Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 16 August 2015


Last week's chat thread is here.

Hi, all. I just thought I'd start the new thread since Annette has been busy with family/friends and is probably tired.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Not long before autumn now.

  • Hope that where ever DIANE is, she is finding nature soothing and enjoying her birthday. Attached is for you, Diane, on your return:
  • HeatherB - that's what we noticed about the courses when eating out once in France.  I tend to stick to what I know best, eating and drinking most things but never inbetween meals. No salt added at table only in cooking. We do reasonably well.

    OG - mine should install tomorrow evening (which I have scheduled it for) so I will have fun and games after that.  I did read that you said to customize settings or something to that effect.  What is MS Surface? -ignorant on a lot of the jargon.

    LMac - lovely pic of your dog enjoying an ice cream.

    Just seen that Diane's birthday is coming up - Happy Birthday Diane.

  • Evening all:  Off to pick up new fountain pump tomorrow from place where we got the fountain.  I bet the birds are wondering where their bathtub went. Watched a dove sit on the side of the empty fountain and poop in it!  Didn't realize they were using it as a toilet.

    Diane: I see OG is true to form. Do hope you're celebrating in a rewarding and fulfilling way.  Hugs to you.

    Lmac: Oh dear, sorry about the loss of MiL's special item, also that you missed ice cream and summer!  That warm chocolate doesn't stay warm - it immediately forms a hard shell around the ice cream, but it's tricky when you crack the shell - then it's a bit like an avalanche.  Interesting that red wine was served with all food during your French holiday.  We have Rose here too, but it's too sweet for me.

    Limpy: Great shot there.

    Sheila: Hallo to you!

    OG: Interesting how Devil's Porridge got it's name.  See above re need for new pump (no sign of missing part), but no biggie - this pump is way past its warranty expiration.  Thank heaven for YouTube: OH and I hit a stumbling block at one point. He went off to sit on the throne (!!) while I Googled the problem. He emerged with the answer just by thinking about it; I had to have it demonstrated in a video.  :-)  Thanks AGAIN for yet another birthday reminder.

    Lindybird: Do hope OH does better tomorrow and can take it easy without fretting about the "to do" list. Oh yes, I'm familiar with "inexplicable" weight gain!  I encountered it when G-daughter and Ms D were here and we snacked on cheese and crackers before dinner, then finished off with ice cream and brownies. :-)  I use Olive and Canola Oil, but am guilty of adding butter to some sautees. I took a cooking class a few years ago and remember the teacher always remarking that "Butter is better."  :-)   That's a cute card for Diane.

    Brenda: Sounds like a busy cut nice day in your neighborhood.

    Lynette: It is weird when they fix a computer by remote access. Very odd to see cursors zipping about the screen when you're just sitting there.  I had someone in India doing it when this laptop was new - all those miles away.

    AQ; Hope you guys are doing better.  Did you ever buy that kettle?

  • Good Morning, Everyone. Woke early so now I have a good start on the day. My OH has resisted being sick, and has just now announced that he's feeling lots better: hope that's not just because it's a Golf Day!!
  • ps - I feel alright, somewhat to my relief, as I often catch those kinds of bugs easily, if it was a bug. Started taking my little bp pill yesterday so will see how I go with that - Doc wants to see me again in 3 weeks to see how I am. (Only 4 weeks now to our family wedding, eeek!)
  • Great news Lindy hope that your rude health continues throughout the day for you both. Ps. Summer is back this morning in Scotland - its positively roasting :)

  • Dear All

    Thank you so much for always thinking of me in your posts, good to have your constant support. Life is very tough just now, finding it so difficult to be positive about anything at the moment. Internet and phone line sorted out earlier this week but the leak will nit be fixed for another week. They class it as a minor leak unfortunately. The first date they gave me was 1 September which is the date of next consultant visit. After many phone calls and complaining about the delay it was moved to 27 August. It might be minor to them but hall carpet has been disposed off. My real worry is that it may be iunder the bathroom or toilet floors. I feel as though I am in a living nightmare.

    AQ sorry to read you and OH have been poorly, wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Lindybird sorry to read about your BP problem hope the medication will do the trick. Also hope your OH is well enough to o play golf. Good news about his check up.

    Sorry I am not replying to all posts but I am so far behind and find it hard to talk about anything positive. 

    Take care all, I am always thinking of you.

    Love Margo xx

  • {{{BIG HUGS}}} for Margo. “Minor leak” indeed. Perhaps the person who delegates work would like to swap houses for a few weeks. Thank you for your good wishes for us.

    I seem to be almost over chest infection. OH is still very deaf, befuddled – it’s like looking after a child – I have to remind him of ABs. Physio put me back to square one with simple exercises + heat + no soft chairs + move often. He said I may be able to do Sunday bus trip but I have to stand up every ½ hour. (Been there done that and I don’t care what the back of the bus people think of me!). Dau had to manage on own today as her m-i-l is sick. Dau rang lunchtime and sounded quite perky. Lets hope rest of day went well.

    One of these days I shall sit here long enough to reply to each and not just lurk. I do read all your posts. It frustrates me that I can’t reply.

  • Thanks Lmac. I feel OK so hope that as my OH says he is now running at 90% he will soon be, too. Having said that, he didn't sit for long after lunch and is now on his back in the bathroom, fixing a tiny leak from the washbasin!
  • MARGO - I've clicked the "like" button on your post, just because it's good to see you posting, but not because you are having such a horrendous time. What a pity you can't just move out until all the work is done. At least you are now back online. We don't for a minute expect you to comment on any of our posts, just come on here for a ramble & a moan if you feel the need! {BIG HUGS} as you are often in my thoughts, and I wish I could pop round and give you a real hug.