Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 9 August 2015


Last week's chat thread is HERE.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, especially OG and Eagle-Eye, who are on holiday.

I had a wondrous experience on Thursday. Temps had cooled a bit, and it was very windy. I went outdoors, just to check my patch. I saw R. T. Hawk come from the direction of the creek flood plain. He was riding the thermals and soaring around and around. If a bird can look happy, he did.

Shortly, his big pale mate came from the same direction. She, too, was floating gracefully on the thermals. She saw me and stared at me for a minute or so, then she started soaring downward, floating in circles in my direction. She kept watching me and moving closer. I froze and made sure she could see my open hands (so she'd be reassured that I didn't have a gun).

She descended quite close to me, and I thought for a moment that she was going to come to me. I thought about holding my arm out to see whether she'd land, but I was afraid I'd scare her. She never screeched at me, and she wasn't diving aggressively -- just floating above me and looking at me curiously. Finally, she caught a thermal and lifted back up into the sky.

R. T. Hawk had been unconcerned, and he was soaring over the creek. His mate followed in his direction, and then they flew toward the ridge together.

I was very honored to see her so close.


The annual Perseid meteor shower will appear on 11-14 August. The waning crescent moon guarantees dark skies, so the meteors should be dramatic. Folks in the northern hemisphere should see 50 meteors per hour, with a third of that number in the southern hemisphere. Most of the meteors can be viewed in the wee hours before dawn, but you could get lucky and see a beautiful earthgrazer in the earlier part of the night. Info HERE.

NASA government photo
Labelled public domain (copyright free)

  • Good Morning! I'm early because we are off early to travel South. Glad to see that AQ survived her Nanny Day, and that OG has returned home safely & enjoyed a concert. Must go & hose down, before a busy day today: we plan to travel both ways in one day! Looking forward to seeing and holding little Amber.
  • Brenda: you don't say, but I too hope that all went well for your OH.

  • Good morning, all.  Lindy, have a good day and a safe drive.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning Everyone.

    Everything was fine with OH's corneal treatment and new cells keep increasing, but his glaucoma has returned in both eyes, with quite high pressure. He had the glaucoma operations some years ago, so he is now inserting new drops for two months, when we have to return to the hospital. They will try to avoid any further ops. but it may have to be the answer. Fingers crossed.

  • Welcome home, OG. Your concert sounded very good. Pleased you enjoyed it so much.

    AQ, Pleased you survived 'nanny day', but it really must have been so exhausting for you, when you feel so bad.
    Thank you for your trip report and photographs. I have had a quick look at your photographs, but need to look in more detail. You do keep excellent records.

    Diane, I did watch the meteor shower for about half an hour, and I saw only seven. One, of which appeared to be quite large.

    Lynette, Best wishes with your new computer. Sounds as if you have made a good purchase.

    I guess Linda is already on the motorway. The roads were very busy yesterday. It took us over an hour longer to get home, than to get to the hospital. Plenty of holiday traffic.

  • Hello all

    Welcome home, OG!

    AQ - Sorry that you all have 'the cold' as we call it here. I hope that you and OH especially, as important carers, feel better soon xx

    We couldn't see the meteor showers, the usual thing with us, clouds and light pollution:-(

    I have been watching the VJ service from St Martins in the Field. It was so beautifully devised and yes, I was tearful.

    OH has just gone to collect grandson Callum, who is going to do some repair work on our car, with the support of eldest son in law. Said SiL has been a terrific stand in dad for Callum, since his parents parted company.

    BRENDA - I have my fingers crossed, also, for your OH. Its seems cruel to have glaucoma as well as his other sight problems. I'm not particularly au fait with these things, is it in fact unusual?

    I hope that your sciatica is easing off, ANNETTE. It must make gardening, driving, etc very painful.

    Thinking about MARGO and her OH.

  • Just had to share this.  Welsh Lass (Jayne) regularly posts threads full of beautiful photography from her part of the world (south west Cornwall) but I think she's really excelled herself here, especially with the gorgeous swallows!  Check this out.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.