Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 23 August 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

I missed a few days last week. I've read all your posts, but I won't try to reply except to wish everyone well.


Some large animal has been hunting on my deck before dawn (about 5:00 am). It lands on the deck with a big thud. It's either jumping down from the tree limb over the deck or jumping up from the top step. I can hear it chase fairly large prey (probably raccoons). If it's coming out of the tree, it could be a bobcat! I have deer staying in my backyard along the creek, and a pair of bobcats could have moved in to predate the fawns. I've read that bobcat numbers are increasing a lot in this region. I'm not afraid of them; they aren't a threat to me. I hope I get to see whatever it is!


I happened across the webpages of a couple of photographers whose work just makes me happy when I look through their galleries, so I thought I'd share their sites.

The first photographer is Michael Shainblum, who photographs gorgeous landscapes and seascapes (especially with the Milky Way in the background). Here's his website (click on "Photography") and his Facebook page.

The second is George Karbus, who lives and works on the west coast of Ireland (but also takes photos all over the world). He focuses on coastal and marine photography. Here's his website (click on "Gallery") and his Facebook page.


I hope you all have a wonderful week!

  • Checked my emails and found one from The Lottery - took me ages to get onto our Account with them (Password? - Username?) to find that it's the huge sum of 25pounds. Don't think it'll change my life much!
  • Spent half the morning lugging our old fridge out of the garage and plugging in the new (2nd hand) fridge/freezer. My OH took said fridge to The Tip then we got changed to go to his sisters birthday party, held in a restaurant. We drank Bucks Fizz, dined on Chicken Melts and mini burgers, drank some wine, then ate some birthday cake. Came home desperate for a cup of tea! (There were other foods on offer, such as deep fried prawns which we didn't have). Found that the new freezer had already reached a chilly minus 18, so now I'm transferring food to that, too. My OH will be lugging the freezer to the Tip tomorrow. Don't fancy much to eat tonight!
  • Unknown said:

    Area required to supply all our, as in world's solar energy. So why aren't we?

    I so agree, Alan.  This year we have generated so well with our domestic panels, and that is Scotland, UK.  I have been suggesting a great brown field site for a fully automated adjustable solar array - just up the road from us - on the site of the old Chapelcross power station, so already equipped with links to the grid!  But generating nearer the equator might be more efficient due to the more regular day-lengths.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks for starting the week, Diane. I haven't had chance to look at your links, to the photographs. I will, though.

    Congrats Linda on winning £25. It will pay for your ticket, at least :-)) Also, well done on finding a ' new' fridge / freezer. It sounds a very good buy.
    When your OH and yourself set your mind to a job, you certainly move fast. Today sounds like a very busy day for you both, and your OH has already been to the tip. You also managed to fit in a birthday lunch.

    I was greatly disappointed in the Dyfi item on Country file. The day they were filming was a very active day on the nest, which they filmed,  and they showed old film of Glesni with her eggs,  followed by a glimpse of Monty and the fledged chicks. I know the point of the film was to show the progress of osprey and kites in Wales, but it was so short and wasn't worth the wait.

    Not sure what we will do tomorrow as we have heavy rain warning, after a very hot day yesterday.  We cleaned all the house and changed / washed the bedding. Up to date with the ironing, but won't be able to do any gardening. 

    Such a shame to see the plane crash at Shoreham. The A27 is such a busy road. We have used it many times. 

  • Hello all.

    Annette - the first programme was terrific and they are coming from Monterey Bay all this week with another live programme and possible live dive on Thursday.   The humpbacks didn't disappoint showing up on the first programme and we saw the sea otters, dolphins and many more marine life with I am sure much more to come. Fascinating and the presenters were so enthusiastic too.

    Well celebrating quietly tomorrow for OH's birthday and our WA with what I really fancy - a Fish and Chips supper with a bottle of wine.   Went out on Friday evening and had a nice meal at a local pub as part FD/OH's birthday celebration.

    Brenda - I know what you mean about the Dyfi project on the TV, quite short but at least they mentioned it and the red kites too.

    Hi to Lindy and Alan, and Diane for starting us off -forgot to mention that first.

    Also I gather congratulations are in order for Helen, Clare's dau.  Well done.

  • Evening all:

    Lindybird: So you're taking us all out for a drink to celebrate your big win?  :-)  Mini burgers are big here right now - they're call sliders (for some odd reason).

    Alan: Stopped by our neighbor's house this morning - they just had solar panels installed and we've been thinking about it.  The Feds are giving a tax credit that expires December 16, unless it's reinstated.

    OG: We saw the video of that plane crash - just terrible for all who saw it but, of course, especially the poor people backed up on that highway just sitting in their cars.....

    Big hugs to Margo and hope everyone else has a good Monday.

  • I did manage my bus trip, saw 2 pastoralists’ houses built 1800s, photo-ed a few more churches, stood up every ½ hour on bus, got on and off bus 12 times during the day and spent the ¾ hour lunch stop wandering slowly up and down main street of Crystal Brook. Almost everything closed, except the collectibles shop which had some interesting books that found themselves collected LOL. OH’s cough better but still deaf, needs to continue drops .I’m somewhat tired this morn, back feels sore, but not bad enough to get out of nanny duty. At least today I’m not required until 1 pm. Woohoo only 5 hours.

  • Lynette:  My sister in the UK was going to watch the program too. I'm going to check out the BBC website.  

    AQ: Oh good; glad you survived the outing without too much discomfort. Here's to shorter nanny-duty hours!

  • Lynette: Big Blue Live will be be showing here starting August 31!

  • Good Morning All. Woke up coughing, as I often do following having had Hay Fever, when it becomes damp in the air. Hoping I don't wheeze too much today. AQ - You do sound rather like Walking Wounded, I'm glad you're on a short Nanny Day this time & I hope it all goes well.