Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 23 August 2015

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  • Went to nearby town this morning to do several small errands. Took a necklace back to M&S which I tried with my wedding outfit, then decided on another. Bought a summer skirt at bargain price! Got new battery put into my OHs watch: its annoying that you can't do it yourself but have to get a jeweller to take the back off to fit one. Meanwhile my OH bought glue & other unexciting items, and came to drag me out of M&S before I spent any more money!!
  • Heather - how nice to be able to share in your family's holiday like that! I did see some pics of my family on FB, which was a treat. Perhaps it was a good thing that Sheana was resting, to give you a break. Sorry you're having family dramas, but you're right, there is generally something going on at any one time, in any large family. (Hope your middle daughter feels improved soon).
  • At last legal action to be taken against Natural England



    Brian May’s Save Me Trust to Challenge Lawfulness of Badger Cull Licences

    "Lawyers instructed by the Save Me Trust have today written to the Chief Executive and the Chief Legal Advisor of Natural England warning them that if any licences to cull badgers are either activated in Gloucestershire and Somerset or any new licences granted for this purpose anywhere, then the lawfulness of the decisions to do so will be challenged by a Judicial Review in the High Court. To continue the culling of badgers is unlawful as it does not rationally serve the statutory purpose which permits the killing of badgers only to achieve the aim of preventing the spread of disease. Additionally there has been a fundamental failure in the consultation process, a logically flawed approach in calculating badger numbers and a failure in Gloucestershire in any event to meet its minimum targets in 2013 and 2014."

    Anne Brummer 

    CEO. Save Me Trust "

  • Clare: Certainly not your responsibility to report on the LG birds for those of us who aren't au courant with the nest! :-)

  • Good night, all - I was at Minsmere today and I'm there again tomorrow!  Lovely jubbly.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ - glad to see you managed your trip.

    Lovely Annette, you should enjoy it.

    It is sad about the air crash and I think I heard that they were implementing new guidelines immediately whilst looking into things.  To me they should be away from built up areas like over the sea or at least in wide green areas away from domestic buildings. Lets hope lessons will be learned.

  • Talking of putting batteries in watches Lindy, we have a market stall in Northampton that I go to and they take out the old and put a new one in for you, all quite reasonable.

    HeatherB - sorry to hear you are still having family problems , but as you say life isn't always roses. Glad to see that you are able to see what your son and family are getting up to in Florida.

    Hi to everybody - had a lovely day today, chilling and a fish and chip supper with wine in the evening. Son and d-I-l came over in the evening to wish Happy Birthday to OH and happy WA to us both.   They are off to Lublin in Poland for her dau's second wedding at the weekend so should be a lot of fun.

  • Evening all:

    Heather: A mixed bag of happenings on your side of the world; do hope things resolve with minimal distress. Hope the family is enjoying Florida.

    Clare:  It's good to hear you sound so happy. :-)

    Lynette: Really does sound like a lovely day.

    Margo: Best thoughts to you with huge hugs winging their way to you.

    Great yoga class today. OI dusted all the bits and bobs this afternoon. OH says he'll do the honors with the vacuum cleaner tomorrow (and - very exciting! - he's started sorting through boxes full of old records).

  • Good Morning, All. Had to sign in today, which is unusual, plus I keep getting the "error" message, so hope this posts. Lynette- good to hear that you enjoyed your Anniversary feast & glass of wine. I adore Fish & Chips :-)
  • Clare - Expect you're off, already, but hope you enjoy your day at Minsmere! And it's not bad weather!
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