Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 August 2015


Last week's chat thread is HERE.

I'm going to carry over Annette's links for the California Condor webcams (because I'm enjoying watching the funny looking fellas): Ventana Wildlife Society nest and feeding cams and Sespe Condor Sanctuary nest cam .

Also, Explore.org has a lot of interesting cams right now: underwater whales; sharks; the Grand Cayman reef; various underwater cams at Long Beach, California; grizzly, panda, and polar bears; puffins; a hummingbird nest; penguins; auroras; and various Africa cams. I like to watch some of them while meditating. Explore's Hawaii cams might be interesting over the next 2-3 days as Category 4 Hurricane Ignacio approaches from the east and tracks just north of the Hawaiian Islands, causing very high surf.

Everyone have a great week! 

  • 'Allo all:  Somewhat cooler (well, less hot) this afternoon; enough that I could work outside in the shade and start cutting back all the shrubs beside the house.

    Heather: I can't stand the heat -  high 70sF is about right for me anymore. Surprised it's that much warmer in Brittany,If you're expecting dire phone calls but they aren't happening, I'd be happy to give my family your number!  :-)  I have the same menu issues with my OH. He expects actual meals (often with meat) at mealtimes; I can get by on a hint of a meal, typically without meat unless it's chicken. Thank heaven we both like fish.

    Diane: Thanks for the ATC link. I'll give it a listen. Often they replay ATC snippets on Morning Edition, so that be another option.

    Lynette: Big Blue Live starts here tomorrow night. I'll be tuned in (even though we know it's recorded!).

    Off to hose down and then rummage for a glass of wine.

  • What is it with this pesky typeface!!!!

  • Annette: Here's a link to the Condor podcast and article. I couldn't post it earlier because they've just now put it online.

  • Diane: Fascinating!  I love the power line aversion training. Whodathunkit!  Also, am embarrassed to say I didn't know why small birds can land on power lines and not be electrocuted!  Duh.  Thank you!

    Lynette: Those are great catches of a blue whale. They've been using drones to find sharks; some of the "finds" have been downright scary with surfers, etc., really close by but happily oblivious to their companions.

    Heather: Lotsa rain in Florida!

    No a/c on tonight!! Still a tad warm and they said there was going to be another sundowner wind this evening, but it hasn't materialized -  yet.

  • A quick catch up with coffee.

    Annette – I guess sweat is a particularly good medium for growing bugs – yukk. Pleased it cooled down a tad and you could start the clipping in preparation for the painting.

    Heather – family holiday sounds delightful – not! I hope they get some better days this week. Pleased there is no dire news from your brother. We shall be having Golden Potato Medley one day this week – varying the recipe to suit all the lovely fresh garden vegetables. Beans are galloping onwards at last – actually getting enough to freeze now.

    Lynette – hi there! We had a totally dry and sunny Sunday, and have started today the same way. I hope you will see sunshine today.

    We shall be off to Gretna for a couple of exhibition events this morning, and hopefully some lunch, then to Eastriggs, where they have been “digging for victory” in the Devil’s Porridge Museum’s garden, and are going to use some of the produce in a wartime cookery demo. That is the last event of the Pack Up Your Troubles Festival, which has gone down really well with locals and tourists.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • The Lurker is now down in Englandshire and its raining ... Grrr

    Drove the 620 with youngest and we had a jolly good laugh counting various makes of lorries... It's great to be able to do kids stuff.

    We left at 5am and the moon was amazing driving down the A9.

    We had to do one detour on the M74 and found out later to young lads had died hitting a motorway bridge.... what a waste of young lives.

    Being passed over to eldest on Thursday for a few days in Bath ( retail therapy needed) and fly back on Monday..,

  • morning all:  Moon has been spectacularly bright.

    WendyB: Say Hallo to Bath for me.

    OG: Will be interested to hear what the war-time menu will include. I remember ours as including lots of potatoes and cabbage.

  • Hello all

    ANNETTE I wasn't there at the time, born at the end of the war but have heard many tales about Woolton Pie. I remember my Mum making what she called Mock Cream from cornflour YUK. I too, wonder what OG will have learnt, LOL. I don't think that any of the recipes will be making an appearance on her dining table. I also remember being told about parsnips being used, with some kind of essence, to mimic bananas.

    I had to walk to town and back twice today because my supposedly 'smart' phone died yesterday. It is less than a year old. I went to the EE shop and after waiting ages to be served ( a lady just as old and -ahem -just as stupid as me occupied the sole assistant for thirty minutes) Anyway, the assistant took my phone and said that she would attempt to charge it and could I return after lunch? So I did only to be told that she suspected a battery failure and it would have to be sent for repair and by the way she could give me a cheap upgrade to a new phone. You get the gist. I refused all offers, checked my phone was under warranty and so off it has gone to THE REPAIR SHOP. They have given me a phone to use while mine is away in the phone hospital.

    So now at home and just made carrot and coriander soup which is simmering gently. (not for Mr Fussy Pants, of course).

    WENDY - Haste ye back to the Highlands, its dry here! Seriously, have a lovely time in Bath, such a beautiful city and quite close to Bristol and all the shops---

    ANNETTE - I forgot to say, my brother lives in central Brittany. The summers there can get very hot by our standards in the Highlands. His other home is on the coast in Devon so although it can be warm, is usually cooler by a few degrees.

    Family on Florida vacation will, I think, get quite wet this week! Daughter in law says that the thunderstorm was bigger than anything they have experienced before in Shropshire. The thunder was making the light fittings shake and the floors vibrate. Surely not? Surely she was exaggerating?!!

    ALAN - A friend of mine has stripy nocturnal visitors to her garden. She leaves food out for them and managed to get a pic the night before last which she posted on FB.

    Hi to LYNETTE,DIANE,BRENDA,LINDY, AQ and everyone else that I've missed. Hope that RITA is OK, also GEORGE. Not forgetting MARGO who sees her consultant tomorrow.

  • Heather: I was only "there" for the last few years of the war, but I suspect the menus survived - at least in our house - for quite a while after.   Re bad Florida storms: Maybe cheap fixtures/construction?  :-)   I remember your bro lived south of you in the UK, but forgot it was Devon. I shouldn't be surprised at warm temps in central Brittany given that just over the hill here they can been a good 10 degrees warmer.  Good luck with smart phone (they have to be ultra smart for - ahem - stupid customers). :-))