Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 23 August 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

I missed a few days last week. I've read all your posts, but I won't try to reply except to wish everyone well.


Some large animal has been hunting on my deck before dawn (about 5:00 am). It lands on the deck with a big thud. It's either jumping down from the tree limb over the deck or jumping up from the top step. I can hear it chase fairly large prey (probably raccoons). If it's coming out of the tree, it could be a bobcat! I have deer staying in my backyard along the creek, and a pair of bobcats could have moved in to predate the fawns. I've read that bobcat numbers are increasing a lot in this region. I'm not afraid of them; they aren't a threat to me. I hope I get to see whatever it is!


I happened across the webpages of a couple of photographers whose work just makes me happy when I look through their galleries, so I thought I'd share their sites.

The first photographer is Michael Shainblum, who photographs gorgeous landscapes and seascapes (especially with the Milky Way in the background). Here's his website (click on "Photography") and his Facebook page.

The second is George Karbus, who lives and works on the west coast of Ireland (but also takes photos all over the world). He focuses on coastal and marine photography. Here's his website (click on "Gallery") and his Facebook page.


I hope you all have a wonderful week!

  • Evening all:  Rather an odd day today.  A good friend of ours celebrated her birthday at a smallish get-together on our local beach. Her two kids hosted a BBQ with beer and wine (I had one glass; OH had none) followed by wonderful chocolate cake and ice cream, but for some reason OH and I came home completely wiped out. The real excitement came when a shark was spotted off the pier; they didn't close the beach, but posted signs almost immediately. That was enough to get the few people in the water onto the sand.

    Diane: Thank you yet again. I do appreciate it. Hope you get to see whatever it is that goes bump in the night on your porch.  I wonder where that photog got the Milky Way pix - I would so love to see it.  In the book I just read about the 33 Chilean miners who were rescued a few years back, the author writes (incidentally) about seeing the Milky Way one night in the Atacama Desert in Chile, apparently one of the best places in the world for astronomical work.  I like Karbus's Cliffs of Moher.  Will look at more of both guys' work later.

    AQ:  Let us know how the bus trip goes.

    Clare: Good for Helen - she must be relieved; hope it gives her more confidence in these kinds of situations.

    Alan:  Way too many of our mentally ill folks end up in jails- not the place for them.  Distressing to see how rich societies treat the most vulnerable while large corporations get huge tax breaks.

    OG: You have been busy, but Christmas?  Eeeek. I'll pretend I didn't read that.  

    dibnlib:  Do hope you can plan more days out. Budapest and Vienna sound wonderful!  I haven't been to either; also like your opera line-up.  That's a very sweet shot of Benson.

    Lynette: Yes, that sounds like my volunteer gig. You should see some lovely scenery (if it's not all underwater).

    Off to bed now.  Have a good Sunday all.

  • Clare: Congrats to Helen. Wonderful!

    Heather: Best wishes to you for a resolution to the issues you and your family are facing.

    AQ: Feel better and enjoy your bus trip.

    Margo: Good to hear from you. Thinking of you!

    Annette: Apparently, shark sightings close to shores are on the increase everywhere. Glad you weren't in the water! That photographer is actually taking pics of the Milky Way, however, he has very advanced astrophotography equipment that extends beyond the naked eye -- then he uses photo editing techniques to enhance color, sharpness, etc., so the Milky Way shows up in his photographs. That's my understanding, anyway. I'd love to see it, too!!!

    More replies to folks later.

  • Good Morning, All. I awoke early today after a rather warm night. I'm sneezing a lot, too, with hayfever which I don't usually get these days. Thanks to Diane for starting us off again on a new week.
  • I'm off to look at Diane's links - they sound interesting. Annette - no accounting for how we can sometimes feel really tired. Clare - Helen's news is just great, Well Done, Helen! I hated exams, too, and sometimes wonder if things could have panned out differently if I had sailed through them, so I do sympathise.
  • We had a packed day yesterday, as we shot off to look at a fridge/freezer in Warrington, some miles away from us. It was a lovely model and in good condition, so we brought it home with us! Good thing that our Son arrived later and was able to help my OH get it out of the car. Now we have to empty the old one and dig it out of the garage, to take to the tip.
  • Good morning, all.  I must confess I preferred exams to relentless coursework and homework - I got bored so easily at school.  I'm very glad I didn't come through the GCSE system.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Don't forget that Dyfi Osprey Project is on Countryfile tonight at 18:00 on BBC 1

  • Thanks, ALAN, have set DMR to watch later.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all: Nice chat with sister in UK just now; hosing off before trip to Farmers Market.

    Lindybird: Congrats on the new fridge/freezer.

  • Area required to supply all our, as in world's solar energy. So why aren't we?