Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 September 2015


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Anyone can watch the partial solar eclipse here
U.K.: tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m.
Eastern U.S.: tonight at 12:30 a.m.
California: tonight at 9:30 p.m.

  • Hi Diane: Bless your cotton socks (as my father would say) or  (as my mother would say), You'll get your reward in heaven.

    Got an e-mail from Slooh and will check it out. Catch up later.

  • Evening all:  Nice visit with daughter.  Another change of plan with painters, who got sidetracked with their next job (with pushy clients) so we had a small crew with the rest due back Monday. Par for the course...

    Wendyb: Sounds like a good trip south. Your doc sounds like one of the old school.

    Diane: Cooling down here too - though still humid with rumors of rain - ha!

    OG: Tom and Jerry?  I wonder if they'll be as popular as their yummy namesakes.  

    dibnlib: That is a truly lovely photo! will look forward to hearing about your Euro-trip.

    Has anyone heard from Margo?

    Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Hey, Annette. Hope you get rain. Very cool here: 43 F (6 C) later tonight. The first hint of autumn. I think my socks are a cotton-polyester blend. LOL!

    I'll catch up with everyone soon. Suddenly tired tonight. I think the sun will have to eclipse without me watching. :-)

    Best wishes to Margo.

  • Good Morning and Happy Sunday to All.  Thanks to Diane for starting us off again on a new week. Also for the links to the eclipse.

    Good that both Diane and Annette are feeling cooler:  that heat would make me wilt!  Annette:  you sound as if you're having the usual on/off problems with workmen which seems common these days:  they just please themselves and try to keep all the plates in the air, with several clients at once.

    I got some cream from the Doc to put around the sore skin on my eyelid and around the eye area, apparently its one of the symptoms of this thing. Although the eye drops are wonderful, and stop my eyes from feeling gritty, the skin around my left eye is in a bad state, and is both sore and peeling.  The hydrating cream he has given me is just making it puff up, as my skin is very sensitive anyway {sigh}  It does look as if I will not be able to wear any eye makeup at all at the Wedding on Saturday, which is disappointing to say the least:  although I am now too old for being a glamourpuss, LOL! I did at least want to look as if I'd made an effort to look smart. I shall probably just seal off the skin with a dab of Vaseline.    Today I'm getting all my wedding finery out of the box and putting it on as a last rehearsal, not expecting to have to change anything but you can't be too careful.  I've been wearing the shoes a little to get used to high heels again, and am sooo glad I bought some extra ones to dance in, later, as I can't see me not falling over in the high ones!!

    All my problems are tiny compared to dear Margo, who I hope is popping in to read, and who is ever in my thoughts.

    I hope that OG & EE got off OK for their little trip this morning, the weather does look alright so hope they enjoy themselves.

  • ps.  Enjoyed the Last Night of the Proms last night, great stuff. Every year though, we say "It can't be that time again already!"

  • Morning all:  Where did all the clouds go? Yesterday it was overcast  and raining offshore when I drove home and they're still forecasting showers (one site says 40%, the other 20%) tomorrow evening through Tuesday...

    Diane: I didn't make it through the eclipse either; bailed out about 45 minutes into it. I see the sun and moon survived handily without our help though.

    Lindybird: That really is a pain about your eye. I also don't expect to look fabulous when I go anywhere special these days (I have no idea where that might be!), but also don't want to look as if bits are falling off.  Just remember that these things are much more apparent to us than others, so it's probably nowhere near as obvious as you think. Besides, everyone else (probably only the women as we all know men don't notice anything at all) will be busy worrying that they've successfully camouflaged their own wonky bits.  :-))   Regardless, I hope things settle down enough so you can wear a little bit of make-up, just to feel better.  Not too worried about the painters - they're such a  nice group and the owner was saying how difficult it is to juggle the end of one project with the start of another in terms of keeping his crew busy and customers happy..

    Am trying to summon the enthusiasm for a gentle visit to the gym this morning. House looks like two bombs hit it and the garden isn't looking much better with various painterly gear parked hither and yon....

  • Hello all

    LINDY, ANNETTE has said exactly what I was thinking! Nobody else will notice your funny bits because they will be too busy thinking about their own! I do hope, though, that your blepharitis clears up soon. Did you try on your outfit today?

    I'm going to watch Antiques Road show so will come back later.

  • DIANE - seems like your weather is changing fast. It is dark here now and about 12 Celsius. Our Danish friends are visiting in about four weeks time. How we wish that we could guarantee a few nice days for them but who knows. They always visit us either early Spring or Autumn, when their sailing boat is out of the water and in the boat shed.

    I missed OG and EE, hope that they enjoy their days away in Ayrshire.

    Take care, all

  • Thanks for your kind thoughts:  I had already decided to make a joke of my eye problem, if it persists until next weekend, by saying to people "I'm not winking at you, its my eye!!"  I agree about mostly the ladies noticing, as my OH would not notice if I grew an extra eye in the middle of my forehead.......

    Heather:  Its been sunny here and quite pleasant.  We went for a walk with Bonnie this morning, and she has made some progress at least, in that she no longer looks at bicycles with amazement,  & she ignores them rather than chasing after them.  Also, we were on a path used by horses, and she sniffed at the piles of poo but left them alone, hooray!  She ran in front of us and then behind, so walked & ran at least twice as far as we did.

    I tried on all of the outfit, complete with jewellery and both kinds of shoes, and all is well. I've even decided which side my parting should be, so that the hair fascinator thingy looks right!!  Getting my hair cut on Wednesday.  Rang our Youngest & Wife, and they say that Tomasz is settling well into his school life.  Of course, we are looking forward to seeing all of our family together at one go, at the wedding.  I hope to use my new camera and get some nice shots of them all.

    Must go and get a drink before bedtime, now.  We have the heating on which is a first for a while, and its making me sleepy.  Night All.

  • Wonderful weekend away-from-it-all. Report in a day or two. With all the extra walking plus  climbing on&off bus to view scenes & take photos, I have some new aching muscles & sore joints. But feel great. Oh dear, it’s nanny duty today.