Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 16 August 2015


Last week's chat thread is here.

Hi, all. I just thought I'd start the new thread since Annette has been busy with family/friends and is probably tired.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Not long before autumn now.

  • ANNETTE - I don't believe in the 'one size fits all' criteria for healthy eating/drinking. Generally, OH and I eat what we want but neither of us have big appetites. French paradox? Well, we stayed in many French homes when we were involved with Town Twinning. They used real butter in cooking(but didn't eat sandwiches or buttered toast and bread served with meals was not accompanied with butter, it seemed to be there to mop up the sauces). They drank wine with lunch and dinner but in small quantities. Cheese was served as a course before pudding/dessert. but only in small quantities and not with biscuits or butter. Salad was served as a separate course. Dessert was almost always a fruit tart or fresh fruit. Salt was used in cooking but very little, if any, put on their food at the table. So you would often eat three or four courses but all very moderate.

    I noticed that there wasn't anything much consumed between breakfast, lunch and dinner,ie no eating between meals.
  • Dry morning, so busy outside as well as in. Blood tests this afternoon, butcher on the way home, some letters written and now cooking dinner. We are going to an open evening at the Devil’s Porridge museum this evening, promoting the “Pack Up Your Troubles” Festival celebrating the centenary of Gretna and Eastriggs – the two township built to accommodate the workers at the huge 9-mile long munitions Factory created along the border in 1915.

    Lynette – yes, I do have W10 now; took Diane’s security advice, and have no problems. Got it on the PC and the MS Surface, with no problem. As I said yesterday, OH has not managed his upgrade yet.

    AQ – sorry about the back being aggravated by the cough – trouble is with backs, once they start, trouble keeps recurring! I hope the girls will surprise you all on Friday and the appointment will go smoothly – but you must stick to your “no lifting” decision!

    Linda – I hope your “me time” went as planned today!

    Lmac – don’t know where in Scotland you are, to be having summer – we had weather yesterday afternoon from the east and today from the west. But we did get pleasant mornings! Young Tapaidh is a real beauty, even with ice-cream on her face – I love her expression in the second photo!

    Heather – interesting what you say about the diet in French homes. I don’t put butter or spreads on bread or in sandwiches, but am sure I eat too much cheese. Cheese wouldn’t be so tasty if we weren’t meant to enjoy it!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  

    AQ: You mean there are times tables that go beyond 12-times?  Good to set limites on nanny activities; maybe resort to telly for Miss 3 and a swig of sherry for Miss J?  

    Heather:  If we followed the ever-changing dietary guidelines, we'd be switching every time a new finding emerged.  We cut out bread from meals some time back when I realized how much we were eating (slathered in butter)  Yum!  My other downfall is pastries.  Of course, chocolate doesn't count.  Did you know USA really stands for Unlimited Snacks of America? Not allowed in our house, though must say celery sticks get a bit boring...

    Lindybird: Hope today is/was calmer.

    Lmac: Now there's a look of bliss if ever I saw one!  I gather Mr. Whippy is soft-swirled ice cream?  Have you ever tried one of them dipped in warm dark chocolate?  I used to get them all the time when my grandkids were small; we'd stopped at the local Dairy Queen on the way back from the beach.  Hope summer sticks around for a while and that things aren't too hectic.

    OG: Devil's Porridge Museum?  What a wonderful name.

    Took fountain apart yesterday and the pump suddenly came to life!  Turned it off for reassembly and it stopped.  Now I notice a small part of what they call the impeller is missing. I saw it some months back and didn't realize what it was or where it came frome. Suspect it's lurking in the garage so will hunt around in there a bit today.

    Take care all with special hugs for Margo.

  • Oh well sadly summer in the city didn't last. Thanks for your kind comments about Tapaidh she has turned into a little gem, with one or two major exceptions at times. She chewed into a thousand little pieces one of the most treasured items from my late MiL the other day. Hubby was absolutely gutted - we didn't like Tapaidh very much on Monday!!

    Haven't tried the warm chocolate on the ice cream and yes Annette it is soft swirling stuff - being in work I missed both the ice cream and summer.

    We were in France recently and ate just as Heather described. Interestingly, I thought anyway, they don't drink Rose as we British do either, and where I was, Minervois, white is strictly an aperitif with red being their main wine of choice with all food.

    OG hope your blood test visit went fine

  • So who here likes Swallows?

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Lovely Limpy!! Or, "Lovely, Limpy!!". LOL!!
  • Back from the Devil’s Porridge. Link to the Museum site http://www.devilsporridge.org.uk/ . The Devil’s Porridge was an expression coined by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (he of Sherlock Holmes fame) when on a visit he saw the munitions girls stirring the deadly cordite mixture which was used to fill shells. The Scotia Crafters group also opened for the evening their exhibition which is there for one of their regular two week visits.

    Annette – I hope you find and recognise the part for the pump impeller, and that you can refit it!

    Lmac – Tapaidh wouldn’t be a Spaniel pup if she didn’t destroy stuff occasionally, but sorry it was something precious to you and OH on Monday! Regular blood tests are so routine (monthly) and easy when the regular vampire does them – not so some of the nurses – and I don’t take much notice of them now. They are only to check that my meds aren’t killing me!

    Limpy – long time, no see – and what a great Swallow pic!

    I hope that Diane’s hiking and meditating plans are going well – and that the weather is being kind to her! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Diane!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Fantastic photo Limpy is that from your camera.

  • Lovely photo Limpy. They, like our osprey, will be heading south soon.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Lmac - lovely pics of Tapaidh. She has grown! Our spaniel is still busily eating everything she can get her teeth into! Sometimes it's brought me to tears.... But we do love her dearly.