she should get him to a doctor. He gave her a big toothy grin, shouted "I'm fine, Mommy", and produced a noxious Old Spice burp.
Heather: Your daughter sounds what we used to call "a caution". There is no telling what children will do. My OH used to know a family where the Mum kept having children, hoping for a girl - I think she gave up when they had the 4th boy child. However, after his angelic brothers, this one was a true little devil: he let the dog out into the garden, put her mobile phone down the loo, emptied the kitchen cupboards and generally created havoc. He was cute looking!!
Morning, all. I think I was far more notorious as a child for what I wouldn't eat! I still hate green vegetables to this day - my mother always used to tell me I'd grow up stunted if I didn't eat them.......it's just as well I didn't, then, as I'm 6 feet now.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.